(1) Last of the 'X' and 'Y' Insider Information [5/18]

Im still holding out hope that Chespin becomes part Fighting or Steel. I really cannot see how it would become part Dark, at least from the design standpoint of its base form. Froakie doesnt matter to me either way, because I will still use it alongside Chespin when the games are released. As far as Fennekin goes, unless its final evolution is something so incredible I couldnt possibly ignore it, I wont be using it at all.

Overall, I can see Fenn and Froak becoming part Psychic and Fighting respectively, but Chespin being Dark just totally seems off. Only time will tell I suppose... and I will bet money that GF keeps their second stages pure IF they reveal them before the games release, just to troll the hell out of everyone that has been speculating for months and months about it.
to me both Psy and Dark always felt like a no-go type for starters.

Psychic because they seemed to only add subtle physical types (which is partially nonsense after the split and partially because for example Torterra has clear "earth" features integrated in its design)
but I've come to understand in the past few years or so, that it's actually not so much elemental (like Electric or Ice, which would steal the show from the primary type), but more of a battling approach/style, so its just as fine as Fighting...and Flying. Psychic is even more subtle than Ground too (in terms of design) and will leave Fennekins "obviously fire type"-vibe intact.

Dark, because gamefreak is so friendly and the type is literally called evil in Japan, so I thought they might think it inappropriate for the first pokemon you get. Also because its a rather uncommon type, but that part has been disproven by Empoleon long ago.

But since gen Vs boring play on starter types, I've been saying BRING IT ON! Give us Dark/Psy to show its possible so I can feel better when adding those types on fakemon starters xD

Still wish Poison would return after 5 generations ) :
Its quite neat and adds some useful resistances. (altho Fire wouldn't like the Ground weakness)

The rest of the no-go types still stay though:
-Dragon (I think everyone understands this one)
-Ice (it only goes well with Water, but all we've seen could fit any starter type)
-Electric (show-stealer)
-Ghost (the always sympatic/cool/freindly-looking starters wont suddenly turn undead eh?)
-Bug (I don't see a starter being an insect any time soon, seems just as weird as ghost)
-Normal (...need to see what the deal with Helioptile is before I can confidently argue this one atm)
NoDice said:
Im still holding out hope that Chespin becomes part Fighting or Steel. I really cannot see how it would become part Dark, at least from the design standpoint of its base form.

Well, look at Seedot xD Hum okay, he might have creepy eyes but what about Shroomish? Never thought of him turning Fighting. ^^'
Scraggy does not look very Dark to me as well =X
I think the now make the starters so that they have a secondary typing, probably after evolution, that is strong against the pokemon that has the primary typing that is stronger than the pokemon you picked.

Grass --> Water --> Fire --> Grass
Dark <-- Fighting <-- Psychic <-- Dark

For, generation 7, they could also do Grass/Fighting, Water/Psychic, and Fire/Dark if they wanted to.
frezgle said:
Politoed might more closely resemble a real-world frog than Poliwrath, but to say Poliwrath is a tadpole is... well... silly. Its species name isn't the end-all (after all, how many of you would say Blastoise is a shellfish?); tadpoles have two distinct traits that set them apart from frogs: A long, flat tail, and no legs. Poliwrath has no tail and four legs. Hrm.

I am by no means saying that Poliwrath resembles a tadpole because, well, it doesn't. However, Poliwag, while clearly based on a tadpole, has legs (well feet, but I digress), and as you said, real-world tadpoles don't. So your argument kinda falls flat there, but not, like, completely. Poliwrath has always struck me as a Teenage Mutant Ninja Tadpole... just saying.

I really hope we get more new type combinations. Inkay and Malimar are a good start.
AdamLambert said:
frezgle said:
Politoed might more closely resemble a real-world frog than Poliwrath, but to say Poliwrath is a tadpole is... well... silly. Its species name isn't the end-all (after all, how many of you would say Blastoise is a shellfish?); tadpoles have two distinct traits that set them apart from frogs: A long, flat tail, and no legs. Poliwrath has no tail and four legs. Hrm.

I am by no means saying that Poliwrath resembles a tadpole because, well, it doesn't. However, Poliwag, while clearly based on a tadpole, has legs (well feet, but I digress), and as you said, real-world tadpoles don't. So your argument kinda falls flat there, but not, like, completely. Poliwrath has always struck me as a Teenage Mutant Ninja Tadpole... just saying.

