(1) June's 'CoroCoro' Leaks! [6/12]

The Pikachu Mafia said:
yes that's true, but there are only 4 dragon types besides Black Kyurem EX himself that can hit for 150 damage that I know of, Rayquaza EX, Garchomp (only with 2 altaria and a plus power) White Kyurem EX (who will be able to hit for 200 damage ;-; ) and of course, hydregion....

Hydreigon needs a PlusPower to do that much.

Let's just hope that Tool Scrapper is prevalent enough to scare Kyurem decks away...but to be honest, I doubt it.
The Pikachu Mafia said:
Tool Scrapper

Eeyup. I can't believe I forgot about this. One tool scrapper and suddenly they're not such monsters anymore. As long as Junk Arm doesn't come back, the only reliable way to get it out of the discard is to use Sableye, which is requires a Dark energy, something that neither of these decks are going to run (and if they do, that means they're deck has 3 different kinds of energy which can be a little hectic). If it's true that you can only have one of them in your deck, then that amplifies the problem for the Kyurems even more.

These cards will definitely have an impact on the metagame, but I think it's going to be less "Every deck is overpowered Kyurem" and more "Every deck now runs Tool Scrapper."
Metalizard said:
^Now that you speak, this form kinda looks like Keldeo turned super saiyan (although the hair still has the same color)...

That just means Keldeo's gone Super Saiyan 4.

June's CoroCoro magazine has leaked on to the Internet a few days early, revealing the last promotional tidbits for Black 2 and White 2 before their release date next Saturday.

Huh. Forgot it was so close.

Also, excellent job with the banner, Xous.
Blah said:
Eeyup. I can't believe I forgot about this. One tool scrapper and suddenly they're not such monsters anymore. As long as Junk Arm doesn't come back, the only reliable way to get it out of the discard is to use Sableye, which is requires a Dark energy, something that neither of these decks are going to run (and if they do, that means they're deck has 3 different kinds of energy which can be a little hectic). If it's true that you can only have one of them in your deck, then that amplifies the problem for the Kyurems even more.

These cards will definitely have an impact on the metagame, but I think it's going to be less "Every deck is overpowered Kyurem" and more "Every deck now runs Tool Scrapper."

Let's not forget about our little friend Prism Energy and Blend Energy GPRD and the fact that they get more Help from Darkrai EX.
Soooo does that mean B2W2 is coming out next saturday?

Oh and keldeo? eh i mean i don't give a damn how much different it looks i don't make pokemon for a living and you can't expect these forms to always be completely different from each other. if anything the sword looks cooler! How many and it is confirmed. Black 2 is mine!
DeepSleepDarkrai said:
Let's not forget about our little friend Prism Energy and Blend Energy GPRD and the fact that they get more Help from Darkrai EX.

Point taken, but think about how slow that strategy is. Retreat, Junk Hand for Crystal Wall/Edge, then hope they don't play N or Catcher. Even if they don't, you get one more turn of attacking before it get's scrapped again or Kyurem gets killed.

It may look good on paper, but with Garchomp being able to do 200 damage even without Altaria (which, by the way, OHKO's Kyurem with Crystal Wall if you Tool Scrapper it), I don't think the strategy will be all that great.
Deus: Nightmare Autarch said:
Yeah. They'll make jumbo basic Energy and jumbo Trainer cards, so that a jumbo deck is perfectly legal to use in a tournament.

I actually have a lot of jumbo cards, I wouldn't mind that. I've dreamed of how fun that would be before.

Looks like Tool Scrapper will be a necessity in almost every deck now (if it wasn't already).

dmaster out.
Deus: Nightmare Autarch said:

Hydreigon needs a PlusPower to do that much.

Let's just hope that Tool Scrapper is prevalent enough to scare Kyurem decks away...but to be honest, I doubt it.

yeah I meant to say plus power with him :p

I personally think that anyone running a deck with either of these tools in them would have sableye and 3-4 prism in the deck... they'll also probably run some health reviving cards (i.e max Potion, SSU etc.) not to mention that they both have somewhat reliable ways to get energy (Emboar/Eelektrik) also they probably have their own tool scrapers and you'll have to run out of your own sometime and they can still abuse eviolite as a fall back plan.... possibly the best way to counter these EX monsters would be to run mew/accelgor or some sort of item lock deck....

welp, mewtwo has been officially dethroned if darkrai didn't do it already :p *mewtwo EX is most unpleased*
Blah said:
Point taken, but think about how slow that strategy is. Retreat, Junk Hand for Crystal Wall/Edge, then hope they don't play N or Catcher. Even if they don't, you get one more turn of attacking before it get's scrapped again or Kyurem gets killed.

It may look good on paper, but with Garchomp being able to do 200 damage even without Altaria (which, by the way, OHKO's Kyurem with Crystal Wall if you Tool Scrapper it), I don't think the strategy will be all that great.
Your right not the most productive however White Kyurem with Altaria can take out any dragon (Except EX) T2 with with Fire and DCE.
I think that getting 300 HP seems INCREDIBLY broken. The fact that there are still healing items and Leavanny in format will make tank White Kyurem a very fast and strong deck. Rayquaza EX needs 6 energies to OHKO it now.

Can't wait for BW2. Turning out interesting.
RogueChomp said:
I think that getting 300 HP seems INCREDIBLY broken. The fact that there are still healing items and Leavanny in format will make tank White Kyurem a very fast and strong deck. Rayquaza EX needs 6 energies to OHKO it now.

Can't wait for BW2. Turning out interesting.

Only Black Kyurem can get the 300 HP. Not to mention that White Kyurem can hit for 200 and Tool Scrapper brings Black Kyurem to 180 thus being OHKO'd.


dafuq? TPCi, what are you doing? Are you trying to put Wailord out of a job?

Also, Rayeels just jumped to tier 1. as did pretty much all {DRG} decks.
^ rayeels didn't do so well in Japan.... I expect Hydregion/Darkrai to be our new BDIF followed by Garchomp/altaria, then these bad boys...
DeepSleepDarkrai said:
Only Black Kyurem can get the 300 HP. Not to mention that White Kyurem can hit for 200 and Tool Scrapper brings Black Kyurem to 180 thus being OHKO'd.

Oh I got Kyurem-confused. I meant B Kyurem
The games looks really cool now. I think I will get White 2, I mean, we have not seen lava since...Gen III XD No, that's not the main reason I want to get it though.

By the way, did anyone notice Samurott's new backsprite? It's cool, just as Outrage(?) new animation :D
I like Keldeo's new forme, but I think it could have had more than slight changes.
Can we get the games early now?
Ahhh...Well, I haven't played Sinnoh games in quite a while, so I forgot. Still, it's good to see it again.
RogueChomp said:
I think that getting 300 HP seems INCREDIBLY broken. The fact that there are still healing items and Leavanny in format will make tank White Kyurem a very fast and strong deck. Rayquaza EX needs 6 energies to OHKO it now.
5 with Leavanny
3 without Leavanny, OR with Tool Scrapper
2 without Leavanny AND with Tool Scrapper

You don't need 6.
JetpackPercy said:
Keldeo was also based on a young fowl.
Since when is Keldeo a bird?

I like the new forme better than Keldeo's original, but I don't feel enough has changed to justify being a new forme. Also, new Elesa >>> old Elesa.