(1) Leaked 'Black' and 'White' Pokemon Information [9/10]

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I feel this is like some sort of grand unveiling lol, most (or all of the Pokemon) will be revealed!! :D soooo excited
I just realised: If all these pokemon are revealed by Pokexperto before we get any other news, we'll be seeing the legendaries and pseudo-legendaries in a matter of hours! :O :D
This is actually quite funny... he's "secretly" leaking all the new pokemon one-by-one and there's not a lot GF/Nintendo can do about it! XD I'm actually warming up to this guy, considering I didn't believe a word he was saying a couple of days ago. I'm enjoying this! :p
@Timeshift, Gamefreak or Nintendo could sew him. Well, I don't know, but I don't think they'll like it if they find out.
someone said this guys gotta sleep you know! there was a 8 hour break between two reveals, and i said sleep has nothing on pokemon
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