(1) 'CoroCoro' Reveals Mega Pokemon and Three Kalos Pokemon [8/8]

PyroPokeman said:
Hmmmmm, that Gym leader. Does this mean we will be fighting her Mega accessible Pokemon, and after beating her, she will teach it to us? And more importantly, that sounds like a type of episode for Ash. Ash gets owned, and goes on the learn the secret of Mega Evolution, and his Pokemon get the new power, the first being Pikachu?

I just gotta love these new Mega forms/evolutions. It just seems so awesome to me, and I wonder how many other Pokemon will be getting these power-ups, it would be awesome to see the Starters all reaching Mega along with Blaziken. I JUST CAN'T WAIT FOR OCTOBER ANYMORE!!!!!!! I WANT TO BANKAI MY POKEMON!!!!!! XD
This Mega stuff is "perfect" for the anime, namely Pikachu. Pikachu would never evolve into Raichu and now it can change without it being forever. I'm already imagining some episodes about the reveal of this and Pikachu and Ash learning how to deal with and using it. Hey, it might be another one of those episodes where Pikachu gets "possessed" and out of control and ends up turning against Ash.

Edit: crap, I forgot that these megas are only for final evos...Pikachu would need to evolve into Raichu to get one. Unless it turns out that middle stage Pokémon can also achieve this!
I'm really starting to like the Mega's, but I still want some older Pokemon to get actual evolutions. Since legendaries aren't safe from mega evolutions, I wonder what other legendaries will get blessed with a mega evolution.
Leaf_Ranger said:
This Mega stuff is "perfect" for the anime, namely Pikachu. Pikachu would never evolve into Raichu and now it can change without it being forever. I'm already imagining some episodes about the reveal of this and Pikachu and Ash learning how to deal with and using it. Hey, it might be another one of those episodes where Pikachu gets "possessed" and out of control and ends up turning against Ash.

Hmm that would make an awesome storyline for the X/Y anime.
RE: [split] Huge scoop in CoroCoro in August!

Leaf_Ranger said:
but forms have only appeared in Gen IV

Forms have been here since gen 2 (Unown) and actual form changing since gen 3 (Deoxys).
TheRoyalXerneas said:
I'm really starting to like the Mega's, but I still want some older Pokemon to get actual evolutions. Since legendaries aren't safe from mega evolutions, I wonder what other legendaries will get blessed with a mega evolution.

All but the 1s that can already change form, and the 1s who don't have a form change are likely to get Megafied.

If we all thought Groudon was big and powerful, just think of how he would look with a Mega evolution??

Chandelure said:
SuperHyperKirliafan89 said:
Temporary it seems.

But i want to see Fabio's(mega-ampharos) Glorious head of hair on a stat screen :(

Same here, I'm hoping the Ralts family get Megaforms too (SSJ Gardevoir and Gallade here I come.) :D
Sky Pillar said:
Metalizard said:
That's the only thing that's bugging me, why is Mega Ampharos Electric/Dragon? Just because of -ryuu in its Japanese name? Really? Looks like another Altaria or Kingdra...

That's what I hate about GF, their idea of what qualifies as a dragon is weird... like really, a sheep and a bird can turn into a dragon but not charmander. I understand Altaria's based on a Peng but still...

There is also a difference between GFs idea of what qualifies as a dragon and what qualifies as a Dragon type.
"It doesn't look like a dragon" is less of an issue for the type than the egg-group for example (otherwise they'd both be made up of the same pokemon).

Its much harder to pin down what makes a Dragon type

I think of words like:
-mythic/majestic (the change from Seadra to Kingdra captures this the best imo)
-epic (dimension trio prime example)
-destructive/anger (Haxorus, Salamence, Druddigon...)
-element-proof (Lati@s, Dragonair)
-brute side of supernatural (Hydreigon)
-loving warmth / fearing cold (not really a visual feature)

while it seems that some prominent features about dragons are left out for it as a type:
-firebreathing (due to Fire being a full type on its own)
-winged (due to Flying being a full type on its own)
Mitja said:
Sky Pillar said:
That's what I hate about GF, their idea of what qualifies as a dragon is weird... like really, a sheep and a bird can turn into a dragon but not charmander. I understand Altaria's based on a Peng but still...

There is also a difference between GFs idea of what qualifies as a dragon and what qualifies as a Dragon type.
"It doesn't look like a dragon" is less of an issue for the type than the egg-group for example (otherwise they'd both be made up of the same pokemon).

Its much harder to pin down what makes a Dragon type

I think of words like:
-mythic/majestic (the change from Seadra to Kingdra captures this the best imo)
-epic (dimension trio prime example)
-destructive/anger (Haxorus, Salamence, Druddigon...)
-element-proof (Lati@s, Dragonair)
-brute side of supernatural (Hydreigon)
-loving warmth / fearing cold (not really a visual feature)

while it seems that some prominent features about dragons are left out for it as a type:
-firebreathing (due to Fire being a full type on its own)
-winged (due to Flying being a full type on its own)
I understand that, my main issue is why limit the types name to dragon when it could have been a lot more general like Mythic-type. Just my own little pet-peeve.
Metalizard said:
That's the only thing that's bugging me, why is Mega Ampharos Electric/Dragon? Just because of -ryuu in its Japanese name? Really? Looks like another Altaria or Kingdra...

