(1) Leaked 'Black' and 'White' Pokemon Information [9/10]

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lol it does! id just wish theyll release all pokemon at once but save typing and other inof before the game lol or all basic and noon evolving pokemonand others including legendaries untill after the game comes out

ugh still nothing on pokejungleee
How come when I go to Melkor's website or Twitter page I can't see the latest news? The "latest" thing I can find is the fan-art of Denchura's prevo. :S I wouldn't mind covering for Irishkappa/Revolution for the time being but I don't know why I can't see the latest news. :S
@Ramsey: Some posts have an english translation underneath.
Also, where is this Denchura prevo you're seeing. I'm not seeing it on Twitter, and I know what it looks like.
ik its in english underneth but not enough lol its on pok jungle, click show spoiler
not advatisment! opps cant spell
"599: Gear.
600: Gear + Otro engranaje grande detrás.
601: Gear + Engranaje grande + Engranaje pequeño abajo + Base. El timo de la V Gen."

Got this off his site (somehow....). Unfortunately I don't speak spanish
Kitana Coldfire: "599: Gear. 600: Gear + Another big gear behind. 601: Gear + Big gear behind + Small gear at bottom + Platform. No Brainer Pokemon of V Gen."

There's your translation.
Some pokemon are really interesting but still after all this time i still do not understand why of all the pokemon web sites in the world would they choose a Spanish-based site
Info from pokexperto:

>@Hiro: How do the the last ice pokemon look like? (Not the polarbear, not the icecreme and not the Dragon ice Pokemon)
- Indescribable. It's like a hexagon.

>The jellyfish evo have another form like the pre-evo?
Yes, the jellyfish evo also have a pink form

>How many Ghost types?
- There are 9 Ghost types

>What about the Dragon type?
- There are 10 Dragon types

>What type are Gear evos?
- Also pure Steel type.
Hey guys, I'm baaack :D

You don't need to make a post just to announce your return to the thread. Make sure your posts have something to do with promoting the discussion of the topic. Otherwise, it's spam. Thanks! ~Xous
lol thatd be interesting and cool, but idk how theyll make a snowflake a pokemon lol but im sure they already did hehe

A snowflake pokemon seems weird, but they did a gear one, so I guess the design could be similar...
@ramsey: Sorry, I was in an interview...
@Xous: Sorry...:(
@Kitana Coldfire
He said that this is the scam of V gen (like Diglett-Dugtrio or Magnemite-Magneton I think?)

Hiro said:
"The sprite of Gear`s last stage is a 90% copy/paste of the previous form.
I do not remember another "copy / paste" in a sprite, even the evolution of Chillarmy (who is scam too) changes a little more (the pose) but only adds a scarf."
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