I really hope we get more new type combinations. Inkay and Malimar are a good start.

I assumed the Poli line was the growth cycle of a tadpole, during which the tadpole actually grows legs.

frezgle said:
Politoed might more closely resemble a real-world frog than Poliwrath, but to say Poliwrath is a tadpole is... well... silly. Its species name isn't the end-all (after all, how many of you would say Blastoise is a shellfish?); tadpoles have two distinct traits that set them apart from frogs: A long, flat tail, and no legs. Poliwrath has no tail and four legs. Hrm.

I don't like Water/Fighting for Froakie. I think other types would fit it better (such as Flying or Ice, or even Electric) with its cloud-like scarf thing. It just seems weird.
Chespin becoming Grass/Dark also seems weird, with its hard shell and Rollout in its moveset. Grass/Rock or Grass/Ground would make more sense there.
Fennekin... eh. We just had this Fire/Psychic orange and yellow fennec creature:

So whatever. Would've preferred Fire/Ghost but at least Psychic is new to the Starter table and it doesn't seem contrary to its design like the other two.

There've been starters like Torchic that in no way resemble the type they grow up to be, but they're always unspecialized, whereas the two starters I have an issue with already seem to have distinct secondary traits in their design. And even still, most of those oddball starters still make sense when you think about them:
Charmander - Just a fire lizard/salamander. No indication pointing it to one future type or another. Growing wings doesn't seem too out of place, since lizards and dragons are closely related in most peoples's minds
Torchic - Just a fire chicken. Could've become Fire/Flying, but not necessarily since chickens don't fly. Fire/Fighting makes sense in the context of cockfighting.
Tepig (why's it all the Fire types?) - Just a fire pig! I know many suspected/wanted Fire/Dark or Fire/Ground, and I do think I would have liked one of those more, but it's still just a fire pig and they could have put nearly any secondary type on its evolutions. Even Flying. When pigs fly, anyone? ahaha.

The only previous starter I see as sort of analogous to these is Piplup. Nobody's gonna look at a cute baby penguin with a poncho and expect it to become Water/Steel. Water/Ice maybe, or just Water, but Steel? Still not sure what the thought process was there. So maybe we really will get two Piplups this time around. I hope not though.

Poliwrath is based on a tadpole, and the concept of amphibian neoteny, which is when an amphibian does not leave it's infant stage, the case of many amphibians. Poliwrath is by no means a frog he is a tadpole

also, I seriously doubt the other type combinations of Froakie you gave. Besides the bubble scarm he has (they are bubbles, foam even, not clouds, which is stated) so there is nothing on him that hints to ice or electricity. His move set and pokedex entry hint a very physically oriented pokemon, but honestly game freak could go anywhere from it. Chespin I believe is going to be grass rock, as he would still have a half advantage to fennekin and weakness to froakie (assuming froakie is water/fighting) and the fact chespin has roll out. Rock or steel should be his second type.

And Victini is a fenec fox? I'd say he looks more like a rabbit, being bipedal, with large narrow ears. but that's an opinion. Bulbapedia says victini favors both rabbits and foxes so take what you want
Mitja said:
to me both Psy and Dark always felt like a no-go type for starters.

Psychic because they seemed to only add subtle physical types (which is partially nonsense after the split and partially because for example Torterra has clear "earth" features integrated in its design)
but I've come to understand in the past few years or so, that it's actually not so much elemental (like Electric or Ice, which would steal the show from the primary type), but more of a battling approach/style, so its just as fine as Fighting...and Flying. Psychic is even more subtle than Ground too (in terms of design) and will leave Fennekins "obviously fire type"-vibe intact.

Dark, because gamefreak is so friendly and the type is literally called evil in Japan, so I thought they might think it inappropriate for the first pokemon you get. Also because its a rather uncommon type, but that part has been disproven by Empoleon long ago.

