(1) June's 'CoroCoro' Leaks! [6/12]

Blui129 said:
They'll probably have a Kyurem (all formes) hold item that acts diferently for each forme (or an item for the new formes)
I would actually look forward to that in the video games.
Dragonite666 said:
300 HP? Awesome but...
Whit Hydreigon, Rayquaza EX, and Garchomp/Altaria in actual metagame... Black Kyurem gg...

Thundurus Volt Absorb? Prankster is better...
They did say there will may be drawbacks though (e.g. like Archeops and Carracosta).
I'm wondering... from a competitive perspective, Zekrom/Reshiram are ubers in the video game, but kyurem is oBL (according to smogon) so I was just wondering what tier white/black kyurem will be in... (most likely uber...)
The Pikachu Mafia said:
I'm wondering... from a competitive perspective, Zekrom/Reshiram are ubers in the video game, but kyurem is oBL (according to smogon) so I was just wondering what tier white/black kyurem will be in... (most likely uber...)
Depends on what Smogon feels like.

Kyurem is dubbed to be Uber tier in the video games though, so...
The Pikachu Mafia said:
I'm wondering... from a competitive perspective, Zekrom/Reshiram are ubers in the video game, but kyurem is oBL (according to smogon) so I was just wondering what tier white/black kyurem will be in... (most likely uber...)

Well its not like its weak points will magically go away because it is on a cover.
It depends on how its stats shift and whether it will get any important moves it didnt have before.

As for the stats, Ive brought it up before:
While Resh/Zek have a 150 offensive stat each (as usual for legends of this caliber), Kyurem had both at 130, but lacked 20 stats total.
So if this is as straightforward as it seems then Kyurems formes might have the following stats:
Black: 125 - 150 - 90 - 130 - 90 - 95
White: 125 - 130 - 90 - 150 - 90 - 95
The HP never change, a 150 in the appropriate offense is a safe assumption...so unless the defenses slightly shift to each side respectively those stats are very likely and on top of all explain the mysterious seemingly random 660 total of initial Kyurem.

Apart from the signature moves (which are horrible competitively), I dont know whether its really reasonable that it'll get access to loads of Fire/Electric moves, since it could change its forme and retain said moves if that was the case. Using energetic moves when it is the energyless legendary in person wouldnt make sense from a conceptual point.

Oh dear.
I just noticed something. Kyurem can learn Rain Dance and Sunny Day via TM. Geeeeez, we could have seen it coming, since its out of place without those formes .------.

So all in all, it doesnt seem like Kyurem will get much higher from where it is.
A fire move might spice it up, but I doubt it'll get Earthquake, and that StealthRock weakness, along with the rest of common weaknesses Ice gives it, are not going anywhere anytime soo.
^ yeah his typing and weakness to stealth rock is crippling.... at least they didn't make him Fire/Ice :p

I'd like to see him go OU, or maybe Uber.... but if you're correct, then his speed, and defenses are really kinda low and he could be pounded into the ground bye something like aerodactly or mamoswine.... :/

then again.... I've never seen a pokemon with combined base stats of 680 not be an uber.....
ComfortEagle said:
Regigigas has 670.

If he didn't, I would have interrupted and said that way before you ;P
I wish they'd notice through Kyurem being competitively crappy regardless of 680 stats, and figure that the type chart could use some slight polishing .-.

theres a dozen changes they could make to even the field, but the glarily obvious imbalances are
Ice-defensively crap
Poison-offensively crap
Steel-defensively uber
Deus: Nightmare Autarch said:
Regigigas has 670.

If he didn't, I would have interrupted and said that way before you ;P

Not to mention the only reason Regigigas is not Uber is because it has an hindering ability. Otherwise, I'm sure it'd be Uber...

