(1) 'CoroCoro' Reveals Mega Pokemon and Three Kalos Pokemon [8/8]

I for one, welcome our new mega overlords.

Laughed more than I should have.

Gotta say that after the trailer did warm me up to mega evo's much more now. At first I thought digimon like many of you but after a bit I got over it, the two are very diff.

So how 'bout DAT LUCARIO, little over done but I he's one of my favorite poke's so I'm loving the love he's getting, just wish they gave him some speed to go along with those dreads.
I've grown more positive about this by thinking about how few pokemon it will ultimately affect... no more than a dozen, probably. And a lot of those mega forms might not be available except through events, like Blaziken.

So in other words, our pokemon experiences won't be changing for the worse too much, even if we don't like the mega forms. Game Freak has often worked more experimental stuff into games via events or plot points, like alternate abilities, Rotom forms, Kyurem spliced with Reshiram/Zekrom, etc. They don't become a huge part of the game, really. This is a bit more elaborate of a step focusing more on non-legendaries, but if this small difference gets more people excited about the games then so be it.

Still disappointed Mawile didn't get a proper evolution, but who am I kidding - I'd still consider putting one on my team in X/Y
The first thing that popped into mind when I saw Mega Ampharos was... It's so fluffy I'm gonna die!!! lol :p


I'm not sure about this whole mega evolution thing but I really like the design of Mega Absol, wish it was a normal evo though.
This may sound crazy, but do you think them showing Hydreigon and Gyrados in the trailer is hinting toward them getting a mega evolution??
On a different note, Mega Absol is going to slay with its sexy emo-ness :p
DNA said:
...Ampharos is popular? I wasn't aware Ampharos had any followers that weren't closet.
Well, when ever I see someone's top whatever list, it always seems like Ampharos is on it and everyone was going all gaga when it revealed to be in the B2W2 Dex, but whatever[/code]. I actually don't like it, but I do like it's Mega Evolution, girl knows how to work it.
Bloodronin said:
Jay said:
They gave ampharos a powdered wig and called it a mega evolution. I am at a loss for words right now.

I think I may go join a digimon forum. I apologize for being a bit of a hater here, but.... I don't like this at all :/

he has slightly different horns now too
I like this Ampharos becaus it represents Mareep and Flaffy so its kind of like it grew its wool back
So now we have Mega pokemon, and new items such as blazikenite that has to be held? this is turning more like digimon and I think mini raichu is so awesome, but it is a little awkward with a plug for a tail, and the rabbit looks like roger rabbit XD
What people are calling Genesect's "UFO form" is just Genesect folding up its body. That's hardly a "form." It's just a position it can take, like a turtle pulling into its shell.
Oh God, Mega Lucario. Are you kidding me? I'm quoting from the official site here: it has Higher Attack, Adaptability, and can now actually learn Close Combat. (It was close combat wasn't it? the move it used in the trailer?) Mother of Arceus...

At least it's confirmed to be in-battle only and can only be accessible thru held item. I think that's the con to these Megalutions.. but still.... oh god. And as if normal Blaziken with speed boost wasn't overpowered enough..

Can't wait to see the other Megas though.
This is so cool! I can't wait for mega Pokemon in the card game.

I love the Absol one!
So Blaziken @Blazikenite = Mega Blaziken. And Lucario @Lucarionite= Mege Lucario.
So Eevee @ Eviolite = Mega Eevee

But in all seriousness, I love Mega evolution. I hope that most, if not all, starters get Mega Evolution.
dragotoed said:
Oh God, Mega Lucario. Are you kidding me? I'm quoting from the official site here: it has Higher Attack, Adaptability, and can now actually learn Close Combat. (It was close combat wasn't it? the move it used in the trailer?)

what? Lucario can learn Close Combat by level up ever since it was introduced in Gen 4...
dragotoed said:
Oh God, Mega Lucario. Are you kidding me? I'm quoting from the official site here: it has Higher Attack, Adaptability, and can now actually learn Close Combat. (It was close combat wasn't it? the move it used in the trailer?) Mother of Arceus...

That didn't look like Close Combat, it looked more like Focus Blast.
Neil said:
dragotoed said:
Oh God, Mega Lucario. Are you kidding me? I'm quoting from the official site here: it has Higher Attack, Adaptability, and can now actually learn Close Combat. (It was close combat wasn't it? the move it used in the trailer?) Mother of Arceus...

That didn't look like Close Combat, it looked more like Focus Blast.

Disagree 2.0
Looked like Close Combat way more than Focus Blast.

I mean it looked like Lucario is throwing out punches and stuff instead of an energy blast.
Neil said:
dragotoed said:
Oh God, Mega Lucario. Are you kidding me? I'm quoting from the official site here: it has Higher Attack, Adaptability, and can now actually learn Close Combat. (It was close combat wasn't it? the move it used in the trailer?) Mother of Arceus...

That didn't look like Close Combat, it looked more like Focus Blast.

It looked like close combat to me as well :$
In one of the older trailers megamewtwo is using an attack against zangoose that looks a lot like focus blast