(1) 'CoroCoro' Reveals Mega Pokemon and Three Kalos Pokemon [8/8]

Kitana Coldfire said:
Now to the hot-button subject: Personally, the only thing that irks me about Megaloutions is the fact Mawile and Absol really could use concrete evos instead (Absol looks pretty cool with those 'wings', though). Otherwise, meh. I won't be using them. I don't do competitive battling, so this obviously isn't for me. The only way they'd get my panties in a bunch is if they took up the vast majority of the new dex, rather than being a minority behind new Pokemon and evos.
I agree completely, although they might of added this mega form thing that way they could add new forms (kind of like evolutions) to old pokemon without the need of adding an entirely new pokemon to the pokedex. If that is true than there will be a lot of new original designs. As for absol and mawile. I agree. This reveal really makes me sad. I wanted them to have evolutions. Though I love the way they both look. and is it possible absol will be dark/fairy with his new form?
MegaGyarados? Water/Dragon? MegaCharizard? Fire/Dragon? Oh the possibilities!

In general, however, I think it's a not needed move by GF..
A thought that occurred to me right now..

maybe they were contemplating the idea of reimagining some of the more older pokemon, but there simply was no way that would have ended well if they replaced the original designs.
So they went for this instead.

Like perhaps they wanted to do more with Ampharos back then already, but GS sprite size was too limiting, whereas now they got polygons with lots of plain areas turning very visible due to being 3d.

Gr8Ampharos said:
UPDATE: My sanity begins to come back to me, I think I am adjusting to the new formes, it'll take some time, but I guess I can deal with it....\
So if Blaziken gets an Ultimate Form doesn't that mean that the other starters should? Logistically speaking I guess yes but if it were up to popularity probably not. Thoughts?

You don't expect them to rveal 18 Mega starters on this occasion, right? They picked Blaziken because we haven't seen him for a while and Fire starters always see to be popular.

They intentionally picked very different examples to show the concept is applicable to very different stuff from legendaries to starters and weak 1 stagers.
I really like the new pokemon that were revealed. The gogoat pre evo looks better than I thought it would, the rabbit is cool and may be our regional rodent, and the pikaclone is also pretty cool. Mega evolutions however, seem a little strange to me, but logical if you think about it. I'll just have to get used to them.
SunRiver said:
MegaGyarados? Water/Dragon? MegaCharizard? Fire/Dragon? Oh the possibilities!

In general, however, I think it's a not needed move by GF..

Yeah, I was thinking pokémon that "needs" another type could benefit from the "mega" concept.

Like for example:

MegaLuxray Electric/Dark
MegaVolbeat Bug/Electric or Bug/Fire


Ok, I need to stop speculating. :c
Kitana Coldfire said:
Liking the new Pokemon so far. Glad to see another bunny, even though it's likely destined to be the next Bidoof. Heck, I have a severe goat phobia, and that Gogoat pre-evo is adorable to me.

Now to the hot-button subject: Personally, the only thing that irks me about Megaloutions is the fact Mawile and Absol really could use concrete evos instead (Absol looks pretty cool with those 'wings', though). Otherwise, meh. I won't be using them. I don't do competitive battling, so this obviously isn't for me. The only way they'd get my panties in a bunch is if they took up the vast majority of the new dex, rather than being a minority behind new Pokemon and evos.

Oh, and to whomever was getting miffed about the new Electric rodent being part fairy, that isn't very surprising. All the generational electric rodents except Emolga are part of the fairy egg group, might as well have one with an ACTUAL fairy typing to make it official.

For Mawile, I fully expected an actual evolution, but I think they're justified in doing this for Absol, since its Attack stat was already monstrous. I'm guessing they may redistribute some of its stats into Speed, since its fairly slow for such a sleek-looking four-legged Pokemon.

With Magic Bounce, it seems like MegaAbsol could be a Dark, Physical attacking version of Espeon if MegaAbsol's speed is improved. :p
Mitja said:
You don't expect them to rveal 18 Mega starters on this occasion, right? They picked Blaziken because we haven't seen him for a while and Fire starters always see to be popular.

They intentionally picked very different examples to show the concept is applicable to very different stuff from legendaries to starters and weak 1 stagers.

I think we're all just bummed that the one starter the did show is in the "Ubers" tier for competitive play. Blaziken was blessed with the best dream world ability of the starters (arguably, but Chlorophyll Venusaur is situational) and was also showcased as the "Mega" of the starters. Another starter, maybe in 2nd or 4th gen, would better exemplify this. We haven't seen them in a while, either (mega Typhlosion/Feraligatr would look amazing...)
I kind of like the idea that Pokemon have alternate powers where their true power is finally revealed. I read that these forms only occur during battles.. so I wonder how they'll animate that?
Oh and on the question of how widely spread this will be across the 700+ pokemon...

I was thinking at first this might be a gimmicky thing for a few dozen tops, because this would essentially equal inventing another ~100 designs on top of the actual new pokemon.... but I'm starting to think that MOST pokemon will get these. In a way, they also deviate way less from the initial design than real evolutions, so this might not be THAT much more work, and if it was, its not like gamefreak couldnt afford more ppl to work on their games or something.
I also really like the Pikachu-ripoff this Gen. I hated Plusle/Minun, Pachirisu, and Emolga but this new one I really like. I hope it gets an evolution though.
I mostly like this. However, I really hope their stats remained balanced and their base stats don't all increase with their new forms. I'm fine with them boosting a specific stat (or two), while in their new forms, but one of their other stats should drop to balance the change.