Considering Altaria and Kingdra are my favorite two dragon-types, a wonderful addition of Ampharos would be great for me. I'm not a fan of dragon-types, but those that stand out (like the aforementioned ones) really get my attention. Sorry, but I'd rather have a Dragon-type Ampharos than another generic Dragon-type sweeper [Dragonite, Salamence, Garchomp, Haxorus (lesser extent of Flygon), I'm looking at you]. At least they're making a variety of dragon-types, not just powerhouse Pokemon.
Mega Lucario is the most overdesigned thing ever.
It's so hilariously bad...
Here's hoping everything else has minor changes to make it look more threatening and/or majestic instead of colors and streams of everything everywhere to make it look like it just came out of the party store.
Hopefully the Megas transform using a held item instead of a move; I am not wasting a turn to achieve epicness. Also I hope the pokedex is like gen 5 where it showed all the forms and stuff that way I can admire the in game models :D
And speaking of the anime, ash will most likely lose the Kalos league to someone with Mega evolved Pokemon....I can see it already...
don()shinobi said:
Mega Lucario is the most overdesigned thing ever.
It's so hilariously bad...
Here's hoping everything else has minor changes to make it look more threatening and/or majestic instead of colors and streams of everything everywhere to make it look like it just came out of the party store.

I completely agree. That's why I'm confused when people complain about the GLORIOUS BEAUTY THAT IS MEGAAMPHORUS HOLLA AT MY BOI.
sorry bout that.
Anyway I love how they built on the design but not too much. It was believable because he is based on a sheep and it goes off of his wool growing representing power and experience. Lucario is just like "What up y'all im pimp masta Luc and y'all gone be my bi*ches even though i look hella ridic."
don()shinobi said:
Mega Lucario is the most overdesigned thing ever.
It's so hilariously bad...
Here's hoping everything else has minor changes to make it look more threatening and/or majestic instead of colors and streams of everything everywhere to make it look like it just came out of the party store.
Mega-Lucario is overdesigned. but I think the hilarity is reserved for Fabio-Ampharos
I'm not too big a fan of lucario, mega or not so my opinion on him isn't worth mentioning. Though he does look pretty cool I guess.

MegaBlaziken looks meh, Blaziken's tied with Rayquaza for my favorite pokemon... but as time goes on I lose more interest in him. The mega form looks decent but I hate how he cut his feathers, those should have stayed long if not longer.

MegaAbsol is kind of cool, I would have prefered an evo rather than a form

MegaMawile is cool too, but an evolution was much more ideal

MegaAmpharos looks silly to me, but I'm not gonna bash it

I hate MegaMewtwo
Chandelure said:
don()shinobi said:
Mega Lucario is the most overdesigned thing ever.
It's so hilariously bad...
Here's hoping everything else has minor changes to make it look more threatening and/or majestic instead of colors and streams of everything everywhere to make it look like it just came out of the party store.
Mega-Lucario is overdesigned. but I think the hilarity is reserved for Fabio-Ampharos

I beg to differ. Fabio-Ampharos is just 2cool4school
So they weren't kidding when they previously announced that this upcoming news will be the largest of all. How rEVOLUTIONary! harharhar, classic pun Thursday.

Any who, I'm actually digging the concept. Being a strong supporter of the Pokemon Franchise ever since they first started, I found this to be one of the most interesting. I honestly love the concept, but it's just disappointing to see the Pokemon with potential for greater evolutions in the near future (i.e. Mawile and Absol).
I feel that each region there is the typical useless rodent and the pikachu look alike but this electric mouse looks a lot like pikachu in my opinion. The mega evolution looks cool but I don't like that they made a starter have one... If they make charizard one... I will be sad:( he is cool as he is.

Also... Ampharos looks like he got a mullet. And lucario looks like giratina had a child with a lucario...
I'm reluctantly behind this idea. It's something that could go horribly wrong, but so far I think they look cool! Mega Absol is probably the best design, in terms of subverting what we previously knew about that Pokémon, but Amphabio is my favorite. Because I'm a dork. Also, because Electric/Dragon is just plain cool (albeit inexplicable). Personally, I'm hoping that Mega Blaziken is a sign that there could be a Mega Typhlosion too. If there is, and if it doesn't look dumb, AND if it doesn't gain Fighting, I'll be a happy girl!

I don't understand the idea that Mega Lucario is "overdesigned", by the way. I guess it looks sort of complicated from far away, but up close it's really not. It's basically just Lucario, with more explicit dreadlocks, a different fur pattern, and a bushier tail. I actually think it looks cool, aside from the fact that it appears to be wearing a soda can tab as an earring.

My biggest problem with the mechanic is calling them "evolutions" when none of these actually feel like evolutions (save for Mega Mawile, with its second jaw). If anything, they remind me more of the old Lv.X mechanic from the TCG. Well, if Lv.X Pokémon had physical changes too.

I don't really have a lot to say about the new Pokémon, because they're all kind of lame. We already know Meikuru looks cooler after it evolves, so with any luck so will Horubii and Really Fat Gerbil-Style Raichu.