(1) June CoroCoro Scans Leaked - New Pokemon [6/11]

No more Japan :'(
Well remember that gameplay pic with that factory?
i bet that you can catch Gear there.
DeoxysUnknownForme said:
I KNEW I was perplexed by that girl! I completely forgot about her XD. Well, that explains something.

I know, that's annoying me too. Although, they've been doing that since Teppouo, so :/. And people calling Gial "Gear". Wouldn't it be ギール instead of ギアル? Or maybe I'm wrong, I'm not fluent in Japanese but I know enough to question that. XD

"Gear" in Japanese is "ギア". ギアル can literally be written as Giaru, but the pronunciation would be the same as writing Gearu in English and often in japanese words the 'u' is dropped off in the end (at least that's how it sounds when spoken) so Gear is a pretty correct interpretation. That said, your point is taken, and Giaru is the more correct term to refer to that pokemon as.
yay i like this theory a lot. NO MORE JAPAN. At least it looks like america. Also ive been to new york city so i can relate to this.

You can be excited that it could be New York City, but there is no reason for you to be against it being in Japan. Pokemon is from Japan, is full of Japanese influences, and wouldn't be what it is otherwise. Pokemon still is a Japanese concept and product and it makes sense that it SHOULD deal with Japan, so some respect please~

No offense, but everyone has the right to express their feelings regarding this (or most any other) issue. This person is obviously excited by the prospect of a non-Japan pokemon region, so what? It doesn't matter if the game is of Japanese origin in this context, just as it wouldn't matter if someone voiced their opinion that a Half-life game should be set in Asia, even thought Valve is an American developer. Personally, I'm fine with the Japan-based regions, but I do agree it would be nice to mix it up a bit, regardless of the game's Japanese influence (which, ironically, is itself influenced heavily by Western culture.)
Tobi_Akatsuki said:
My eyes they burn...Game Freak had lets see about a good 4 years to think of fantastic Pokemon Ideas for 5th Gen, but this is this the best they could come up with?

Gear? Seriously, we have bronzor(who i'm not too big a fan of) and Magnemite...

Chiramii looks so much like a lame digimon its not even funny, i mean it doesn't even look like a chinchilla( not that Pikachu looked like a mouse), but i mean...it looks like a really fluffy Patamon...

and huh? in Arceus' name is Mun'na? It looks like a girly piggy bank crossed with a tapir...i wondered what the guys at Gamefreak were smoking when they came up with it much less approved it...

Hihidaruma = Slaking X Chimchar on roids and crack, i mean seriously, another fire monkey thing? Tsk Tsk...really? more originality is needed

Shimama, finally a zebra...back in the day i was waiting so long 4 a zebra, now we have one...but i'm extremely disappointed in its design, Ponyta/Rapidash are more horse-like than this...Plus Electric? Why Electric? Why not, i dunno Dark? or Dark/Normal, like an Anti-Grirafirig.

Mamepato, the classic bird pokemon, its decent but highly doubt and bird will be able to compete with Staraptor...

The only Pokemon that they revealed that doesn't make me gag or cringe is probably Meguroko
1. Because its a crocodile, you can never go wrong with Crocs/Gators
2. Because its Ground/Dark, i love sandstorm teams, and i know that Hippowdon, Garchomp, T-Tar, Cacturne & This-Guys-Evo will form the ultimate sandstorm team...
3. His secondary ability sounds deadly, this plus maybe stats similar to hippowdon's stats will make a deadly combination
I will say that his design looks a tad i dunno, stupid. It looks like he was a scrapped enemy for a Super Mario Bros. game or something...

Overall i'm disappointed, Game Freak won my approval with Reshiram and Zekrom but lost again with the addition of these guys.

As for the Isshu Region, looks awesome, I'm concerned/curious as to what the story line will be if the No Gym Battles rumor is true...i can't imagine anything else, granted gym battles got boring but i felt as if i had accomplished something...

Glad to see Pokemon Can Follow the player in this, i though that was the best thing about HGSS...

I would have Liked to see Zekrom as Dragon Dark and Reshiram be Dragon/Light because i thought that was the best way to go about making the whole Yin-Yang theme work, and i've been dying 4 a light type ever since Gen 3, but alas it seems dreams don't come true most of the time.

I have really mixed feeling for 5th Gen, it was awesome in the beginning, and i love the sense of wonder and amazement or curiosity and anticipation one gets form waiting for a new Pokemon to get released, but lately Game Freak has seriously been disappointing me with designs for Pokemon, i feel as if they're just throwing out random ideas, and they're letting n00b workers design pokemon, while the original designers are just taking a back seat...

I would really like to meet either Satoshi Tajiri or Ken Sugimori and maybe i dunno have a long conversation about it is exactly they come with a new Pokemon Gen...an i want to know from whose minds these ideas are coming from...>_<

This. x100000000000000000
Psykill said:
yay i like this theory a lot. NO MORE JAPAN. At least it looks like america. Also ive been to new york city so i can relate to this.

You can be excited that it could be New York City, but there is no reason for you to be against it being in Japan. Pokemon is from Japan, is full of Japanese influences, and wouldn't be what it is otherwise. Pokemon still is a Japanese concept and product and it makes sense that it SHOULD deal with Japan, so some respect please~

No offense, but everyone has the right to express their feelings regarding this (or most any other) issue. This person is obviously excited by the prospect of a non-Japan pokemon region, so what? It doesn't matter if the game is of Japanese origin in this context, just as it wouldn't matter if someone voiced their opinion that a Half-life game should be set in Asia, even thought Valve is an American developer. Personally, I'm fine with the Japan-based regions, but I do agree it would be nice to mix it up a bit, regardless of the game's Japanese influence (which, ironically, is itself influenced heavily by Western culture.)

thnx that was wat i was going to say
I like them. Except for Gear. What does everyone think about the new pokedexes and the mysterious new wirless feature?
Ok, settles it. TOTALLY getting Black over here. LOVE the fire type.


The pigeon is also good... The rest look like trash.


Pokemancer said:
...And for those who complain about Totodile - c'mon; seriously? How many monkeys are there? Mice?

ARE. YOU. HATING. ON. MY. MONKEYS !?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!? >8(
Did anyone else notice that they've used KANJI in the game dialogue? Have they ever done that before? I've only played HGSS and G/S and Green in Japanese, but I can't ever remember them having used KANJI in the game text. It's always been pure Hiragana and Katakana...

Might this mean that they're targeting a slightly older age-group?
Ugeda said:
Did anyone else notice that they've used KANJI in the game dialogue? Have they ever done that before? I've only played HGSS and G/S and Green in Japanese, but I can't ever remember them having used KANJI in the game text. It's always been pure Hiragana and Katakana...

Might this mean that they're targeting a slightly older age-group?
Exept from the picture that shows the name of the professor, Kanji isn't used in any other screen.
Pokequaza said:
Exept from the picture that shows the name of the professor, Kanji isn't used in any other screen.

I know. But it's not like they've used kanji even in the intro scenes before.

Wonder if this might imply that they're doing something like in the Zelda: Spirit Tracks game... You know, being able to decide if you want kanji or pure kana in the text..

It sure would broaden the target-group if they did so..
It's interesting how many of you are floating with the notion that it's a gorilla however I regret to inform you it's a