(1) English Names Revealed for Latest Batch of News, New Type Changes [9/13]

Somehow, I doubt the people posting those inane complaints were parents. They sound more like the rantings of some pseudo-intellectual trying to come up with philosophical reasons for why Pokemon (or just gen 6) is awful. Most parents who would take issue with Pokemon are weirdos who take issue with everything. Violence is usually the trigger, which reminds me of a public speaking class I took a few years back. There were some weird church ladies who were chirping about how awful violence is, and how they would never expose their children to anything remotely violent, and they listed Pokemon, Spider-man, and Batman as examples. I blinked and asked, "What about your bible? Ezekiel commands a group of bears to eat children who mock him, God murders the entire planet, commands countless acts of genocide, and your god gets horribly nailed to a cross. Isn't all that violence?" Their response was too ridiculous to repeat here. Suffice it to say, people will whine about anything they don't feel inclined to like. I think Pyroar is awesome, and the fact that they bothered to program a female sprite is incredible in and of itself. I think the long hair is reminiscent of the way women present themselves in our culture, really.
KiryatheDragonite said:
Somehow, I doubt the people posting those inane complaints were parents. They sound more like the rantings of some pseureviewdo-intellectual trying to come up with philosophical reasons for why Pokemon (or just gen 6) is awful. Most parents who would take issue with Pokemon are weirdos who take issue with everything. Violence is usually the trigger, which reminds me of a public speaking class I took a few years back. There were some weird church ladies who were chirping about how awful violence is, and how they would never expose their children to anything remotely violent, and they listed Pokemon, Spider-man, and Batman as examples. I blinked and asked, "What about your bible? Ezekiel commands a group of bears to eat children who mock him, God murders the entire planet, commands countless acts of genocide, and your god gets horribly nailed to a cross. Isn't all that violence?" Their response was too ridiculous to repeat here. Suffice it to say, people will whine about anything they don't feel inclined to like. I think Pyroar is awesome, and the fact that they bothered to program a female sprite is incredible in and of itself. I think the long hair is reminiscent of the way women present themselves in our culture, really.

My parents are very religious but never objected me playing pokemon games, in fact thier friends were the ones who tried to stop me from playing claiming it to be "sinful, pagan, evil, demonized" etc..
These "friends" of my parents actually took my game,s cards, and gameboy away!! Of course this friendship was short lived. My parents reclaimed my stolen games etc and replied to the people saying "our son should be able to make choices for himself in a reasonable sence, if we don't allow him to think for himself how will he be able to endure in society?"
Please stop with the religious jabs. All it will do is cause /another/ petty argument over religious beliefs.
iSharingan said:
It's also unfair, IMO, to judge the religion(s) based on the (over)reaction of some of its(/their) members
People are not always logical and you can't rule out that they heard something that is true, but don't fully understand the principles involved, so can't offer a valid argument. For instance, imagine a middle-schooler read about a property of rocket science that has been thoroughly proven to work. While he may know it is true, he doesn't necessarily understand how the principle works and thus cant argue soundly for it. I'm not saying you have to believe what the people say is true; I'm just saying to give the person (and religion) the benefit of the doubt and not treat either as total bogus over minor issues like this. The logic is flawed, not necessarily everything else too.
oshawotter97 said:
KiryatheDragonite said:
Somehow, I doubt the people posting those inane complaints were parents. They sound more like the rantings of some pseureviewdo-intellectual trying to come up with philosophical reasons for why Pokemon (or just gen 6) is awful. Most parents who would take issue with Pokemon are weirdos who take issue with everything. Violence is usually the trigger, which reminds me of a public speaking class I took a few years back. There were some weird church ladies who were chirping about how awful violence is, and how they would never expose their children to anything remotely violent, and they listed Pokemon, Spider-man, and Batman as examples. I blinked and asked, "What about your bible? Ezekiel commands a group of bears to eat children who mock him, God murders the entire planet, commands countless acts of genocide, and your god gets horribly nailed to a cross. Isn't all that violence?" Their response was too ridiculous to repeat here. Suffice it to say, people will whine about anything they don't feel inclined to like. I think Pyroar is awesome, and the fact that they bothered to program a female sprite is incredible in and of itself. I think the long hair is reminiscent of the way women present themselves in our culture, really.

