(1) 'CoroCoro' Reveals Mega Pokemon and Three Kalos Pokemon [8/8]

I always had a feeling that Game Freak would eventually run out of ideas for new Pokemon designs but to pull a Digimon by making Pokemon like Blaziken, Lucario, Ampharos, Mawile, and Absol by having them "digivolve"? Might as well start calling Pokemon as Digimon for now on since that's what they've become in Gen VI.

They officially jumped the shark with the Pokemon franchise with this. This is just devastating, there was absolutely no reason for this at all. I probably wouldn't be surprised If the creators of Digimon filed a lawsuit against Game Freak for directly copying their work no matter how much they're sugarcoating it.
don()shinobi said:
Mega Lucario is the most overdesigned thing ever.
It's so hilariously bad...
Here's hoping everything else has minor changes to make it look more threatening and/or majestic instead of colors and streams of everything everywhere to make it look like it just came out of the party store.

While I like Lucario the most, I agree that every single one is super overdesigned. Maybe even more overdesigned then Kyurem and it's forms!?
Card Slinger J said:
I always had a feeling that Game Freak would eventually run out of ideas for new Pokemon designs but to pull a Digimon by making Pokemon like Blaziken, Lucario, Ampharos, Mawile, and Absol by having them "digivolve"? Might as well start calling Pokemon as Digimon for now on since that's what they've become in Gen VI.

They officially jumped the shark with the Pokemon franchise with this. This is just devastating, there was absolutely no reason for this at all. I probably wouldn't be surprised If the creators of Digimon filed a lawsuit against Game Freak for directly copying their work no matter how much they're sugarcoating it.

Thats a bit much even for criticism. Digimon has no right to sue GameFreak over something so vaguely similar to their concept. The methods are completely different from what I understand, the only thing thats similar is that they have different forms that are interchangeable. Thats like comparing Minecraft to Cube World, Call of Duty to Counter Strike, you get the picture. Each thing has similar concepts and designs but if you look closely its completely different. Sure the idea might be Digimon-LIKE, and it might remind people of Digimon, but its not enough to call it Digimon or for them to file some crazy lawsuit they would never win.
What does bother me though is that the new gerbil Pokemon looks so much like Raichus long lost preform it ain't even funny. ._. Its cute and all but come on. They could have picked a better color scheme at least.

The plot of the story makes sense now. I mean team Flare wants money so the are going to steal the papers on how to make pokemon mega evolve, while you try to stop them and become the pokemon master. In the end they will give the papers to the guy paying them, making all of his pokemon mega evolve you must battle him to stop his evil plans.
What the heck, what the heck, what the heck, what the heck, what the heck--

Calling it now: If we ever return to Johto, Amphy will be old-man Ampharos here.

So Absol is a Mega Evolution, does that mean...?
Fletchling said:
The plot of the story makes sense now. I mean team Flare wants money so the are going to steal the papers on how to make pokemon mega evolve, while you try to stop them and become the pokemon master. In the end they will give the papers to the guy paying them, making all of his pokemon mega evolve you must battle him to stop his evil plans.

Well, now we know how these Mega pokémon popped up Team Flare did it.

Chariblaze said:
Calling it now: If we ever return to Johto, Amphy will be old-man Ampharos here.

o_O Amphy is secretly MegaAmpharos in disguise I knew it!!
Really angry about this. Pokemon is going in the wrong direction. The reason their game series has been so successful is that they havn't been changing what isnt broken and just releasing the same content expanded with new gimmicks and graphic upgrades. Adding a 4th evolution will destroy these games. Hell blaiziken is already perma-banned to ubers because of the ability speed boost, and now they make "mega-blaziken"... Anyway as a long time, loyal fan of the series. "ya done goofed" Gamefreak.
I love these mega evolutions! The idea of this seems like they want to change up the games and competitive gameplay for those more complacent fans. This allows us to all experience an all new level of Pokemon. Just imagine if we get a mega-evolved pseudo-legendary!
(Ampharos is definitely using hairography to gain some attention.)
So we could have what Team Flare may be doing...of genetic engineering to push Pokemon beyond their natural evolutionary levels.
Genius715 said:
So we could have what Team Flare may be doing...of genetic engineering to push Pokemon beyond their natural evolutionary levels.

I would actually like this because it would mean this concept is confined to the region that the team working toward it is "at-large" in. Sort of like shadow poke's in Orre region.
Mega evolutions look like a genetic mishap that team flare created like said on the front page but if Mega Amphoros is Electric/Dragon then maybe Mega evolutions could learn new moves when they change form/Evolve like Rotom or keldeo
As much as I absolutely LOVE Mega Absol, I'm a bit disappointed that it isn't Dark/Flying or even Dark/Fairy. I would've loved for him to be Flying because the wings are my favorite part of the design.
Hey guys. I am going to post something I wrote in the previous discussion area.
It would be really awesome, in my opinion, to only allow one megastone per party. Like in a battle, you can only have one of your pokemon evolve into a mega. This adds depth to the gameplay as you won't know which Pokémon has the megastone.

