I just thought of a way to narrow it down to what the possibilities of the new game would be. Since they said GAME, we know it's going to be one. What I did was looked at all of the games released and separated those that came out in doubles and those that game out in singles.
Double Games:
New Region Games (Red|Blue, Gold|Silver, Ruby|Sapphire, Diamond|Pearl, Black|White)
Remakes (Fire Red|Leaf Green, Heart Gold|Soul Silver)
Mystery Dungeon (Red Rescue Team|Blue Rescue Team, Explorer of Darkness|Explorer of Time)
Single Games:
Spin-Offs (Every game that was for a different system and anything that had nothing to do with a main game)
Ranger (Original, Shadows of Almia, Guardian Signs)
3rd Counterpart to Double Games (Yellow, Crystal, Emerald, Platinum, Explorer of Sky)
Just by doing this you can rule out any tittle in the double game section. So my thoughts are either another spin-off, a Ranger game, or the 3rd part to B|W.
P.S. This is just a THOUGHT of possibilities