My parents are very religious but never objected me playing pokemon games, in fact thier friends were the ones who tried to stop me from playing claiming it to be "sinful, pagan, evil, demonized" etc..
These "friends" of my parents actually took my game,s cards, and gameboy away!! Of course this friendship was short lived. My parents reclaimed my stolen games etc and replied to the people saying "our son should be able to make choices for himself in a reasonable sence, if we don't allow him to think for himself how will he be able to endure in society?"

And lets not get started on all the animal cruelty complaints.

So . . . Oddish, Honedge, Cryogonal, and other non animal pokemon are animals? Also to the guy above you, Batman has always been dark and that is how Batman should be, look at Bruce Wayne's backstory and think about just what he could have done instead because the trauma of your parents being murdered before your eyes probably isn't good. It is a good thing he decided to be a good guy. Also Spiderman is really only violent due to Spiderman punching badguys and most of the baddies tend to use their own fists rather than guns.

And I would like to ask another question, how did we go from a discussion over the new pokemon to a full blown discussion about something else?

Actually wait, let me take all that was said above and incorporate it into an on-topic comment.

If I hear someone complain that Pyroar is sexist because the male has the bigger mane then I will show them a picture of a male lion and then a female lion and prove to them that Pyroar is the best lion pokemon yet.

Also did your parents call the cops on those so called "friends"? Ironically they committed a sin by stealing the stuff from you.
Baktwerel said:
It already started in a way.

I don't even... What? o_0

Such ignorance in the world... -.-"

It's called sexual dimorphism. The only thing that could cause in a child is to pique their interest in the biological field. As for the "gender roles", male lions are useless, all they do is sleep 20 hours a day, eat, and mate. The only reason the females put up with them, is that they are physically stronger, and in the off chance that another pride or pack of hyenas attacks, the males can help defend them. Otherwise, the females do all the work, even the hunting.

If anything, female lions are a good role-model for "gender roles." But if your child is looking towards [fictional] animals for their role-models, a sexist cartoon animal is the least of your worries... Have you ever heard of a child trying to tackle squirrels or electrocute themselves, wanting to "mimic" Pikachu? Nope.
Raptor9229 said:
oshawotter97 said:

My parents are very religious but never objected me playing pokemon games, in fact thier friends were the ones who tried to stop me from playing claiming it to be "sinful, pagan, evil, demonized" etc..
These "friends" of my parents actually took my game,s cards, and gameboy away!! Of course this friendship was short lived. My parents reclaimed my stolen games etc and replied to the people saying "our son should be able to make choices for himself in a reasonable sence, if we don't allow him to think for himself how will he be able to endure in society?"

And lets not get started on all the animal cruelty complaints.

So . . . Oddish, Honedge, Cryogonal, and other non animal pokemon are animals? Also to the guy above you, Batman has always been dark and that is how Batman should be, look at Bruce Wayne's backstory and think about just what he could have done instead because the trauma of your parents being murdered before your eyes probably isn't good. It is a good thing he decided to be a good guy. Also Spiderman is really only violent due to Spiderman punching badguys and most of the baddies tend to use their own fists rather than guns.

And I would like to ask another question, how did we go from a discussion over the new pokemon to a full blown discussion about something else?

Actually wait, let me take all that was said above and incorporate it into an on-topic comment.

If I hear someone complain that Pyroar is sexist because the male has the bigger mane then I will show them a picture of a male lion and then a female lion and prove to them that Pyroar is the best lion pokemon yet.

Also did your parents call the cops on those so called "friends"? Ironically they committed a sin by stealing the stuff from you.

My parents are/and were good friends with a cop who payed them a little visit lol! #jailtime! :D The world is full of retards that contridict their very own beliefs!
On subject pyroar is beautiful and I want to know wat that skate park/ basketball court/ driving course with cones is!
What I find odd though, is that some Pokemons descriptions clearly state that they hunt/eat a certain other Pokemon, yet on the show they never show Pokemon being torn/devoured... I guess because of the "demographic".. :p

Sheriff_K said:
Baktwerel said:
It already started in a way.

