(1) 'Clash at the Summit' Officially Announced, New Movie Promos [6/17]

That's pretty awesome how they actually made a card on par with

(Looks at Dialga and Palkia Legend)


NOOOOOOOOO! Have they lost their minds? That's it, I'm going on eBay and buying a bunch of Stormfront Machamps.
I think machamp is awesome! There needs to be lots of cards with srategy though in this series. D/P legend is the first step.
The Legends seem interesting. Whilst they seem overpowered, I doubt they'll be played much, but we'll see.

The Machamp Prime bothers me, though. Machamp by itself wasn't good enough? Seriously, why do some of these Pokémon get all the good cards when there hasn't even been a decent Venomoth or Parasect yet :( [Black and White won't be increasing their chances either].
I'm glad it's not Flygon or Gardevoir again (although they did do Gengar again, ugh), but still ._.
Usagi said:
(Looks at Dialga and Palkia Legend)


NOOOOOOOOO! Have they lost their minds? That's it, I'm going on eBay and buying a bunch of Stormfront Machamps.

LOL That's exactly what I did when I first saw these translations on another site a few days ago. Just got here yesterday. LOL
viper.fox said:
The stores will give you the jumbo. For example, in 7/11 they actually have a card you take to the counter to make your purchase and they'll give you a pre-packed bag which has the two boosters and the bonus.

Interesting. Thanks for the information. Guess I'll have to pick up some packs when their released now. Hopefully Cainz does this as well.
Yes! Finally some new cards.

PDL sounds epic. Too bad it doesn't do damage!:p But seriuosly, PDL sounds ridiculous. 2 Extra Prize cards? That's sick. Plus the 160 HP, and the unique typing. Since we're getting PDL in our next set, this will be my next deck idea. Totally.

Celebi and Machamp are, alright. Celebi is, blah. 60 Hp, a used up Poke power, (Floatzel UL much?) And it's attack is hefty. 3 energy for 30 damage? It's a good stall card, but that's it.

Machamp is neat. Fighting touch is great for retreating your hefty fighting types, while you get to power up Machamp. Crash Punch is, solid, I guess. Works well with DCE though. Strength Buster sounds interesting. 100 Damage already, with an extra ten. That has potential to do 150 damage! Gallade 4 Lv.X could be an intesting combo.

DRL sounds a loy like Salamence Lv.X. Same pokepower, with a different move. Hefty retreat, especially for two space Pokemon who float around the cosmos all day. Ozone Climax sounds cool, but the two energy discard isn't.

Wrapping it up, PDL is my favorite so far. I absolutely love it. Can't wait for August!
Palkia & Dialga Legend is going to be awesome. I'm probably going to build a deck using it and Heatran Lv.X, discard the two energies with Palkia & Dialga Legend, and get them back with Heatran Lv.X. I actually like Celebi Prime, It's attack makes it take no damage from any evolved Pokemon, and could go great with Meganium Prime/Sceptile Stormfront, attach the extra energy, and move it away, while stalling with Time Circle. Machamp Prime with Donphan Prime could be a great deck. Donphan hurts your bench, and Machamp does more damage for it, and, Machamp can fix Donphan's big retreat cost.

I wish there were translations of the Jumbo cards, especially "Zoroark and Legendary Pokemon", I would like to know the catch for 1000 damage, and I'd like to know what "Zorua and Celebi" says.

The artwork looks really cool, hope to get it somewhere in America, whether it be on Booster Boxes, Posters, Poster Packs, or, if we are EXTREMELY lucky, Booster Packs. Just give it to us!

And since you can't search out Legends using a Card that says, "search your deck for a basic Pokemon," (example: Roseanne's Research) doesn't that mean they're not basic Pokemon, and therefore, Machamp can't use Take Out to K.O. a Legend? Maybe I'm wrong, but that was my understanding.
I just looked up Machamp's exact wording, Machamp does say, "If the defending Pokemon isn't an evolved Pokemon," and Legends aren't evolved Pokemon, so now I'm really confused.
Decmaster said:
Palkia & Dialga Legend is going to be awesome. I'm probably going to build a deck using it and Heatran Lv.X, discard the two energies with Palkia & Dialga Legend, and get them back with Heatran Lv.X. I actually like Celebi Prime, It's attack makes it take no damage from any evolved Pokemon, and could go great with Meganium Prime/Sceptile Stormfront, attach the extra energy, and move it away, while stalling with Time Circle. Machamp Prime with Donphan Prime could be a great deck. Donphan hurts your bench, and Machamp does more damage for it, and, Machamp can fix Donphan's big retreat cost.

I wish there were translations of the Jumbo cards, especially "Zoroark and Legendary Pokemon", I would like to know the catch for 1000 damage, and I'd like to know what "Zorua and Celebi" says.

The artwork looks really cool, hope to get it somewhere in America, whether it be on Booster Boxes, Posters, Poster Packs, or, if we are EXTREMELY lucky, Booster Packs. Just give it to us!

And since you can't search out Legends using a Card that says, "search your deck for a basic Pokemon," (example: Roseanne's Research) doesn't that mean they're not basic Pokemon, and therefore, Machamp can't use Take Out to K.O. a Legend? Maybe I'm wrong, but that was my understanding.
I just looked up Machamp's exact wording, Machamp does say, "If the defending Pokemon isn't an evolved Pokemon," and Legends aren't evolved Pokemon, so now I'm really confused.

u can nock out a leand with take out since it is an unevolved pokemon
i am soooooo playing dialga/palkia legand with heatran
This set almost makes me consider quitting pokemon...
1000 attack and 500 hp? really pokemon co? really? i'm starting to lose my faith in pokemon now, the new gen look's alot like digimon http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090130052209/digimon/images/e/e6/Hagurumon_b.jpg , and in modified... oh wait i play unlimited so no worry's there. cya
varit said:
1000 attack and 500 hp? really pokemon co? really? i'm starting to lose my faith in pokemon now, the new gen look's alot like digimon http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090130052209/digimon/images/e/e6/Hagurumon_b.jpg , and in modified... oh wait i play unlimited so no worry's there. cya

It's a jumbo card... It's not playable...:rolleyes:

WPM said:
in addition to artwork for Palkia & Dialga LEGEND, which will be in our HS - Undaunted set

The press release for Undaunted only stated Rayquaza&Deoxys LEGEND and Groudon&Kyogre LEGEND as the LEGENDS for Undaunted, so Dialga&Palkia LEGEND won't be in Undaunted...