(1) Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza in HeartGold and SoulSilver [6/10]

Argh. SoulSilver is a better name, but HeartGold gets Kyogre. Oh well. Still pretty cool, though. With the DSi having no second slot, this'll be the easiest way to get those legendaries.
That kinda seems backwards, putting Kyogre in HG (Fire-ish) and Groudon in SS (Water-ish)... Oh, well. I'm still getting Soul Silver, despite me liking Kyogre way more than Groudon.

As for the Arceus event thing... Woooooooooooooooooooo! I knew something like this was going to happen! They couldn't just leave its Creator status in a film (and it wasn't really worked on in Platinum, just stories were told). I hope you'll be able to visit that dimension it's in, but that's highly unlikely. Anyways, what I like best about the image of it in its dimension... It has a back overworld sprite. Could this mean you can have it follow you around, or will it just be used for the event (most likely just the event, but shhhhh, I'm being extremely hopeful)?
I am getting both these games just fro the Kyogre and Groudon and Rayquaza. I can't wait to see what they'll come up with next.
This is just like LG and FR they made a remake and add to it. the allowed you to trade to Sapphire and Ruby in them. Now they have there legendaries in there with HG and SS.
I really hope all this extra legendary business is after the main story. And they better not nix Kanto and the extra 8 badges for this stuff, that would really suck.
festizzio said:
I really hope all this extra legendary business is after the main story. And they better not nix Kanto and the extra 8 badges for this stuff, that would really suck.


Yeah I like the idea of putting them in, but don't DARE get rid of Kanto! >:O
I think that they really should keep kanto. I want the storyline to be long, unlike original GSC.
I don't like that Arceus OWorld sprite. The size is all wrong. It's about as big as a pony. : [

Everything else is looking to be really cool though. I hope all the legends now become avialable without the need of the GBA games.
scampy said:
Everything else is looking to be really cool though. I hope all the legends now become avialable without the need of the GBA games.

Yeah, I hope they become avialable without the need of the GBA games, too. :D
This can only mean one thing: R/S Remakes. Speculation abound! Nah, jk.

More legends is nice. I was tired of replaying R/S/E for them anyway. The artwork looks the same for Elm (disappointed), but Silver looks bad-***. I'm thinking Arceus said that line, but I'm just guessing. It sounds deep and philosophical, so it could be either of them! ;o I wonder if we'll be getting Arceus in G/S Remake games...;p

dmaster out.
Second picture, top right corner. Is that Goldenrod or what? I see national park on the top right edge of the picture

EDIT: kinda seems like there's a battle tower :O
I hope that, if there is a new Battle Frontier, then it will be less haxy than Platinum's. That was really annoying. I wonder what new facilities they can create? The Battle Garden?

Putting Kyogre in Heart Gold and Groudon in Soul Silver seems a little bizzare. I have to wonder why they made that choice. Do they just want clashing elements in the game?

I do not like Silver's new design. He looks like he gets his hair done by Mars.

I cannot wait for more about the Arceus event to come to light! It looks so mysterious and interesting, but it screams, "Event Pokemon!" I hope it doesn't mean another trip to Toys R Us.

They had better keep Kanto. Going to a new region was half the fun in Crystal. If they don't keep Kanto, than they could at least keep the Gym Leaders from that region, for a little extra challenge.
THIS Must be how Cynthia miraculously[/wrong spelling] gets Rayquaza in cards - I though the game defined the cards, not the cards give hints to the game

Oh, I forgot:

~Magma King~ said:
ChaosKnuckles said:
Please keep Kanto.

EDIT: Is it me or does silver looke like Blaze the cat (sonic the hedgehog)
Why...WHHHY must everything come out in america a million billion years from when it is talked about in japan!!! GRRR!!!! IT WILL NEVER BE HERE IN AMERICA!!!
Anways, this game looks amazing...the coolest part is the Arceus majig. Maybe, and this is just loose speculation, but like w/ the whole Groudon/Kyogre/Rayquaza thing has something to do w/ Arceus? Just tossing it out there, because why would you throw in Kyogre and Groudon and Rayquaza, and then a mysterious Arceus? Also, I hope the D/P trio doesn't interfere much like R/S did in FireRed Leafgreen. I mean Sinnoh legends get there game, so this should be a strict G/S thing...
It would be weird if they made a remake of Red and Blue. Also weird would be a game connecting all regions.