(1) June CoroCoro Scans Leaked - New Pokemon [6/11]

Gosh, I hated Hippopotas but loved it at the same time.
He was so slow, and that stupid Sand Stream ability he had made double battles awful...
But if there's one thing I really love about Hippopotas, it would definitely be its cry. <3
ManhattanTheStarr said:
Gosh, I hated Hippopotas but loved it at the same time.
He was so slow, and that stupid Sand Stream ability he had made double battles awful...
But if there's one thing I really love about Hippopotas, it would definitely be its cry. <3

I mostly meant its design. I mean, Hippowdon had a pretty sweet design IMO. I wouldn't mind if "Crocodune" took a future evo design with a somewhat similar idea. {F}
ManhattanTheStarr said:
Ash's Pikachu needs to go. A perfect spot for a new Pokemon being wasted with that electric rodent... I still remember it using Thundershock on Brock's GROUND-TYPE Onix, and KOing it. >.>
They should keep pikachu and lose Ash
What is with everyone saying that gear is so unoriginal? It is one of the only truly original ones out of the seven. Childish people always seem to confuse over-complication with originality....
You are asking to get flamed, sir. >_>

Anyway, the Gear is a gear, Bronzor is a mirror, they only reason anyone finds them similar is because the color of Gear's face is close to Bronzor's body color. Case closed.

Munna is a pre-evolution to Drowzee, therefore it doesn't have to look very original (although I think it does).

Zapra (electric zebra thing) is very kewl. :3 I think it may turn out to be a good Electric type. Hopefully it gains another type in its second evolution.

Chiramii is one of those pokemon that I can't see having an evo sadly (though it probably will). It looks pretty original, but in all actuality is just another normal filler pokemon that only fan girls will use. It may become the next FEAR. Lol :p

The Fire Tiki Gorilla is pretty original. I'm betting we will have a Giant Fire Gorilla with a Tiki Chief feathery/firey headdress.

Momepato (the pidgeon pokemon) looks similar to Starly and is more pidgeon like than Pidgey, and I hope its evolutions are just as good if not better than those of Pidgey and Starly. I will probably use him early on if available (which he probably will be).

The Croc is overrated IMO but if he turns out to be good I may consider using him (Pokemon needs a good ground type).
hatedisc said:
What is with everyone saying that gear is so unoriginal? It is one of the only truly original ones out of the seven. Childish people always seem to confuse over-complication with originality...

In what way is Gear original? It's a gear. Nothing more.

Meguroko is a ground crocodile. Two ideas that aren't usually thought of together. That, is originality. Gear is just... a gear. Explain to me how that is original. If pokemon had made Gear a fighting type, or a water type maybe, then that would be more original. Pokemon took a real life object, and gave it a face. That is not original. plus, he doesn't even have an interesting name. It's just Gear.

Don't call me childish, when I have a validated opinion on something. You are the childish one, for thinking that a Gear is original, and all other Pokebeach members are ignorant.

SPM3 said:
You are asking to get flamed, sir. >_>

Yes, yes he was.
You people have been trolled. XD

Anyway, I don't get the Gear hatred. It is an original idea never been done in Pokemon that looks quite cool IMO.

dmaster out.
Just to point out some mistakes you guys seem to like to make. I know this post will be forgotten 15 minutes after you've read this, but I just wanted to point it out (again).

SPM3 said:
Anyway, the Gear is a gear, Bronzor is a mirror, they only reason anyone finds them similar is because the color of Gear's face is close to Bronzor's body color. Case closed.
Bronzor is blue and Giaru is grey?

SPM3 said:
Munna is a pre-evolution to Drowzee, therefore it doesn't have to look very original (although I think it does).
Even though people like to think this it isn't confirmed yet and there are reason why it isn't. To me the latter is more believable then the idea they are related.

SPM3 said:
The Fire Tiki Gorilla is pretty original. I'm betting we will have a Giant Fire Gorilla with a Tiki Chief feathery/firey headdress.
No, it's not a tiki, it's based of a Daruma doll (Hihidaruma)
And no, neither it is a gorilla, it's based of a baboon (hihi in Japanese(Hihidaruma)).

sturtle said:
hatedisc said:
What is with everyone saying that gear is so unoriginal? It is one of the only truly original ones out of the seven. Childish people always seem to confuse over-complication with originality...
In what way is Gear original? It's a gear. Nothing more.

Meguroko is a ground crocodile. Two ideas that aren't usually thought of together. That, is originality. Gear is just... a gear. Explain to me how that is original. If pokemon had made Gear a fighting type, or a water type maybe, then that would be more original. Pokemon took a real life object, and gave it a face. That is not original. plus, he doesn't even have an interesting name. It's just Gear.

Don't call me childish, when I have a validated opinion on something. You are the childish one, for thinking that a Gear is original, and all other Pokebeach members are ignorant.
Lol, I think it's the first time I can agree with Hatedisc, but he's right. Simple design doesn't equal unoriginality. Even though he said so, you are the one ignoring him.

''Meguroko is a ground crocodile. Two ideas that aren't usually thought of together. That, is originality. Gear is just... a gear.'' Like Meguroko is a ground crocodile, Giaru is a steel pair of gears. Your argument doesn't make any sense. And I hope you can agree with me that Steel is still the best type for Giaru (Bug-type Giaru... fail).