Otherwise, hundreds of hundreds of Pokemon will probably never be used again with huge stat disadvantages unless GF actually goes all-out with this and gives Mega forms to everything.
AtmosphericThunder said:
For Mawile, I fully expected an actual evolution, but I think they're justified in doing this for Absol, since its Attack stat was already monstrous. I'm guessing they may redistribute some of its stats into Speed, since its fairly slow for such a sleek-looking four-legged Pokemon.

With Magic Bounce, it seems like MegaAbsol could be a Dark, Physical attacking version of Espeon if MegaAbsol's speed is improved. :p

Precisely what I expect. It's nice that these will be accessed via items rather than moves, likely giving them more versatility. This generation seems to be focused on shaking the metagame to its core, which I don't mind at all in the least. Even though I don't battle competitively, even I know that it's needed some freshness, and Mega formes may very well be the answer. But like I said earlier, for people like myself who prefer to play through the story with a custom team, Megas will likely not be high on my list of interests.

I have a rule against using single-stage Pokemon, because I feel that there's no sense of accomplishment from using them. A Skarmory is going to be strong even at level one, so there's no real challenge using them in story mode. Now that Mega formes are here, I may be slightly more inclined to use Pokemon like Absol and Mawile on restart teams, but without concrete evos, that possibility is still slim. That's just my slightly off-topic opinion, though.
Wailady said:
I mostly like this. However, I really hope their stats remained balanced and their base stats don't all increase with their new forms. I'm fine with them boosting a specific stat (or two), while in their new forms, but one of their other stats should drop to balance the change.

Otherwise, hundreds of hundreds of Pokemon will probably never be used again with huge stat disadvantages unless GF actually goes all-out with this and gives Mega forms to everything.
mega everything? I think not. For most though? I think so. GF may have made dumb mistakes in the passed but I believe the mega pokemon will be balanced. least I hope
They might just give mega forms to pokemon that seem outclassed by others of the same type or similar stat distribution.

Lucario only has 90 base speed, he's outsped by a lot of his biggest threats (Infernape, Gliscor, Volcarona, etc.)

Blaziken is slower and frailer than infernape and isn't as bulky as Emboar, the sole reason he's in ubers is for speed boost any normal blaziken wouldn't last in that tier.

Absol's in the same boat as blaziken

So is Ampharos

Mawile too
Hmmmmm, that Gym leader. Does this mean we will be fighting her Mega accessible Pokemon, and after beating her, she will teach it to us? And more importantly, that sounds like a type of episode for Ash. Ash gets owned, and goes on the learn the secret of Mega Evolution, and his Pokemon get the new power, the first being Pikachu?

I just gotta love these new Mega forms/evolutions. It just seems so awesome to me, and I wonder how many other Pokemon will be getting these power-ups, it would be awesome to see the Starters all reaching Mega along with Blaziken. I JUST CAN'T WAIT FOR OCTOBER ANYMORE!!!!!!! I WANT TO BANKAI MY POKEMON!!!!!! XD

Rusty Sticks said:
Ryan Sinclair said:
Also MegaAmpharos looks absolutely ridiculous. Ampharos in a wig.

He's fabulous. Amphabulous.

Please don't quote large images ^_^ ~ Jay

Also I'm like 90% sure the Blaziken thing is Blazikenite, not Blaziken Knight.

And I have to agree Ampharos is just SO Amphabulous. He was such a boss in my Black 2 team, and now he may be getting a full new raise in power along with my Lucario who is roaming in Platnium right now, and now I REALLY need to get Emerald for my Blaziken.
PyroPokeman said:
I just gotta love these new Mega forms/evolutions. It just seems so awesome to me, and I wonder how many other Pokemon will be getting these power-ups, it would be awesome to see the Starters all reaching Mega along with Blaziken. I JUST CAN'T WAIT FOR OCTOBER ANYMORE!!!!!!!

Rusty Sticks said:
He's fabulous. Amphabulous.

Please don't quote large images ^_^ ~ Jay
Also I'm like 90% sure the Blaziken thing is Blazikenite, not Blaziken Knight.

And I have to agree Ampharos is just SO Amphabulous. He was such a boss in my Black 2 team, and now he may be getting a full new raise in power along with my Lucario who is roaming in Platnium right now, and now I REALLY need to get Emerald for my Blaziken.

Nicknaming my ampharos amphabulous now (or amfabulous to fit)
Edit: ahh crap i forgot to spoiler it, sorry.
While everyone is out arguing about the new mega evoltuions, I'm just sitting here realizing Hirobyte was a little wrong. . . New Mewtwo isn't Psychic / Fairy, and there may not be 2 Mewtwo forms. . .

Just saying. :D
Ok, I'm starting to get used to the idea now and don't hate it as much as I initially did. I guess I took it personally because for me playing Pokemon is about catching ALL the Pokemon and raising ALL of them to lvl 100...I don't care about competitive battling at all but even with in-game training some pokemon are a lot easier to train than others (do you have ANY idea how hard it was to get Luvdisc to lvl 50??) and so when I saw already overpowered Pokemon (IMO) like Blaziken and Lucario get MegaForms, I guess it upset me because I was (and still am) worried that certain Pokemon will get them and certain older Pokemon (Ledian, Ariados, Spinda, Farfetch'd etc) won't and become EVEN LESS RELEVANT and no easier to train...but anyhoo, those are all my hang ups, I love the fact that Ampharos is getting this boost and I really hope he is Electric/Dragon...Also, if the MegaForm can retype Pokemon, I hope we finally get a Water/Psychic Golduck