(1) June's 'CoroCoro' Leaks! [6/12]

What move is being used in that bottom left image of scan 4 with Landorus Sacred Beast Forme against Rayquaza? Is it just an improved animation for an attack? I must be forgetting something... Something that did seem to get an update is Samurott's back sprite, though maybe that's just me seeing things.

Sugimori's art for Keldeo's Resolution Forme is just flawless. I love it. Can't wait to see if it gets a higher Base Stat Total and if it can learn a few more moves (maybe through its influence from the other three Musketeers?).

The version exclusives seem to be backwards from what I like, which is pretty much always the case. I want White Kyurem but like the water cave more (at least visually so far) and the Magby line more. Of course they did the Magby/Elekid thing to contrast the version mascot, and then I guess the caves were assigned to match the version mascots (at least in the case of White Kyurem).
> Buneary exclusive to Black 2

Welp. I know what version I'm getting~

Keldeo-R does look kinda underwhelming given all the new Formes we've seen have been such drastic changes. I like it, though.

Do we know if Keldeo-R still retains Justified?
@ComfortEagle, the other BST Legendaries thing was an error. I was ment to say 'Lowest BST of Event Pokemon'. That was simply a typo. Sorry for any misinformation.

On topic, Bulbapedia gave more news. A scan for the manga adaption of Kyurem VS The Sacred Swordsman: Keldeo, which was leaked on 2ch, has Keldeo being lent power by the trio, possibly simular to the Secret Sword event. However, Pokébeach's Newspost says:

Keldeo can change to its Resolution Forme when you take it to a forest outside Sangi Town, a new location in B2W2. You will need Virizion, Cobalion, and Terrakion present in order to change it. It is implied that Keldeo will need to know Sacred Sword first.

And, what is Cobalion, Terrakion and Virizion doing? That's right, they're GIVING POWER TO KELDEO!!! Surely, that has nothing to do with the Resolution Forme (Aka: Keldeo-R) whatsoever...
Hope at least new Trainer cards are Tools, so they can be removed with Tool Scrapper. But I expect that they are strict about the conditions to play them, if not Black/White Kyurem have the unique ability to OHKO any Pokemon or stand any attack (except Rayquaza EX), which is BDIF definition...
The TCG power creep has grown from bad to worse to stupid. If the drawbacks aren't very limiting then I don't know what this game has come to.
... three hundred hit points.

The day has come... have we been ushered into an era of insane Pokémon Tools? o_O
Eh, from the sounds of it, they just really want to sell the Kyurem cards. Do we actually have scans of Black Kyurem-EX or White Kyurem-EX? If both of them already deal large amounts of damage, then a Crystal Edge makes OHKOs slightly more frequent...

Even not, 300 HP is just absurd. I hope this is like another case of Regigigas EX.
"Crystal Wall attaches to Black Kyurem-EX and boosts its HP to 300"

What has this world come to ;(.

And Elesa is better blonde.
Deus: Nightmare Autarch said:
By the way, who's the odd person in scan #4 off to the right, the one with the goggles?

That's the professor from Pokémon AR Searcher, if I remember correctly.
The new forme is a disappointment. You can't make the horn larger and add three feather things and call it a new forme. That's...that's just bad.

Everything else looks pretty cool. I feel that B2W2 will be a large improvement. I'll probably buy this now, with all these new changes.
Blui129 said:
Kyurem EX deck=new BDIF, 300 can only be OHKd with Rayquaza...man this is annoying
Garchomp with 3 Altaria on the bench would like a word with you.
And besides, it's not like Black Kyurem-EX will always have Crystal Wall on it at every single possible moment in every single possible game. Yes, it's pretty probable, but it's not the end of the world. A budget Garchomp/Altaria deck can OHKO BK-EX just as easily as it can OHKO anything you have.
I imagine the drawback to the new tool cards are going to be an extra prize card on the ko, netting you 3 prizes when you can ko it. That seems about right, especially since the new Garchomp and other Dragons can ko it with some help.
Serperior said:
The new forme is a disappointment. You can't make the horn larger and add three feather things and call it a new forme. That's...that's just bad.

Everything else looks pretty cool. I feel that B2W2 will be a large improvement. I'll probably buy this now, with all these new changes.

According to Serebii:
Just to clarify again, it's Resolution Form, not Resolution Forme. Same with its Usual Form.

The Japanese used has it as すがた over フォルム. The latter is what is normally used for "Form/Forme" while the first is new and just essentially means appearance.

It's not a form. I admit, I kept slipping up on it when we got the name at the weekend, but it's Form.

フォルム is used whenever the Pokémon's form is named "Forme" as per Deoxys, Meloetta, Tornadus etc
すがた is used whenever the Pokémon's form is named "Form" as per Basculin, Deerling, Castform etc
Videoland said:
According to Serebii:
Just to clarify again, it's Resolution Form, not Resolution Forme. Same with its Usual Form.

The Japanese used has it as すがた over フォルム. The latter is what is normally used for "Form/Forme" while the first is new and just essentially means appearance.

It's not a form. I admit, I kept slipping up on it when we got the name at the weekend, but it's Form.

フォルム is used whenever the Pokémon's form is named "Forme" as per Deoxys, Meloetta, Tornadus etc
すがた is used whenever the Pokémon's form is named "Form" as per Basculin, Deerling, Castform etc
Tomato, tomahto.

Is this a new animation for Outrage or what is it?? I wonder if all attacks get new animations!That'd be awesome :D!

EDIT: I wonder which will be more popular in VGC, Lightningrod Zapdos (when released) or Volt Absorb Thundurus-B?? I wonder if this form will be Uber as well. I'm voting for Lightningrod since it draws in the moves unless Volt Absorb gets a nice boost like that.

Also, I wonder which will be more used, Landorus-B or regular old Landorus? Intimidate is nice, but Landorus really likes Sand Force.
Yes, 300HP is INSANE! Back in my day, Wailord from ex-Sandstorm had the most HP. (Actually, I never played at leagues, just with friends. I never had this card and neither did any of my friends. I only play the games now and collect TCG.)
300 HP?!


I really don't like where the game is going. I'm sure these new tools will have some drawbacks to leverage the insane damage and HP boost, but I just don't think we should ever for any reason have Pokemon above 200HP (and even that amount should only be reserved for Wailord).
This new Keldeo form is a fail (not the form itself, but Keldeo getting a form). I didn't criticize anything at first because I was expecting it to look more different, but like some people said before, it's just a makeover. If they wanted Keldeo to look more serious/confident, they should have gone with this design right from the start, specially since it looks better than the original design IMO. I hope it has an increase in stats at least, although that seems unlikely.

Also, WPM, where you say in the main page "It is implied that Keldeo will need to know Sacred Sword first", I believe it is Secret Sword, not Sacred Sword cause Keldeo already knows Sacred Sword by itself, and it's Secret Sword Keldeo learns by reuniting the musketeers together.

What I still want to know is how Kyurem will change formes. I hope it is not dependable on having Zekrom or Reshiram on the team or something like that.
The trainer cards sound interesting. Like rowsdower24 said, maybe the drawback is an additional prize.

I also agree Elesa looks better with blonde hair.