DENTO'S ANIMÉ LOOKS.... terrible... :O

Shimama-man said:DENTO'S ANIMÉ LOOKS.... terrible... :O
rockinpikachu said:I was right! here go to this page and look at what shuckle learns at level 48!
I was right the whole time.
Victini said:I was Hoping For More Electric Types.![]()
your fake (annoying) leak was better than this crud.
Playerking95 said:Dento looks like he should be in a comic book about a kid solving crimes and he has a white dog. Get the reference?
Look at the caption beside Dento. It's says "10 ページ". I'm not sure on the Kanji and stuff....Playerking95 said:Hey i don't mention the big bang theory a lot, but no his eyes and eyebrows in the anime remind me of tin tin. That's page 18.
Playerking95 said:Hey i don't mention the big bang theory a lot, but no his eyes and eyebrows in the anime remind me of tin tin. That's page 18.
rockinpikachu said:Nobody runs Shuckle with power trick >.> Even with the attack boost, Shuckle can't sweep and will be OHKO'd due to the loss of Def. There are so many Physical Sweepers it would be pointless.
TheDarkLucario said:did u read my strategy!
here it is again.
shuckle uses power trick. shuckle survives due too sturdy. minezumi uses you first and shuckle attacks with about 500 attack power!
rockinpikachu said:Yes i know but even they should know this aired on oha suta! We didn't get 1 new pokemon from corocoro!