Maybe they will have a quest line for getting each individual Pokemon their Mega-item. Torchic comes with the Blazikenite/Blaziken Knight, but perhaps you have to talk to this new character, Koruni, to find out how to obtain the specific Mega item for each Pokemon. Also, they could involve the whole bonding-with-your-Pokemon mechanic. Maybe the Pokemon who likes you the most is the only one who can use the Mega item. I am not sure, but I believe GF would put limitations on how many/which Pokemon can use the Mega items and become a Mega-lution.

And actually, the more I think about it, the more I think you are correct (in response to Frezgle's comment). I mean, wasn't this new Mewtwo form created in a laboratory as well? Perhaps these alterations are from Team Flare experimenting on making super Pokémon. Black and White introduced the whole Black/White Kyurem thing with that item (forgot its name). It would not be a an off-assumption that this game would deal with alterations as well. For instance, we were talking about that DNA logo being present in the Japanese logo for the game, maybe this is what its all about?

Mega evolutions could be genetic alterations that allow Pokémon to reach their full potential. Perhaps there are two ways of going about it. Team Flare wants to make bank and sell these super Pokémon, and this reminds me of Gold and Silver with the Red Gyarados thing, where they tried to hasten their evolutions. Well Flare may have found a faster, yet terrible way to access Pokémon potential and want to profit off of that, but are terrorizing Pokémon through experimentation, while Koruni shows you how to bond with your Pokémon so they can reach their true potential in a good way.

This could correlate to the ethics of modification and be central to the story line. What is the ethical way to develop, and why is it wrong to force something to change? Perhaps this is why Team Flare is bad. It reminds me of the first two generations of Pokémon because of their motive for money, but a little more serious because they could be modifying and torturing Pokémon to gain that money.
Card Slinger J said:
I always had a feeling that Game Freak would eventually run out of ideas for new Pokemon designs but to pull a Digimon by making Pokemon like Blaziken, Lucario, Ampharos, Mawile, and Absol by having them "digivolve"? Might as well start calling Pokemon as Digimon for now on since that's what they've become in Gen VI.

They officially jumped the shark with the Pokemon franchise with this. This is just devastating, there was absolutely no reason for this at all. I probably wouldn't be surprised If the creators of Digimon filed a lawsuit against Game Freak for directly copying their work no matter how much they're sugarcoating it.

They wouldn't because they aren't ripping off them. Though the mega prefix does remind people of it. These are just basically in-battle form changes.

Nothing we aren't used to, just more Pokemon getting them.

other than the word "mega" I don't see why you would even compare the two.

but then again I'm a fan of both.

Card Slinger J said:
Well to be fair "Mega Evolution" isn't really an actual 4th Evolution but a "Forme" that a specific Pokemon species takes when in battle while holding a specific hold item which seems to be known as the "Mega Stone", not sure how the "Blazikenite" held item for Torchic plays in all of this but will be explained in later months. I'm assuming that the whole "Mega Evolution" mechanic for XY is just a gimmick pertaining to the games being named after X and Y chromosomes which is the overall theme for Gen VI.

To be honest I'm hoping some like Mawiles or Absol's can be permanent because I really love them compared to their original non-mega forms.

Though assuming it's in battle only, and they hold items in order to utilize this, it suddenly doesn't make the game broken either, sure some people would get a speed boost blaziken but it's only held item would be the Blazikenite. That alone is a bit of a disadvantage.

but yeah, I think it's a really clever theme. Though no matter what Corocoro reveals, there will always be a fair amount of complaints sadly.
Alright, here's my take on the whole thing:

On of the franchise's biggest critiques was that it never really changed. Nothing especially "new" has been added since the original releases back in the 90's. I think this is just GF's way of trying to spice up the games and make some new, interesting aspects. I, for one, quite like this Mega thing. I'm just hoping you can use them outside of battle as well. To be honest, I'm REALLY hoping they're more of Evolutions rather than forms. I'm getting pretty tired of the whole form thing to be honest. I hope you just give them some sort of item and they become "Mega." (kind of like Stone Evolution)
Well to be fair "Mega Evolution" isn't really an actual 4th Evolution but a "Forme" that a specific Pokemon species takes when in battle while holding a specific hold item which seems to be known as the "Mega Stone", not sure how the "Blazikenite" held item for Torchic plays in all of this but will be explained in later months. I'm assuming that the whole "Mega Evolution" mechanic for XY is just a gimmick pertaining to the games being named after X and Y chromosomes which is the overall theme for Gen VI.