And by reading your arguments, may I conclude you don't think Drifloon is original? What about Krabby? And Slakoth? I mean it's just a sloth... And Voltorb? Again, simplicity =/= originality.

And btw, the name 'Gear' is still Japanese. Articuno's Japanese name is Freezer. Umbreon's Japanese name is Blacky etc. These are original names?
Well put, Pokequaza. *claps*

And just to ask, what similarities do you really see between Munna and Drowzee? All of you are pretty much riding on the fact that the descriptions are fairly similar to both. When I first saw it, I never even thought of Drowzee. My first reaction was, "Well, pink and flowers I can live with. Seems pretty cool."

And plus, having Munna as a pre evo, with it obviously being battleable early on, would defeat the whole idea of **not** wanting pokemon from other generations in this new one. So what you guys are pretty much doing is supporting the existence of zebats, tentacools, geodudes, and the like in *every* *single* *region*. :|
SPM3 said:
You are asking to get flamed, sir. >_>

Munna is a pre-evolution to Drowzee, therefore it doesn't have to look very original (although I think it does).

Oh come on, You know that hasnt been confirmed.
Pokequaza said:
In what way is Gear original? It's a gear. Nothing more.

Meguroko is a ground crocodile. Two ideas that aren't usually thought of together. That, is originality. Gear is just... a gear. Explain to me how that is original. If pokemon had made Gear a fighting type, or a water type maybe, then that would be more original. Pokemon took a real life object, and gave it a face. That is not original. plus, he doesn't even have an interesting name. It's just Gear.

Don't call me childish, when I have a validated opinion on something. You are the childish one, for thinking that a Gear is original, and all other Pokebeach members are ignorant.
Lol, I think it's the first time I can agree with Hatedisc, but he's right. Simple design doesn't equal unoriginality. Even though he said so, you are the one ignoring him.

''Meguroko is a ground crocodile. Two ideas that aren't usually thought of together. That, is originality. Gear is just... a gear.'' Like Meguroko is a ground crocodile, Giaru is a steel pair of gears. Your argument doesn't make any sense. And I hope you can agree with me that Steel is still the best type for Giaru (Bug-type Giaru... fail).

And by reading your arguments, may I conclude you don't think Drifloon is original? What about Krabby? And Slakoth? I mean it's just a sloth... And Voltorb? Again, simplicity =/= originality.

And btw, the name 'Gear' is still Japanese. Articuno's Japanese name is Freezer. Umbreon's Japanese name is Blacky etc. These are original names?

The name isn't what bothers me. Well, it does bother me, but that's not what i'm talking about.

In regards to krabby, krabby is original. They took an actual crab design, and altered to look different from the original design. That, is originality. Same with slakoth, drifloon, and voltorb.

But gear is a different story. Pokemon took the original design, and added a face. The defintion of original is:

3 : independent and creative in thought or action

Originality=creativity. Simplicity can equal originality as well, if the pokemon looks different from the model. Gear has had no added differences from a regular gear.

If you want me to agree with you, then I need something more than: simpicity=originality.
Fire_Master said:
And just to ask, what similarities do you really see between Munna and Drowzee? All of you are pretty much riding on the fact that the descriptions are fairly similar to both. When I first saw it, I never even thought of Drowzee. My first reaction was, "Well, pink and flowers I can live with. Seems pretty cool."

Munna is the Dream Eater Pokemon, Drowzee puts people to sleep any d eats there dreams (though Drowzee is the Hypnosis Pokemon). Munna is a tapir, as is Drowzee. As a tapir, Munna (Being a baby) has much different patterns on its "fur" and will start to lose it as it matures into Drowzee. Drowzee even still has some of this different camouflage (The brown wavy bottom half). As Hypno the pokemon has fully matured and no different camouflage is apparent. Also, Drowzee's shiny is pink. In my opinion, that is sufficient evidence to to say Munna is a pre-evo to Drowzee.
SPM3 said:
Munna is the Dream Eater Pokemon, Drowzee puts people to sleep any d eats there dreams (though Drowzee is the Hypnosis Pokemon). Munna is a tapir, as is Drowzee. As a tapir, Munna (Being a baby) has much different patterns on its "fur" and will start to lose it as it matures into Drowzee. Drowzee even still has some of this different camouflage (The brown wavy bottom half). As Hypno the pokemon has fully matured and no different camouflage is apparent. Also, Drowzee's shiny is pink. In my opinion, that is sufficient evidence to to say Munna is a pre-evo to Drowzee.
Good evidence, but what about the jewel on its head? Drowzee doesnt have one, neither does hypno
It loses it during evolution I assume. You skeptics fail to realize that there are far more bizarre evolutions out there than this one. For instance, Chingling evolving into Chimecho. They look nothing alike, yet Chingling still evolves into Chimecho, losing legs and completely changing color.
Yeah...but the thing is that...Chingling was introduced as a pre evo, and that of Chimeco to be exact. Really, now, we have never -- and I mean never in the history of pre-release frenzies -- had a pre evo revealed without being explicitly told that it is one. I've been around since the dawn of pokemon, so I hold credibility to this. Trust me -- they would have told us if it was by now.

Can't wait to see Munna's evolution. ^_^