(1) June CoroCoro Scans Leaked - New Pokemon [6/11]

Mamepato (マメパト) is the Baby Pidgeon Pokemon and is a Normal / Flying type. Its abilities are either "Pidgeon Breast" or "Super Luck." In a screenshot below, Mijumaru tries to lower its Defense, but it doesn't work because one of Mamepato's abilities prevents it. It is 0.3m tall and weighs 2.1kg.
Pigeon does not have a d in it.
Looking veeery closely at the pokedex scans, it appears that Chiramii is either number 70 or 78 in the Isshu Pokedex. Might it not be the region rodent?
Darkness Generation said:
Looking veeery closely at the pokedex scans, it appears that Chiramii is either number 70 or 78 in the Isshu Pokedex. Might it not be the region rodent?

I was thinking that too. Following convention it should be within the #s 10 - 20 in the regional Pokedex. They may change the numbers before release, but I doubt it somehow.
Mangriff said:
I was thinking that too. Following convention it should be within the #s 10 - 20 in the regional Pokedex. They may change the numbers before release, but I doubt it somehow.

Or maybe it's not Isshu's Rattata/Sentret/Zigzagoon/Bidoof.
Mangriff said:
I was thinking that too. Following convention it should be within the #s 10 - 20 in the regional Pokedex. They may change the numbers before release, but I doubt it somehow.
Since it's a normal-type, I was thinking it's more of an equivalent to Meowth, Snubbull, Skitty & Glameow. The number is closer to the right position, too.
I like the baboon/gorilla/monkey cousin/ whatvr u want to think it is
the only problelm is i hope its not fire/fighting caus we have enough of those nd i wonder why they made another monkey related pokemon
DragonTamer said:
I like the baboon/gorilla/monkey cousin/ whatvr u want to think it is
the only problelm is i hope its not fire/fighting caus we have enough of those nd i wonder why they made another monkey related pokemon
No, Hihidaruma is pure Fire.
patrick329 said:
I agree. And why is there a Starly and Bronzor thing?:(

Because they need a staple flying type to start the game. They always have one: Pidgey, Tailow, Starly, Spearow, and now the pidgeon thing.

Why the gear thing exists is beyond me. I has no point in pokemon, and doesn't even look like a Pokemon.
You don't know that it has no point yet.
Perhaps they'll use it to move forward in the story.
I've heard speculation of perhaps being used to lower the bridge.
Or maybe leveling up another Pokemon while the gear Pokemon is in your party helping it evolve.

Besides, plenty of Pokemon are "pointless" and they still exist.
Anyone else think that the crocodile looks like Hippopotas/Hippowdon? It has basically the same color scheme, maybe the opposite gender will have inversed colors? It makes sense, seeing as 4th gen had a hippo, now we have a crocodile? I dunno, just throwing it out there. (dunno if this has been speculated or not.)
Oh...my...gosh. I think I figured out why it's called Black & White! Because all of these Pokemon were originally rough drafts from long ago! GameFreak probably made these back in 1996 for all we know!
Tbh, does anyone really care where it is based in the real world? I mean, save some excitement for the Pokemon, Characters and Story :L
s2daam said:
Tbh, does anyone really care where it is based in the real world? I mean, save some excitement for the Pokemon, Characters and Story :L

Well, I was liking the idea of having each Pokémon generation based on a Japan's region so I think they should continue that trend until Japan was all covered and only THEN make generations based on another countries