(1) Last of the 'X' and 'Y' Insider Information [5/18]

Reggie McGigas said:
Water Pokémon Master said:
Haha, I saw that when I Googled all of the names. It wouldn't be the first time fans have created a Fakemon with a name that turns out to later be used.

Just curious, what are the examples?

Torterra in Pokémon Acanthite and Leafeon in a friends deviantart. Those are the ones I've seen
Ooh, loving all this information. I like how everyone's probably got Inkay and Malimar figured out already. XD

By the way, the anime episode playing before the news portion is the original Charmander episode, so that might be worth watching.
My one real hope is that the starters are the types WPM stated, cause that would be really amazing, especially considering the fact it's not another Fire/Fighting. Though Inaky and Malimar are really interesting, and I might have to get one if they turn out to be real.
DorianBlack said:
Ooh, loving all this information. I like how everyone's probably got Inkay and Malimar figured out already. XD

By the way, the anime episode playing before the news portion is the original Charmander episode, so that might be worth watching.

Pokemon smash is making me cry and I don't even understand what they say :( the feels... So sad
I hope they'll reveal something new, I'm so interested in the starters evolutions, I need to see them :)
orkoni1 said:
I wonder how Inkay's evolution into Malimar is gonna be portrayed in the anime. Any Ideas??

The trainer has to do a headstand as Inkay levels up, or Inkay has to. Seems silly anyway.
Meowstic would be a lot better if they want meow and mystic. Why "stick"? Why? That's freaking ridiculous.
Meowstick makes me think of some kind of feline deodorant. I can imagine the puns already.
Jay said:
Meowstick makes me think of some kind of feline deodorant. I can imagine the puns already.


I just want a dark-type panther already.
Lol one letter off makes the whole name A LOT better actually. It instantaneously reminds me of a cat holding a stick or something rather than it being mystic.
Giratina210 said:
PsychedelicBreakfast said:
Okay... It's not like I'm going to go through 8 pages of comments to see if anyone brought that up. I brought it up again, big deal.
Well its not like we're gonna discuss it again just for one person when we already have.

Sorry, sometimes I'm like the guy who has just now seen the Harry Potter movies, or [Insert popular film saga of epic proportions here], and I wanna talk about it nooooowwww.
Elite Stride said:
More importantly, why are we getting more psychic cats? Like really?
More psychic cats...?

But we already have Meowth, Skitty, Glameow and Purrloin, so more cats sounds kinda like a waste of dex space. Unless we get a cat based on:
- the Cheshire cat
- Schrödinger's cat

And not just your usual cat.
Yeah, they revealed the player characters and region, and now they're starting to show the new mons we already know about. They did have a neat little video showing off diagonal movement though.

They also had a skit showing how to catch Pokémon starring a weird Professor Oak parody clown and a chubby bald guy in a Pachirisu costume. Oh, Japan.
Guys, Pokémon Smash just said they'd be doing weekly new XY info.
We may get confirmation on these rumours sooner than we'd thought! :)