I don't even... What? o_0

Such ignorance in the world... -.-"

It's called sexual dimorphism. The only thing that could cause in a child is to pique their interest in the biological field. As for the "gender roles", male lions are useless, all they do is sleep 20 hours a day, eat, and mate. The only reason the females put up with them, is that they are physically stronger, and in the off chance that another pride or pack of hyenas attacks, the males can help defend them. Otherwise, the females do all the work, even the hunting.

If anything, female lions are a good role-model for "gender roles." But if your child is looking towards [fictional] animals for their role-models, a sexist cartoon animal is the least of your worries... Have you ever heard of a child trying to tackle squirrels or electrocute themselves, wanting to "mimic" Pikachu? Nope.

Another reason I don't understand their complaint at all is that I assume, like all other pokemon, that one Pyroar gender can do the exact same thing as the other. Given the same IVs, EVs, and moveset, a female Pyroar and a male Pyroar will have the same power and usefulness (ruling out hax of course).

Now what I'm wondering is why aren't they going after the two new cat-like pokemon? Don't they have different stats and movesets based around their gender? I'm not saying they should complain about it; I'm just saying it would make more sense logically.
Terack said:
Another reason I don't understand their complaint at all is that I assume, like all other pokemon, that one Pyroar gender can do the exact same thing as the other. Given the same IVs, EVs, and moveset, a female Pyroar and a male Pyroar will have the same power and usefulness (ruling out hax of course).

Now what I'm wondering is why aren't they going after the two new cat-like pokemon? Don't they have different stats and movesets based around their gender? I'm not saying they should complain about it; I'm just saying it would make more sense logically.
Didn't you kinda contradict yourself with those two statements? and don't forget the gender difference of the Nidos and every gender-based evolution (Gallade, Vespiquen, etc.). This principle isn't new, even to pokemon; people just want something to take issue with. It's best just to ignore them and not give them the attention they want over it.
Terack said:
Now what I'm wondering is why aren't they going after the two new cat-like pokemon? Don't they have different stats and movesets based around their gender? I'm not saying they should complain about it; I'm just saying it would make more sense logically.
Maybe in their minds, it is only considered "sexism" when the female isn't the more offensively oriented of the two genders... -.-

Double standards much? :p
iSharingan said:
Didn't you kinda contradict yourself with those two statements? and don't forget the gender difference of the Nidos and every gender-based evolution (Gallade, Vespiquen, etc.). This principle isn't new, even to pokemon; people just want something to take issue with. It's best just to ignore them and not give them the attention they want over it.

I can't really see where my contradiction is within my two statements. Male and female Pyroars are equally powerful and no one should have a problem with them. I'm saying that if they wanted a pokemon to go after wouldn't it make more sense to bash Meowstick? The pokemon website itself says, "Meowstic is a Pokémon that has different forms depending on its gender. Not only do male and female Meowstic look different, but they also have different moves they can learn!"

I'm just trying to see the argument from the other party's point of view and am trying to make sense of it. The more I think about it the more I think the whole thing is silly. Like you said, gender dimorphism is a thing in the real world and it is reflected in the world of pokemon.
iSharingan said:
Terack said:
Another reason I don't understand their complaint at all is that I assume, like all other pokemon, that one Pyroar gender can do the exact same thing as the other. Given the same IVs, EVs, and moveset, a female Pyroar and a male Pyroar will have the same power and usefulness (ruling out hax of course).

Now what I'm wondering is why aren't they going after the two new cat-like pokemon? Don't they have different stats and movesets based around their gender? I'm not saying they should complain about it; I'm just saying it would make more sense logically.
Didn't you kinda contradict yourself with those two statements? and don't forget the gender difference of the Nidos and every gender-based evolution (Gallade, Vespiquen, etc.). This principle isn't new, even to pokemon; people just want something to take issue with. It's best just to ignore them and not give them the attention they want over it.

I can't really see where my contradiction is within my two statements. Male and female Pyroars are equally powerful and no one should have a problem with them. I'm saying that if they wanted a pokemon to go after wouldn't it make more sense to bash Meowstick? The pokemon website itself says, "Meowstic is a Pokémon that has different forms depending on its gender. Not only do male and female Meowstic look different, but they also have different moves they can learn!"