But since gen Vs boring play on starter types, I've been saying BRING IT ON! Give us Dark/Psy to show its possible so I can feel better when adding those types on fakemon starters xD

Still wish Poison would return after 5 generations ) :
Its quite neat and adds some useful resistances. (altho Fire wouldn't like the Ground weakness)

The rest of the no-go types still stay though:
-Dragon (I think everyone understands this one)
-Ice (it only goes well with Water, but all we've seen could fit any starter type)
-Electric (show-stealer)
-Ghost (the always sympatic/cool/freindly-looking starters wont suddenly turn undead eh?)
-Bug (I don't see a starter being an insect any time soon, seems just as weird as ghost)
-Normal (...need to see what the deal with Helioptile is before I can confidently argue this one atm)


As long as the Electric type doesn't overtake the Pokémon, I am fine with it. I always liked the pure starters of Johto. It seems, though, that this generation will have double typed starters again, I never really liked that. The Flying on Charizard wasn't a problem, Flying has never been a ''real'' type, and Poison on Venusaur? Poison was part of almost every Pokémon in the first generation. But the starters after the second generation started to focus more on their secondary type (if they had one), rather than on their primary type; the Grass-Fire-Water circle, the types that make a starter a starter to begin with.

Nevertheless I agree; Bug, Dark, Ghost, Normal, and Dragon are definitely a no.
In the past only physical types have been secondary for starters - so as not to draw away from their main type. That would be the main arguments against the starters picking up the rumoured types... That being said, Dark is fine as a secondary type, mainly because until recently (Gen 4) there weren't that many offensive Dark attacks. Psychic is another matter altogether. It's worth noting that there are very few Pokemon that are partially Psychic type - at least compared to other types. Fire is in a similar boat - they're both types which go very well on their own, but not so well combined with other special types (Water and Grass are not the same due to the fact that Water and Grass Pokemon tend to very much be based on real life things which fit those categories, such as squids, turtles, plants, seeds etc., whereas there are few animals which are obviously Fire or Psychic). It's a very interesting discussion... Were it not for the fact that Fennekin was shown to be using Confusion (of whatever it was) etc., I probably wouldn't believe the rumour.
Pokequaza said:
As long as the Electric type doesn't overtake the Pokémon, I am fine with it. I always liked the pure starters of Johto. It seems, though, that this generation will have double typed starters again, I never really liked that. The Flying on Charizard wasn't a problem, Flying as never been a ''real'' type, and Poison on Venusaur? Poison was part of almost every Pokémon in the first generation.
Out of 650+ Pokemon, 57 of them are Poison, 33 of which were introduced in Generation I. So, basically, you're right.
Poison is the 8th most common type.
Alix Rooker said:
Pokequaza said:
As long as the Electric type doesn't overtake the Pokémon, I am fine with it. I always liked the pure starters of Johto. It seems, though, that this generation will have double typed starters again, I never really liked that. The Flying on Charizard wasn't a problem, Flying as never been a ''real'' type, and Poison on Venusaur? Poison was part of almost every Pokémon in the first generation.
Out of 650+ Pokemon, 57 of them are Poison, 33 of which were introduced in Generation I. So, basically, you're right.
Poison is the 8th most common type.

Almost a fourth of the first generation was Poison. That first generation introduced more Poison types than all the other four generations combined. Pokémon needs some more Poison types again, it's almost as if GameFreak forgets about them every time.

D.N.A said:
In the past only physical types have been secondary for starters - so as not to draw away from their main type. That would be the main arguments against the starters picking up the rumoured types... That being said, Dark is fine as a secondary type, mainly because until recently (Gen 4) there weren't that many offensive Dark attacks. Psychic is another matter altogether. It's worth noting that there are very few Pokemon that are partially Psychic type - at least compared to other types. Fire is in a similar boat - they're both types which go very well on their own, but not so well combined with other special types (Water and Grass are not the same due to the fact that Water and Grass Pokemon tend to very much be based on real life things which fit those categories, such as squids, turtles, plants, seeds etc., whereas there are few animals which are obviously Fire or Psychic). It's a very interesting discussion... Were it not for the fact that Fennekin was shown to be using Confusion (of whatever it was) etc., I probably wouldn't believe the rumour.

I did not mean to say Dark.

Dark is acceptable I think. But I agree, Psychic has not really been a secondary type, the majority of Psychic Pokémon were prominently Psychic, even if the type was secondary, Psychic usually steals the show. I wonder how they will make this work with Fennekin, if it will become part Psychic.
If the starter types are really those, Fennekin would be such a no-brainer decision regarding the first gyms.

If the first one is really Bug, Chespin would suffer; if the second one is Fairy, then, Fennekin would have a whooping 4x advantage, whereas Chespin and Froakie would both suffer (assuming that Fairy-type really has those strengths and weaknesses).

