(1) Leaked 'Black' and 'White' Pokemon Information [9/10]

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o_0 It looks like a Qwilfish. I've only just noticed how similar "Koromori" and "Kurumiru" sound! Weird! I'd have agree that this is Koromori's evo.
@Timeshifter, no, its not. Its the thing that gets tentacles, like Irishkappa said.

"There is a Grass/Steel Pokemon that looks like a metal ball with green spikes. When it evolves tentacles come out."

That one.
ik! lol i was like i though the bats evo was the same with a forked tail not spikes every where! and yeah i think its the grass/steel one
edit: yeahs it represents the grass/steel pokemon to welll lol finally a grass/steel!
lol im soooo stoked for such new type combos! like fire and water ghst weere soon to come and same with ground and grass steel. dark/fighting was a duhhh and i was suprised with ground/dark
@Revolution, thanks, and one more thing, w get 2 bug/steel families? The knight one and the space one correct?
The knight/bug prevo one looks like a bug/dragon to me....i wish it was....
idk how theyll make a candle pokemon work but its they can mae a fan,washer machine, oven fridge and a lawn mower work, then i guess they can make a candle work
Well, you have a pure bug with an evo that is Bug/Steel, and then you have the Bug/Steel legendary.

@Ramsey, one of my friends made a Candly fakemo, 2 years ago, so its not hard.

Has anyone noticed there seems to be an awful lot of two stage pokemon this gen? It's becoming very noticeable.
ik ! i was thinking of the candle digimon to and i mean not just make it wax and have it float i mean to actually pull it off
@Revolution - Forgive my stupidity, but this Bug/Steel pokemon you mentioned (which I do not think I've seen) doesn't evolve into the Bug/Steel type legendary does it!? I know that legendaries don't evolve or have prevos (apart from Manaphy/Phione) so I just wondered why you said:

"Well, you have a pure bug with an evo that is Bug/Steel, and then you have the Bug/Steel legendary."

Or is this just something to do with the pokemon appearing next to each other in the Pokedex?
@ Dizzard: Better 2 stage than no stage in my opinion. Despite the fact I'm more partial to 3 stage lines, as long as something has the ability to evolve once, I'll be less hesitant to use it. Stuff that doesn't evolve has never really appealed to me, I'm not really sure why.....
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