(1) Majestic Dawn Set List and Scans [5/4]

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Yeah Infernape and Torterra as Rares and a new Manaphy =)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)
Just curious here? There are two Glaceons and Leafeons, yes. But is anyone else wondering where the second ones are coming from?

Are these going to be entirely new cards (since they don't seem to appear in Japan's DP 3-5), or are they going to merely be non-holo prints of the ones we've seen?
I love it, since it has most of the cards I was hoping for (Fossilutions, Infernape, Empoleon, Call Energy). Nice job getting this up so soon.
Unfortunately, no Poli's =\ ah well. oh, and the new Raichu is fun with Rotom and/or the MT Raichu. something I didn't expect.
can anybody confirm if there are any reprints in the Pokemon area? I know that 11 of the trainers are reprinted.

Meaning 89 new cards?
Ugh, why did they have to reprint potion -__- and the other useless trainers we got drawers full of. Heh, at least there's no Mama's concern :p Health and recover energy are just worse versions of that energy we got in POP packs (and no-one used them). Overall some good cards like fossils, eevees etc. but expect to get ALOT of chud in these packs. Oh and I don't think there's any Pokemon reprints, they're just random Japanese promos.

NOOO! they DID print "Mom's Kindness"!
The fact that dusknoir didn't get in is sad, but overall the list looks good. I'm happy we're finally getting a new Mewtwo. All the previous psychic mewtwos have been either highly specialized or just plain worthless. Looking forward to playing with one of my old favorites.
Good list but a bit pathetic because of the reprinted trainers. How many times must they reprint trainers like Energy Search, Potion, Switch & etc in the DP era?? Anyway, it's still a good list... :)
No Magnezone Lv. X!!! I really wish Lv. X's were like Ex's were, meaning there were a little more powerful (except Gardy) and that there were 7 in a set. I see some awesome artwork in there, but when are we getting scans?
I am really curious to see what the chatot is like. I never saw any previews of it or heard of it at all. I hope its some ridiculous starter cause I love chatot and the previous one was garbage.
ericmeckley said:
I am really curious to see what the chatot is like. I never saw any previews of it or heard of it at all. I hope its some ridiculous starter cause I love chatot and the previous one was garbage.

It's the one from the Japanese DP4 you have to look at the Japanese DP4 Translations (Moon Hunting/Night Dashing) but it's a bad one, too =/
Guys, the list is wrong.


WPM got the list from him.
LoL, so we got a new chance to have more Lv.X's here =)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)

Sorry guys, still four LV.Xs. The official set list was posted here.

This set seems really bad...might skip the prerelease.
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