(1) Leaked 'Black' and 'White' Pokemon Information [9/10]

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Sorry guys... This goes to fast XD... Slow down a bit please!!... This makes me person!!...(This is not a spam, do NOT report!!... Please??)
@Kitana Yeah I think so too....I wasn't saying I disliked their being loads of 2 stage pokemon but it's just something I've noticed.

I have the same problem, I don't like having pokemon on my team that don't evolve. I love Desukan and rankurusu though so I had been willing to have two single stage pokemon in my team. I sort of thought Swana would have a relation but wasn't fully sure. So I'm really happy to find out they're evolved pokemon. :D
Guys, this is insane!! I´can´t control my comments!! Words are totally changing random!! Like when I wrote W.T.F it came out like "huh!?"... XD

Please stay on-topic. And what you experienced was most likely a word filter. ~Xous

New thing from PxP.
lol already been posted xp lol but thanks! this is getting me stoked even if they are badly made eheh https://twitter.com/pokexperto his twitter account that has the new images he is revealing
I think this new shadow is the Grass/Steel Pokemon Pokexperto mentioned.

Didn't he say it was like a metal ball with spikes? (or at least he said it was a metal ball not sure)
Hmm, maybe its a horse chestnut Pokemon. Its shell seems very similar. No doubt it'll have lloads of idiots complaining about it being too much like Pineco, but theres people for ya.
@Irishkappa - So are you going to be taking over Revolution's "job", posting silhouettes and fan-art when it's available? Don't you mind!?
Well, I think that pretty much screams 'grass/steel' right there.....

Edit: Now that I look at it, it kinda looks like a reverse iron-maiden of sorts......but I also agree with the horse chestnut description as well
@timeshift: it will be an honor :D

here it is :D
PS: I'll put the link 'cause the image doesen't work
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