(1) June CoroCoro Scans Leaked - New Pokemon [6/11]

Meguroko is awesome. Which is why I'm sad it's silhouette wasn't shown on Pokémon Sunday.

The only one I don't like is Manno. But out of the new ones, Meguroko is my favourite.

Darkness Generation said:
Looking veeery closely at the pokedex scans, it appears that Chiramii is either number 70 or 78 in the Isshu Pokedex. Might it not be the region rodent?

I said that ages ago, but no one realised it. Chiramii is definitely 70 - the last digit looks to much like one continuous loop to be a 78.
I am very pleased that such a Pokemon (like Munma) now exists!
...now if only that "pink-floral" Lass came back in the games...
Then again, there will probably be a 1st/3rd Generation remake...
Meguroko's ability is not "earthquake spiral" but "overconfidence."
じしんかじょう should be interpreted as a single noun, "自信過剰." Separating it to "地震(じしん)" and "渦状(かじょう)" will not make sense.
And overconfidence fits the description "their attack increases after they defeat a foe" better.
jryan said:
Anyone else think that the crocodile looks like Hippopotas/Hippowdon? It has basically the same color scheme, maybe the opposite gender will have inversed colors? It makes sense, seeing as 4th gen had a hippo, now we have a crocodile? I dunno, just throwing it out there. (dunno if this has been speculated or not.)

I referenced that in my previous post in this topic.

I wouldn't mind America/NY as the Location. It'd be a nice change. That's crazy that that pink flower Poke was mentioned in old games. I wouldn't have believed that they actually made them years ago.

dmaster out.
I swear that I read somewhere in an interview with Ken Sugimori that he already had over 1,000 Pokemon drawn out by the time Green version was released. Maybe I'm wrong though...
jryan said:
I swear that I read somewhere in an interview with Ken Sugimori that he already had over 1,000 Pokemon drawn out by the time Green version was released. Maybe I'm wrong though...
They said they had over 1000 concepts. Not drawn out. That would've been too much work. Anyway, it could've been sarcasm and they just had alot of concepts (~500 for example).
I don't know about yall, but I kinda like Hihidaruma.
A daruma doll monkey Pokemon? That's awesome. :3
(Even if it does look kinda psychotic...) Shimama is also a pretty nice Pokemon. An electric zebra is definitely something new.
Like many other people said before, I hope it's American name will be Zapra. :B
And on the Chiraamii subject, it probably won't be the common normal-type of the Isshu region. Like someone else said a page back or so, Chiraamii is #70 or #78 in the Pokedex, so it might not be able to be caught at the beginning of the game.
It's the Meowth, Snubbull, Skitty and Glameow of the generation, which kaorusquee stated.
Meguroko is probably my favorite of the 7 new Pokemon. It's cute, and its new ability seems pretty awesome.
It may look a bit too much like Hippopotas (IMO), but it's way better, and doesn't look...mental. :x
Mamepato isn't the most exciting common bird I've seen. I was hoping for a quail or a hummingbird as the bird of Isshu.
It's appearance is also too similar to Starly. But I can't lie... it's waddle is adorable. <3
Munna... it looks like some little girl's beanie bag. Even if it was referred in the 1st generation, I don't like it all that much. And what's with the random gem on its head? Gear. Where to start? It's a gear Pokemon named Gear. I'm hoping it's name will be changed in the American version. And what's with its ability? Plus or Minus? That ability belongs to Plusle and Minun ONLY. ...Well that's what I think... And I heard there won't be any gyms in Black and White. If not, I hope they have some type of plan to back it up. X_x

...Long post
I can't believe it actually! I don't remember that part, but then again, I haven't played those games for awhile so I wouldn't know if Munma was actually referenced to in the originals.
Now...let's see. If the anime continues with Ash as the protagonist, I wonder which of these new Pokemon he'll get. It's a given that he'll catch the pigeon, but I have a feeling he could get the crocodile or donkey kong on fire. [IMO]
jryan said:
Now...let's see. If the anime continues with Ash as the protagonist, I wonder which of these new Pokemon he'll get. It's a given that he'll catch the pigeon, but I have a feeling he could get the crocodile or donkey kong on fire. [IMO]

If he gets any of them, he'll probably start forgetting about his old stuff. As far as I've been told, he's been forgetting ALL of his old stuff nearly.

I know I want that crocodile. And the dharma 'ferno kong.
ManhattanTheStarr said:
Watch Ash have all of the starters to himself again.
That little brat. 3:<

He'll leave all of his 1st and 2nd gen stuff except for Pikachu homeless and alone while he gets every pokemon this gen. I'm calling it.
Majora_787 said:
He'll leave all of his 1st and 2nd gen stuff except for Pikachu homeless and alone while he gets every pokemon this gen. I'm calling it.

Ash's Pikachu needs to go. A perfect spot for a new Pokemon being wasted with that electric rodent... I still remember it using Thundershock on Brock's GROUND-TYPE Onix, and KOing it. >.>
ManhattanTheStarr said:
Ash's Pikachu needs to go. A perfect spot for a new Pokemon being wasted with that electric rodent... I still remember it using Thundershock on Brock's GROUND-TYPE Onix, and KOing it. >.>

His pikachu was level 100 by the time I stopped watching the anime, which was probably halfway into the original season. It's probably level 9,001 by now and could down a wild Arceus with tackle.

He should get something better and less cheap, like a Hitmonlee.
Majora_787 said:
His pikachu was level 100 by the time I stopped watching the anime, which was probably halfway into the original season. It's probably level 9,001 by now and could down a wild Arceus with tackle.

He should get something better and less cheap, like a Hitmonlee.

Or a Medicham. <3
Also that makes you wonder... Why did Pikachu have such a hard time with the Sinnoh gym leaders, if he's so high in level? He couldn't even take down the Cranidos. xD
Majora_787 said:
His pikachu was level 100 by the time I stopped watching the anime, which was probably halfway into the original season. It's probably level 9,001 by now and could down a wild Arceus with tackle.
Actually, it's level 45 (as of the 12th movie) and usually can't(/doesn't) beat anything but Team Rocket.

People seem to have forgotten that Ash barely ever uses Pikachu...
I really do like every single pokemon revealed so far for Black and White.I think they all look awesome.I dont think any of them looks ugly.I am thinking about getting Pokemon Black though.
keannofausto said:
I really do like every single pokemon revealed so far for Black and White.I think they all look awesome.I don't think any of them looks ugly.I am thinking about getting Pokemon Black though.

I think Munna looks messed up, but I know it has to evolve into SOMETHING more describeable. I mean, it took me forever to see the tapir trunk...

I just hope people are wrong and it won't evolve into Drowzee. It's weird enough that Drowzee evolves into Hypno.