(1) Leaked 'Black' and 'White' Pokemon Information [9/10]

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^ Well, Giratina wasn't next to Palkia and Dialga either (they aren't really a trio, more a duo with another member you know..) But to divide a trio.. strange..?
Pretty sure I have seen some of those type information like 3 months ago.... Some ZeldaInformer people passed info onto Jon or something around that time....
I might actually hate this Region like I hate Johto. Hate is a strong word but I can't be bothered to delete it now. All the Pokemon, especially the ones you'll encounter first, suck. So to get your dream team, you'll have to go through the whole game with crappy Pokemon >!<

The only bright, if you can see it like that, of the Starter evos being true is: I don't have to evolve my Tsutarja :D

But Pokabu Fire/Fighting? Why do they hate us D=
Yeah thats wierd that they are split up like that, but it's not as wierd as these pokemon.
532/038 - ?? - Basic - Fighting: A guy with a wooden plank.
533/039 - ?? - Stage 1 - Fighting: A guy with an iron girder. It is stronger that its pre-evo and has a clown nose.
534/040 - ?? - Stage 2 - Fighting: Has a concrete block on each hand. It got much larger from evolution. The clown nose is not funny anymore.
whats up with these a guy with a wooden plank, these made me lol.
Well done on the article, WPM! Nice and condensed -- I appreciate you taking all that time to put it all together and type it up!

I'm absolutely thrilled at everything (except yet another Fire/Fighting starter...meh). The sheer number of Pokémon, the types of the legendaries...seems like this is truly the reboot the series needed. Only a few days left...I can't wait!
seeing this the wait for the games just got slightly more interesting (in my opinion). i'm curious as to how gear's evolutions would look.
I Have to give Credit to WPM for taking his time to make this, I mean 5 hours is a lot,
Anyway I hope that the Bug/Steel truns out to be a alien Robot, and wow I am really happy to see the Flying trio as part of the Raijin
I am dying of anticipation now! A fight type line with planks and iron girders and concrete blocks? And clown noses? A-W-E-S-O-M-E!
1) The bug-robot-laser legendary kinda looked like deoxys in my head....
2) I think I'm divided by this descriptions, are they good or not? Will have to see the official art to tell...
3) No split-evolutions!? WHY GOD, WHY???!!!
4) The starter's typing seems weird....
5) No new evos? Awww, I kinda liked all the evos in Gen. IV
And no new evos. Wow, I might actually really detest this region xD Hmmm. It's like, the hype is gone like *that* :(

Thanks WPM for the PokeDex compilation by the way :) I hope it's all fake though, eventually ^_^

I like the Bug/Steel Legendary though. Sounds awesome, but Deoxys much? (The alien part).
I think some of the descriptions make very little sense. I dont get the three fighting types. One with a wooden plank, one with a steel stick and the finale "evolution" with a cement blocks. I dont understand why these pokemon have man made objects. Plus they remind me of the fighting trio. One thats plant(wood) and thats steel(iron gurder?) and one thats rock(cement blocks)
Let's put together a petition to gamefreak or whoever and it should just say

@OMGxShante, I reckon that gear will be like magnamite all over agian and the stage 1 will just be more gears, but the 2nd stage will be different.
^ I would sign that petition
People, please stop complaining! This is awesome! And so many evos that evolve twice! WOOHOO!
Some of my opinions for now, will update with more opinions later.
Flying Demon Trio: I'm curious as to these 3. They're all completely seperate from eachother in national dex order with atleast 1 Pokemon in between each member, but I'm mostly curious due to the fact they appear to be based on demons, or the Raijin, which is a god of thunder who is described as a demon:
As for design and some moves it might be able to learn belly drum or some kind of drum based move because it beats drums to create lightning. I find it funny how they're based on a thunder good/demon yet only one is actaully electric type, one of which is ground type (The opposer to electric), and one is simply pure flying type (The primary type electric has ups againsts). So far I'm curious as to what they might look like.
Im just wondering. Why are there so many alternates to pokemon who look exactly the same only different colors? There seem to be a bit too many. It reminds me of shellos, but he was separated by mountains, I don't know about these. And that The alternates aren't next to each other in the pokedex.
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