(1) Leaked 'Black' and 'White' Pokemon Information [9/10]

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@ Maur: I'm not sure if I understood that right. Do you mean the single ice poke is the scam or is the gear line the scam? (and by scam, I'm assuming you mean a pokemon that evolves, but not really; mainly just a bunch of its pre-evos put together). I would think that a snowflake poke would be more of a gimmick than a scam (I see spinda as a gimmick)
He is talking about how it looks very similar to the previous stage.

@Kitana Coldfire
He is talking about the Gear evo.

The only thing he said about the Ice pokemon is it looks like a hexagon.

I REPEAT: Hiro is talking about how it looks, not how good the pokemon is in battle.
I'm guessing there haven't been any new pokemon/silhouettes then (I was doing my maths homework but I was still logged in). It's nice to see you back, Irishkappa! :) How do you guys know exactly what pokemon's going to be drawn next? I know it's being done in pokedex order, but how do you know what order they're in!? On pokebeach's main page there are a lot of empty pokedex slots (as in, no names or descriptions for the pokemon), so I'm just confused about how everyone seems to know that Gear's evolutions are to be the next pokemon drawn. :S
Well when I think about ice with the word 'hexagon' thrown in there, I think about hexagonal snowflakes or ice crystals. *nod nod* It could be indescribable because each one is unique, and therefore impossible to draw each one.

Then again, I've been known to have a wild imagination.
offtopic @ramsey: no, local TV news :D
ontopic: I don't think the snowflake is a scam, btw, can anybody give me the guy's twitter again? So i can check and keep u guys updated?
omg! i just love this news hehe it gets me going for pokemon black and white and can you please send the link for the wtwitter again also . i forgot it aswell
ugh, I'd wish the guy would hurry up already. I know he might be sleeping or the guy that makes the drawing migh be sleeping aswell but still! Comon'!
Hey guys, I know this flood of news is exciting, but just remember that people will post as soon as new information comes up; you don't have to keep asking. Try to post only when you have something truly promoting discussion of the topic. Thanks!
@Irishkappa - Did I miss something? If the last thing he posted was Gear's evos then that is news for me! :D The last thing I was aware of was that spiky pokemon.

Last tweets:

580: Blue Swan Pokémon. Swana Pre Evo. Basically a breed of swan, in blue color. Water/Flying Type. Hiro adds: "I would say it is a blue ugly duckling".
581: Swana.
582: Ice Cream Ball Pokémon. A white/blue ice cream ball with tiny body, almost like a baby. Pure Ice Type.
583: Ice Cream Pokémon. Pure Ice Type.
584: Double Ice Cream Pokémon (one cone, two balls). Also Ice.
585: Shikijika
586: Mebukijika
587: Emonga.
588: Bug Pokémon. Pure Bug Type
589: Knight Bug Pokémon. A knight with an armor, spears and helmet. Main body is based on previous bug. Bug / Steel Type.
590: Tamagetake.
591: Tamagetake Evo. A Mushroom Pokémon with a pink PokéBall design, and two smaller Poké Ball as hands. Grass/Poison Type.
592: Jellyfish Pokémon. Round blue head with 5 tentacles. Water / Ghost Type. Has another Forme, pink color and different tentacles.
593: Jellyfish Pokémon. Also Water / Ghost Type. Also have a pink form.
594: Mamanboo
595: Denchura Pre Evo, Bug / Electric Type
596: Denchura.
597: Iron Ball Pokémon. Have green spikes. Grass / Steel Type
598: Steel Platform Pokémon. A spiky steel platform with three grass arms going up and ending in steel maces. Grass / Steel Type.
599: Gear.
600: Gear + Another big gear behind. Steel type
601: Gear + Big gear behind + Small gear at bottom + Platform. No Brainer Pokemon of V Gen. Steel type
i dont think i like the gear evolutions lol, the last one sounds really weird to me, esp. the ice cream cone line
Alright! Glued-together mons return!

Kidding. There doesn't seem to be any interesting water types. Not that i'm complaining since I hate water types, but still.
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