(1) June CoroCoro Scans Leaked - New Pokemon [6/11]

sturtle said:
Yeah, but Diglett name wasn't, "Mole", or "Dig".

Gear is like calling a human person, "Body". It's fail.
Sometimes simplicity is AWESOME! I like the name Gear.
And if anyone's ever seen the movie CLUE, Mr. Body was cool!
I hate the way they look. They look like poorly made digimon. Hopefully the rest of the gen. Will impress me.
Yeah, cuz those of us who just woke up had a lot of catching up to do.
To everyone: Pigeon is spelled P-I-G-E-O-N! There is no 'D' in it. *sighs*
Really liking the chinchilla. Hope you can get it early in the game. And ever since I raised one last year, I've had a soft spot for pigeons. So, looking forward to it, too.
And the red this kinda looks like someone crossed Heatran with Blaziken.
Ok, I'm not sure why there are so many people basing if they'll get the game or not solely on a couple of randomly released unevolved pokémon. If I had done that in any gen I would have never started playing at all.

For example here are some of my initial reactions:

Gen 1- Mr. Mime's old sprite from first gen looks like a Stolen clown and that any second he would lure children into his candy van. Jynx looks stupid, I think she still looks stupid... and will always think that. Chansey has squid hair... etc.

Gen 2- I don't know what happened to Togepi when it evolved to Togetic but it seems like it may have gotten into some nuclear waste and grew a butt tumor. Speakin of tumors... have you ever looked at Magby's head? Gross. Also, Hitmontop... I have no idea where they were goin with that guy.. spin kicks? Um.. Hitmonlee already has kickin covered thanks.

Gen 3- Um... What the heck is Whismur? It looks like it's trying to hold in a fart. Latios and Latias are psychic jet dragons... I don't get it. Speakin of which WHY is altaria Dragon and why does it seem like Flygon and Salamence's names are reversed? Shouldn't it be Bagon to Shelgon to Flygon? That at least follows a common theme. Also.. Plusle/Minun and Volbeat/Illumise... I realized your there to basically be advocates of the 2v2 battle system... but I refuse to use you ever... not even for HMs.

Gen 4- Bidoof and Bibarel haunt my dreams. Wormadam has several forms! Who cares... just more work for me when I try to fill my dex. Why does Ambipom have udders on the end of it's tails (I know they are hands... but they look like udders)? Mime Jr. creeps me out like Mr. Mime used to. Also... I really don't see the point of the multitude of Baby pokémon we have now... I'm never gonna use them in battle, they are just one more step I have to go through to get where I want my pokémon to be.

So, yea, I had negative things to say about every gen.. but I got them anyway. Why? Because I gave Nintendo and Game Freak time to release everything about the game before I made a real opinion. I can honestly say I have played a game from every gen and been happy with it overall. Sure there are pokémon I'd never raise, but then again there are some I've always wanted to but not had the time so I figure it's a wash. If they made games with only pokémon I like I'm sure people that don't share my point of view wouldn't be happy.

Also for everyone hating on Gear saying it's name is lame and it's a digimon rip off.. 1) Gear is it's japanese name. More than likely it will be different in the States and 2) Gears have been around before digimon. If you really want to say they are ripping someone off you would have to say they are ripping off 19th century Clockmakers. They are the ones who came up with the whole toothed gear idea. Yea the design is simple, but who cares. You don't like it? Don't raise one. If you don't want to play the game then fine.. no one is making you.. at least I'm not. If someone is holding you at gun point and suggesting you play Pokémon Balck and White then I am sorry and I am not talking to you because obviously you are being forced against your will.
Agreed, Sudowoodo! I am getting more and more jazzed about 5th Gen. I cannot wait and will get White (mmm...Zekrom...) as soon as it is out this time instead of waiting a few months like I did with SoulSilver, and I'll get Black a little later, probably one copy for me and one for my son. :p

That Croc looks awesome, though I'm a little confused at it's size - it's only about 35 pounds and less than three feet long/tall. And for those who complain about Totodile - c'mon; seriously? How many monkeys are there? Mice?

I can imagine the Crocs and Hippopotas fighting for territory - hippos in real life are very ferocious and territorial.

And kaorusquee, my brain crossed into pidgey territory a little too much, huh? :p Oops. Corrected.
Pokemancer said:
Agreed, Sudowoodo! I am getting more and more jazzed about 5th Gen. I cannot wait and will get White as soon as it is out this time instead of waiting a few months like I did with SoulSilver, and I'll get Black a little later, probably one copy for me and one for my son. :p

That Croc looks awesome, though I'm a little confused at it's size - it's only about 35 pounds and less than three feet long/tall. And for those who complain about Totodile - c'mon; seriously? How many monkeys are there? Mice?