I mean, if you were to include a new type in this game (and thus probably making some legendary Pokémon with it), why making in such a way that one starter has giant advantages against it, and the other two are weak against it? Why in the world would you try to force us Fennekin? :(

Pretty much like starting with Snivy in Black/White 2, considering the 2nd gym is Poison and the 3rd is Bug.
João Pedro Lang said:
If the starter types are really those, Fennekin would be such a no-brainer decision regarding the first gyms.

If the first one is really Bug, Chespin would suffer; if the second one is Fairy, then, Fennekin would have a whooping 4x advantage, whereas Chespin and Froakie would both suffer (assuming that Fairy-type really has those strengths and weaknesses).

I mean, if you were to include a new type in this game (and thus probably making some legendary Pokémon with it), why making in such a way that one starter has giant advantages against it, and the other two are weak against it? Why in the world would you try to force us Fennekin? :(

Pretty much like starting with Snivy in Black/White 2, considering the 2nd gym is Poison and the 3rd is Bug.

I don't disagree with you, but I don't think there's anything fundamentally wrong with setting up the gyms against the starters types that way. For example, Bulbasaur had a much easier time during the first two gyms in Gen 1 (Rock and Water) than Charmander. They always have a starter that has an easier time to start off, a starter who's at a disadvantage to start, and a starter who's a "middle of the line" of sorts. Usually though, the ones that suffer at the beginning of the game are rewarded with later gyms and the E4.
FT10 said:
João Pedro Lang said:
If the starter types are really those, Fennekin would be such a no-brainer decision regarding the first gyms.

If the first one is really Bug, Chespin would suffer; if the second one is Fairy, then, Fennekin would have a whooping 4x advantage, whereas Chespin and Froakie would both suffer (assuming that Fairy-type really has those strengths and weaknesses).

I mean, if you were to include a new type in this game (and thus probably making some legendary Pokémon with it), why making in such a way that one starter has giant advantages against it, and the other two are weak against it? Why in the world would you try to force us Fennekin? :(

Pretty much like starting with Snivy in Black/White 2, considering the 2nd gym is Poison and the 3rd is Bug.

I don't disagree with you, but I don't think there's anything fundamentally wrong with setting up the gyms against the starters types that way. For example, Bulbasaur had a much easier time during the first two gyms in Gen 1 (Rock and Water) than Charmander. They always have a starter that has an easier time to start off, a starter who's at a disadvantage to start, and a starter who's a "middle of the line" of sorts. Usually though, the ones that suffer at the beginning of the game are rewarded with later gyms and the E4.

Yeah, I know they always tend to favor one starter over the others in the first gyms.

(BTW, loved how Unova worked; in Black/White, the starter was always in disadvantage in the first gym. In Black 2/White 2, no starter was favored, since the first gym was Normal-type.)

But, if they're really going to introduce a Fairy-type (and, as it's natural, try to force it to the gameplay, with Fairy gyms and legendaries and all that) it's kind of unfair how one starter has all the advantages and the others have weaknesses. I mean, Fennekin will probably be the only Fire/Psychic in the game... It's already the kawaii-est and cutest starter, if that's true none will pick the other ones :p
Until we see what kind of fairy pokemon there are and what their moves are, having resistances against the Fairy type means nothing.
And even if we assumed there will be plenty of offensive fairies, you have to remember that pokemon are not limited to STAB moves.

Just like Steel isnt the ultimate answer to Dragons, as most of them are capable of throwing earthquakes and fire at you.

You'd have a point if Fairy was WEAK to Fire and Psychic.
But even then, the games have never been and will never be so deeply focused on starter types. You're meant to use other pokemon, hence why there is always easy, neutral or hard beginnings with any starter. Its simply bound to happen.

(Also, Victini is Psychic/Fire, but you probablymeant in casual gameplay/battles)
really do you guys believe all of this with out official anoucment from Nintendo i for one will not believe it
until we get official new from Nintendo

hold your ds up side down for evolution if that's true u can do evolution as soon as u catch it

that to me sound like fake to me.

why do you guys believe this stuff is real with out official news man u like my bro who believes the water and is the last evolution of the water pokemon with out any news to back it up he believes it to be 100% true.

me i will take it as fake until i got info from Nintendo

João Pedro Lang said:
FT10 said:
I don't disagree with you, but I don't think there's anything fundamentally wrong with setting up the gyms against the starters types that way. For example, Bulbasaur had a much easier time during the first two gyms in Gen 1 (Rock and Water) than Charmander. They always have a starter that has an easier time to start off, a starter who's at a disadvantage to start, and a starter who's a "middle of the line" of sorts. Usually though, the ones that suffer at the beginning of the game are rewarded with later gyms and the E4.