About Kyurem getting Fire or Electric moves, in one of the movie trailers, W-Kyurem is seen using what appears to be Flamethrower...
And I'm still hoping they add an effect to Turboblaze and Teravolt: negate Ice Burn and Freeze Shock's charge turn.
lol the only way to play regigigas is to baton pass speed boosts to him, then hope he can survive a turn of slow start.... (I think that's how it goes anyways...)
The Pikachu Mafia said:
lol the only way to play regigigas is to baton pass speed boosts to him, then hope he can survive a turn of slow start.... (I think that's how it goes anyways...)
There are many different ways to play Gigas. Most of them involve Skill Swap, although Baton Pass can work.

Now, back to the topic at hand.
^ yeah....

anyways I just realized that Garchomp can be a nightmare for white/black Kyurem (Talking about the TCG) as long as he can spam Tool Scrapper and has either 2 altaria or 2 energy out...
Metalizard said:
About Kyurem getting Fire or Electric moves, in one of the movie trailers, W-Kyurem is seen using what appears to be Flamethrower...
And I'm still hoping they add an effect to Turboblaze and Teravolt: negate Ice Burn and Freeze Shock's charge turn.

That wouldn't make sense. What would the point of the charge turns be in the first place then?
If Kyurem already knew these moves without the formes, then that would be nice, but since it gets them only in the forme, I guarantee you that won't happen.

I don't understand why they didn't give Reshiram/Zekrom some noteworthy ability to begin with, not Mold Breakers with fancy names...
Good to see that we can instantly change the Genie's forms with an Item. Though now I'm left to wonder: can we transfer Mons from the original BW to B&W2? If we can it will likely be like 4th Gen., where you couldn't use (for example) Giratina's Origin forme when communicating with DP. It would make sense if we could transfer mons from game to game, seeing as how you could just catch them in BW and trade them to B&W2 (again, like Giratina in DP/P).

Wait a sec.... if the sacred beast formes can only be obtained via AR Searcher, then wouldn't that mean the magic mirror could only be obtained that was as well. After all, they said Items could be gained from it, also.

Volt Absorb Thundurus.... I can see so much use with that in VGC....

(Sorry if some of this has already been posted, but by the time I got to this, there were almost 150 posts. I don't have that much time on my hands to read every one of them).
Mitja said:
That wouldn't make sense. What would the point of the charge turns be in the first place then?
If Kyurem already knew these moves without the formes, then that would be nice, but since it gets them only in the forme, I guarantee you that won't happen.

I'm only saying that because it would make those moves better. Otherwise, they are useless. I'm not really applying sense here.
But, IMO, the Kyurem formes will be interchangeable, so unless they make it in a way that the moves disappear when Kyurem reverts to its normal forme (like Rotom), it'll still be able to use the moves in said forme.

@Red Striker: From what I understand, you use Reflective Mirror to change the Sacred Beast formes into the Incarnation formes. And you can only use it on the ones you catch in the Dream Radar, so you can't use it to change the in-game ones.
Red Striker said:
Good to see that we can instantly change the Genie's forms with an Item. Though now I'm left to wonder: can we transfer Mons from the original BW to B&W2? If we can it will likely be like 4th Gen., where you couldn't use (for example) Giratina's Origin forme when communicating with DP. It would make sense if we could transfer mons from game to game, seeing as how you could just catch them in BW and trade them to B&W2 (again, like Giratina in DP/P).

Just wanna nip this in the bud: You can use the Platinum Exclusive Formes (and indeed, even Spikey-eared Pichu) in direct battles with Diamond/Pearl. They just look like the forms that exist in DP (Altered Forme, Land Forme, Regular Rotom and Regular Pichu). You can't use them over WiFi at all, but that's a separate issue.
BabyShowers said:
Keldeo's new form is going to have a magical horn with that being the only difference?~

From June 8th, Was this even accurate?~

Also, where are the silly hat/ribbons?
EDIT: Well, I guess I can call those ribbons... Keldeo, you are now a Toho.
Oh no, 300 HP Kyurem EX. This power creep has gotten so bad... Okay, time to really express what I'm gonna say, THE RAPTURE HAS COME!!:angry

In other news: I'm definitely withdrawing from the real TCG meta for now. Reason: Power creep