I can imagine the Crocs and Hippopotas fighting for territory - hippos in real life are very ferocious and territorial.
epic win fight
the only ones i like out of all of these are the gears and the zebra... the rest (especially the fire thing) are really awkward and creepy looking.
Saviour_Gundam said:
Those Pokedexes....

Are those what the 3DS is gonna look like? o_o
The pokedexes are usually based on what handheld Nintendo has created. I don't know if this the 3DS is gonna look like this, but I doubt it will look like this.
SuperMatt142 said:
Ok, I'm not sure why there are so many people basing if they'll get the game or not solely on a couple of randomly released unevolved pokémon. If I had done that in any gen I would have never started playing at all.

For example here are some of my initial reactions:

Gen 1- Mr. Mime's old sprite from first gen looks like a Stolen clown and that any second he would lure children into his candy van. Jynx looks stupid, I think she still looks stupid... and will always think that. Chansey has squid hair... etc.

Gen 2- I don't know what happened to Togepi when it evolved to Togetic but it seems like it may have gotten into some nuclear waste and grew a butt tumor. Speakin of tumors... have you ever looked at Magby's head? Gross. Also, Hitmontop... I have no idea where they were goin with that guy.. spin kicks? Um.. Hitmonlee already has kickin covered thanks.

Gen 3- Um... What the heck is Whismur? It looks like it's trying to hold in a fart. Latios and Latias are psychic jet dragons... I don't get it. Speakin of which WHY is altaria Dragon and why does it seem like Flygon and Salamence's names are reversed? Shouldn't it be Bagon to Shelgon to Flygon? That at least follows a common theme. Also.. Plusle/Minun and Volbeat/Illumise... I realized your there to basically be advocates of the 2v2 battle system... but I refuse to use you ever... not even for HMs.

Gen 4- Bidoof and Bibarel haunt my dreams. Wormadam has several forms! Who cares... just more work for me when I try to fill my dex. Why does Ambipom have udders on the end of it's tails (I know they are hands... but they look like udders)? Mime Jr. creeps me out like Mr. Mime used to. Also... I really don't see the point of the multitude of Baby pokémon we have now... I'm never gonna use them in battle, they are just one more step I have to go through to get where I want my pokémon to be.

So, yea, I had negative things to say about every gen.. but I got them anyway. Why? Because I gave Nintendo and Game Freak time to release everything about the game before I made a real opinion. I can honestly say I have played a game from every gen and been happy with it overall. Sure there are pokémon I'd never raise, but then again there are some I've always wanted to but not had the time so I figure it's a wash. If they made games with only pokémon I like I'm sure people that don't share my point of view wouldn't be happy.

Also for everyone hating on Gear saying it's name is lame and it's a digimon rip off.. 1) Gear is it's japanese name. More than likely it will be different in the States and 2) Gears have been around before digimon. If you really want to say they are ripping someone off you would have to say they are ripping off 19th century Clockmakers. They are the ones who came up with the whole toothed gear idea. Yea the design is simple, but who cares. You don't like it? Don't raise one. If you don't want to play the game then fine.. no one is making you.. at least I'm not. If someone is holding you at gun point and suggesting you play Pokémon Balck and White then I am sorry and I am not talking to you because obviously you are being forced against your will.

This. Really some people need to read this.

I like all of them, I've been wanting a dark type croc :D
There's a map of the whole region of Isshu on serebii.
Unfortunately, it's small~

Saviour_Gundam said:
Those Pokedexes....

Are those what the 3DS is gonna look like? o_o
The game is for the DSi, not the 3DS...

The gears are ok, but what in the world is that pink blob thing!!! I like the rest, (GO CHINCHILLA POKEMON)
New info on Serebii. Apparently Reshiram is a Fire / Dragon!!

Issuh seems kinda small... But that's probably not true, cause in each gen regions tend to get bigger.

Oh and btw, it seems the only way to get Zorua is if you trade Celebi from the upcoming movie to Black and White... That sucks for me.
jules said:
New info on Serebii. Apparently Reshiram is a Fire / Dragon!!

Issuh seems kinda small... But that's probably not true, cause in each gen regions tend to get bigger.

Oh and btw, it seems the only way to get Zorua is if you trade Celebi from the upcoming movie to Black and White... That sucks for me.
So we don't use the dogs at all? Well, that's interesting.