I'm just trying to see the argument from the other party's point of view and am trying to make sense of it. The more I think about it the more I think the whole thing is silly. Like you said, gender dimorphism is a thing in the real world and it is reflected in the world of pokemon.
Terack said:
iSharingan said:
Didn't you kinda contradict yourself with those two statements? and don't forget the gender difference of the Nidos and every gender-based evolution (Gallade, Vespiquen, etc.). This principle isn't new, even to pokemon; people just want something to take issue with. It's best just to ignore them and not give them the attention they want over it.

I can't really see where my contradiction is within my two statements. Male and female Pyroars are equally powerful and no one should have a problem with them. I'm saying that if they wanted a pokemon to go after wouldn't it make more sense to bash Meowstick? The pokemon website itself says, "Meowstic is a Pokémon that has different forms depending on its gender. Not only do male and female Meowstic look different, but they also have different moves they can learn!"

I'm just trying to see the argument from the other party's point of view and am trying to make sense of it. The more I think about it the more I think the whole thing is silly. Like you said, gender dimorphism is a thing in the real world and it is reflected in the world of pokemon.

Those morons didn't mention meowstic because it represents everything wrong with their argument, and they know it:

-a pokemon has a distinctly female form and takes care of the young=weak gender role
>pokemon is sexist.
-a pokemon has a female form that is more aggressively oriented than the male=strong gender role
>pokemon is not sexist, quite the opposite actually.

You don't even need meowstic to point out their stupid argument:

-regardless of form, male and female pyroars are equal in power and potential.
-lions in real life have the same gender dimorphism.
-female pyroars have a ponytail instead of a mane, reminiscent of women in general, and african women in particular.
-female lions in real life take care of the young too, so this "weak gender role" is not even invented.
-nidoqueen is an aggressive, physically oriented sweeper, it's female, and according to the pokedex, protects its young.
-khangaskan carries its baby in its belly, it's female, and kicks ass.
-nidoqueen is an aggressive, physically oriented sweeper,

Who is more defensive than her male counterpart, to play devil's advocate for a second. It's something that kind of bugs me about all male/female counterparts - Latias/Latios, Tauros/Miltank, Nidoqueen/Nidoking, Cresselia/Darkrai, Volbeat/Illumise - the females are almost always playing the more defensive role in their duos, even if they have good offensive stats themselves. Thankfully we have Meowstic now though!
Frost said:
-nidoqueen is an aggressive, physically oriented sweeper,

Who is more defensive than her male counterpart, to play devil's advocate for a second. It's something that kind of bugs me about all male/female counterparts - Latias/Latios, Tauros/Miltank, Nidoqueen/Nidoking, Cresselia/Darkrai, Volbeat/Illumise - the females are almost always playing the more defensive role in their duos, even if they have good offensive stats themselves. Thankfully we have Meowstic now though!

Defensive/offensive roles are mainly determined by moves, rather than stats, and those are generally more flexible.

Think about it this way: if male/female counterparts were exacly the same, just varying their sprites, why make them female or male? something has to change between genders, so females usually play safer than males (ex: nidoqueen's body slam/superpower against nidoking's thrash/megahorn). It can be construed as sexist, but it's not inherently sexist, there's a difference.
professorlight said:
-female pyroars have a ponytail instead of a mane, reminiscent of women in general, and african women in particular.


Listen, you guys are taking a ridiculous argument that no one gives any credence (that male/female Pyroars are sexist) and responding to it in some really weird and overly aggressive ways. We should probably just let it go.
I thought we were done with this two days ago.

Males have manes.
Females don't have much, or have no mane.

End of discussion.
Evolution of Amaura! Doesn't have a name yet!

Oooooh! Awesome! *w* Tyrantrum, that fits prefectly since Tyrunt was already described as throwing a tantrum if it doesn't get something it wants xD Can't wait for a clear image like the Sugimuri artwork!

edit: I can only get the thumb but not the full artwork :s Still, lookin' good, Tyrantrum!

edit 2:



edit 3: still no full pic

edit 4: According another site featuring these new evolutions, Amaura's evolution is called Aurorus.