(1) Majestic Dawn Set List and Scans [5/4]

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I wonder who those "Jason, Jared and Sam" people are. They aren't Aussies, I can tell you that much, so where did all these scans come from? =[.
goldedda said:
how much are the sleeves from PR worth waht we get?
it should be around 3-4 bucks depends though
burnpsy said:
^ probably twice as many as normal (since there are twice as many as normal...)
but how many did people get the last set there were 4 last time and there are 4 this time so i am thinking 1-2. 2 if lucky
Hey, I like the artwork in this set a lot. It's been going back on the rise since the original D/P, and now we have a lot of creative 2-D artwork. Some things I want to point out:

• Tomokazu Komiya has finally returned to illustrating for the TCG again! I don't think he did anything for the 4th generation sets until this one. I feel good to see him back; I miss the primitivism for his art style. (He illustrated Pachirisu and Aipom Lv. 16.)
• A new regular illustrator: Suwama Chiaki. I really like the soft edges on Chiaki's illustrations. They resemble Atsuko Nishida's, though with more vivid colors that also evokes Lisa Frank for me. I think this will be an easily identifiable illustrator, just as I've learned to identify the artowkr done by Komiya, Nishida, Ken Sugimori, Kouki Saitou, Aya Kusube, Kyoko Umomoto, Kagemaru Himeno, and so and so forth. The 3-D artists I have a tougher time.
• The illustration for Mom's Kindness looks suspicious. It looks like she's about to suffocate Dawn with poison gas. Look at that! She's secretly pulling some spray out of her purse. Maybe the "kindness" part is sarcastic.
• Daisuke Ito did a lot of work for this set. He really went the extra mile. I ust wish he could make better backgrounds...though they're not as terrible as Kent Kanetsuna's, which seem to litter this whole set.
• I like how many of the illustrations refer directly to Diamond/Pearl. A large portion of them seem to take place in the routes around Snowpoint City, such as Espeon and Flareon; Drifloon is hovering above Jubilife City; and Pachirisu, Plusle, and Minun seem to be hanging around Floaroma Town.
• I know nobody likes Energy Search, but wow, the illustrations ust keep getting better and better all the time for that card. It began as a robotic arm picking up a basic Energy ball Keiji Kinebuchi did (whatever happened to him?); it's shifted from that volcanic Fire Energy to this thing. It feels pretty old-school, what with its techno theme and extremely little relevence to any other medium of Pokémon, but at the same time, it feels up-to-date with the newer cards int hat it's far more proficiently done than anything Kinebuchi did in the old days. Ryo Ueda used to only do Holo Rares and Pokémon-ex; he seems to be doing everything nowadays. Like Masakazu Fukuda.
• Glaceon Lv. X looks great too. The picture evokes its chilly nature not only by making everything varying shades of cyan, but it also has that "Super Mario Galaxy" pseudo-shading to make it seem surrounded by reflective surfaces, like freshly-fallen snow.
Palkia and Dialga's artwork looks pretty awesome.
On a very random note...


Do you not like these Pokémon, or...? :p
Cipher said:
On a very random note...


Do you not like these Pokémon, or...? :p

OMG what's that >.>
It's my corrupt hard drive damaging files. I'll fix them after I send my laptop in to get fixed (I think it needs a new hard drive).

Also, all card scans are now up in case anyone didn't notice.
Water Pokémon Master said:
It's my corrupt hard drive damaging files. I'll fix them after I send my laptop in to get fixed (I think it needs a new hard drive).

Also, all card scans are now up in case anyone didn't notice.
thanks wpm for all the scans and for getting them up so quickly before prerealse
Water Pokémon Master said:
It's my corrupt hard drive damaging files. I'll fix them after I send my laptop in to get fixed (I think it needs a new hard drive).

Also, all card scans are now up in case anyone didn't notice.

yea thnx you rock ! :D
Thanks so much, can't wait until it's released.

And about your comment on upgrading from IE6 WPM, people should just upgrade to Firefox instead.
Looks like my spoilers were wrong. Leafeon actually says all energy attached to all of my Pokemon. A lot more broken that what it was before.
Wow, 2 weeks before the realease, and you ahve all 100 scans. Impressive job WPM. I like Leafeon's artwork, power, attack, and everything about it. :D

dmaster out.
This set disappointed me. For several reasons:
a) Pokemon. There are nice pokemon, like empoleon, the legendary birds (which i like a lot), espeon and umbreon, but most of them are ridiculous. Take Shellos. No evolution line! Nintendo just picked up a pile of already-released-on-Japan cards and put them on this "Set".
b) trainers. Potion!? Energy Search?! For gods sake, who uses those cards?! Okay, if they want to put them in starter decks, that's fine, but just use DP versions of them. Thats a waste of good space which could be used for Buck's Training, or even our good mates Wager and Mars. The only supporter is Mom's Kindness, and sincerely, it sucks. Anything is better than it. It is even worse than our old pal Bill.
c) energies are kind of decent, but if they want heaing energies, should have reprinted Heal Energy. And Where are our beloved Scramble and DRE?
When i first saw the booster packs of MD, they were so awesome (at least imo the drawings were cool), i thought this set would rock. But it sadly doesnt. The only reason to buy thei "set", is for the legendary birds if you collect them (like me), or for the cool cards like Empoleon, Aerodactyl, Espeon and Lv X's (there are only a handful useful pokemon).
If this set had only 30 cards, it would be MUCH better than it is. They should have sorted the cards better. Let's buy MD and each 5 boosters we buy, we get 4 lame rares, 1 good card (with luck) and dozens of potions/energy searchs.
ShineAceVini said:
This set disappointed me. For several reasons:
a) Pokemon. There are nice pokemon, like empoleon, the legendary birds (which I like a lot), espeon and umbreon, but most of them are ridiculous. Take Shellos. No evolution line! Nintendo just picked up a pile of already-released-on-Japan cards and put them on this "Set".
b) trainers. Potion!? Energy Search?! For gods sake, who uses those cards?! Okay, if they want to put them in starter decks, that's fine, but just use DP versions of them. Thats a waste of good space which could be used for Buck's Training, or even our good mates Wager and Mars. The only supporter is Mom's Kindness, and sincerely, it sucks. Anything is better than it. It is even worse than our old pal Bill.
c) energies are kind of decent, but if they want heaing energies, should have reprinted Heal Energy. And Where are our beloved Scramble and DRE?
When I first saw the booster packs of MD, they were so awesome (at least imo the drawings were cool), I thought this set would rock. But it sadly doesnt. The only reason to buy thei "set", is for the legendary birds if you collect them (like me), or for the cool cards like Empoleon, Aerodactyl, Espeon and Lv X's (there are only a handful useful pokemon).
If this set had only 30 cards, it would be MUCH better than it is. They should have sorted the cards better. Let's buy MD and each 5 boosters we buy, we get 4 lame rares, 1 good card (with luck) and dozens of potions/energy searchs.

Well, what do you expect? Its just a filler set.

Only one thing disappoints me about this set overall: lack of Mewtwo LV.X and Mewtwo from DP5. The DP4 Mewtwo works so well with the LV.X, they should have been in the same set.
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