Yeah, I know they always tend to favor one starter over the others in the first gyms.

(BTW, loved how Unova worked; in Black/White, the starter was always in disadvantage in the first gym. In Black 2/White 2, no starter was favored, since the first gym was Normal-type.)

But, if they're really going to introduce a Fairy-type (and, as it's natural, try to force it to the gameplay, with Fairy gyms and legendaries and all that) it's kind of unfair how one starter has all the advantages and the others have weaknesses. I mean, Fennekin will probably be the only Fire/Psychic in the game... It's already the kawaii-est and cutest starter, if that's true none will pick the other ones :p

you really believe fennekin is fire\psychic type we got victini witch has the same typing and better even stats do u take every info u get from a source as true i for one will not believe that's fennekin type until Nintendo say so for official confirmation fennekin could be fire\fighting for all u know
supermewtwo said:
really do you guys believe all of this with out official anoucment from Nintendo i for one will not believe it
until we get official new from Nintendo

hold your ds up side down for evolution if that's true u can do evolution as soon as u catch it

that to me sound like fake to me.

why do you guys believe this stuff is real with out official news man u like my bro who believes the water and is the last evolution of the water pokemon with out any news to back it up he believes it to be 100% true.

me i will take it as fake until i got info from Nintendo

João Pedro Lang said:
Yeah, I know they always tend to favor one starter over the others in the first gyms.

(BTW, loved how Unova worked; in Black/White, the starter was always in disadvantage in the first gym. In Black 2/White 2, no starter was favored, since the first gym was Normal-type.)

But, if they're really going to introduce a Fairy-type (and, as it's natural, try to force it to the gameplay, with Fairy gyms and legendaries and all that) it's kind of unfair how one starter has all the advantages and the others have weaknesses. I mean, Fennekin will probably be the only Fire/Psychic in the game... It's already the kawaii-est and cutest starter, if that's true none will pick the other ones :p

you really believe fennekin is fire\psychic type we got victini witch has the same typing and better even stats do u take every info u get from a source as true i for one will not believe that's fennekin type until Nintendo say so for official confirmation fennekin could be fire\fighting for all u know

Just curious, but how long have you been around with Pokemon games? Im not saying the information is totally true or anything, but a source that has a little bit of credit to it is much more reliable than the 1000000 people posting "supposedly" insider info all across 4chan, gamefaqs, etc etc...

The guy randomly told WPM a bunch of info along with news of an "Electric move that absorbs HP". The move was confirmed. And I believe he announced the names of the 4 revealed Pokemon before they were revealed as well, in English. Thats a pretty solid track record for a "source". Anyways, the electric move thing was a real credit to the source, Im not positive about the names though, unless someone would like to chime in on that.
supermewtwo said:
hold your ds up side down for evolution if that's true u can do evolution as soon as u catch it
So does Clefairy, Jigglypuff, Pikachu, Growlithe, Vulpix and so on... and you don't even need to level them up, just use evolutionary stones on them.

why do you guys believe this stuff is real with out official news
We don't believe 100% but the same source unveiled a new Electric-move in detail and 4 English names before they were revealed. It would be a pretty good guess! We're not saying all of it is real but it's possible (and some people are excited about that).

you really believe fennekin is fire\psychic type we got victini witch has the same typing
We already had two Grass/Psychic Pokémon (Exeggcute line) and that didn't stop them for making Celebi... and this is just a lame example, there are so many out there.
PS: If you're going to tell me that Celebi is Psychic/Grass instead of G/P (which is basically the same thing), the same happens with Victini (P/F while Fennekin F/P).

My comments are in blue.
Guys supermewtwo is trolling, obviously.
He is intentionally making dumb points and using really bad English just to annoy us.
My theory as to why to evolve Pancham you need a dark type in your party:

First here is Pancham's description coming from the official site. "With its trademark leaf always sticking out of its mouth, Pancham tries to intimidate its opponents by glaring at them intensely (although this is rarely successful)."

Obviously, Pancham is adorable which is why the little dude has trouble with being intimidating. With the help of a Dark-type Pokemon (Which we can assume are relatively "evil" in some sort of way) Pancham can be influenced to become more scary/frightening/intimidating which leads to him evolving into Pangoro.