(1) Leaked 'Black' and 'White' Pokemon Information [9/10]

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@fire-ice Pokémon trainer, I fully agree that have realy overused different form.
^also Mafia frog should be really funny.
I still don't completely believe the starter evolutions are real. The interview with Sugimori suggests they're fakes. Honestly, I'm just assuming they're fake until the game actually comes out. And come on - another fire/fighting? ...Really?
So who the hell is this "internal source?" Just because Melkor has been correct before and claims this "source" is legit doesn't 100% confirm it's real. Sure, there's a chance it is - and a chance it isn't.
No one should be taking any of this as fact until Gamefreak officially releases the information.
These alternate forms are getting so ridiculous, no doubt about that.
It almost sounds as if some of these are getting alternate forms just for the hell of it.
Also, I will ball up in a corner and cry my eyes out if Kibago is related to Ononokusu.
Not only that, but if there aren't even Pokemon outside of the 5th generation post Elite 4, I will eat a blended concoction of my friend's gym socks.

But...uhm. On the other hand, fire/ghost ftw?
Now that I think of it those 3 sound as if they're lead by Zekrom similar to how Lugia leads the birds and how Ho-Oh leads the beasts. Does that mean Reshiram rules the other trio as well?
@Shiramu Kuromu, that theory is really cool.
Also they have descrased Kibgao if ononokusu is it's real evo, its to cute to evlove into that.
@Shimamu Thats what i never thought. But i thought the birds were from Kanto, why would lugia, who is from johto, lead them? But i think this is fake. But its a interesting idea.
new theory! Dento (probably) owns Hiyappu, Baoppu, and Yanappu, based on his badge.

oh and it was cool and all with Deoxys and the shiny pokemon (they count as alternate forms too, technically), but alternate forms have been a gimmick since its creation in Gen 3.
Too many legendaries!

The starters typings are awful! Monotypes for Grass and Water, and yet another Fire/Fighting?? I hope this isn't true. Originality, ha!

I don't like the monotyping of lots of those pokemon. The monkeys, Gigaiasu, Shimama, Gear, a couple of pure-Fighting lines....

But all I want to know now is that I can atleast picture what the demon trio is going to look like, yet I can't picture anything for the other trio other than Raikou, Suicune, and Entei wearing demon masks. :/
As others have said, I'm having trouble with the images.
I wish we would've gotten more true, physical (well... you know what I mean...) info, but this is still cool, so thanks WPM!
As for what you said about Lugia leading the birds it should be kind of obvious as to why due to the 2nd movie. :/
I've been having the same problem with some of the pictures. also it's about time they made a ghost/fire poke.
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