(1) Mamoswine GL from 'Rising Rivals' and Decision [5/4]

What do you think?

  • Prerelease scans on Friday night / Saturday morning, WPM a judge!

    Votes: 154 79.4%
  • Prerelease scans early in the week, WPM not a judge!

    Votes: 40 20.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
well.... thinking of me.....I WANT THE SCANS NOW! but thinking of you and the more inportent, you as a founder and runner of this site you should put yourself behind most of the stuff you do but thinking on a personal level you should do whatever you want.
It really comes down to do you really really want to become a judge? IMO most judges suck and they just do what pop tels them and they make stupid things happen like the jpns card ban next year or they just ask stupid like on gym.( Im not talking about all of them just that most the ones I know suck) I know you wont but do you really want to say your a part of it and if you become one of them will you be able to give us jpns trans when they come out?
become a judje were not gonna die if we get the scans a couple days leter than usual.
I think it actually a good idea we do need at least one decent judge as for the cards the scans are nice but most of the players have the cards memorized long before the set comes out.
7lucario7master7 does make a good point. would you be able to post scans for new sets if you become a judge? idk, but you should still become a judge anyways. you deserve to do whats best for yourself and not just whats good for us
poke_master2008 said:
Here is my honest opinion. Anyone who doesnt agree with me oh well. Plain and simple.

WPM wants to be a judge. He finds that he has more fun helping in tournaments and such rather than playing so who are we to stop him? He has received an e-mail (or multiple we don't know) from POP saying that they don't like him posting scans early even if it is legal. Why should we all want him to post any scans if it means that he might never be a judge? People grow up. We have the translations for BET and we see the JPN scan so go by that. If you really want to see it in english then wait a week and go to a pre-release. Let WPM become a judge like he wants to be.

So the moral of that ranting: Grow up people. We have translations if you want to look at them. Go to a pre-release, be suprised at the cards when you see them, have some fun and let WPM do what he wants.

I agree 100% Go for it WPM!
Mamoswine is pretty cool. One damage every turn can rack up. Low damage attack which is overpowered, but Flint's Spirit and Energy Gain can get it attacking T2/T3. Rigged coin can help out spread as well.

I say, if Judging means as much that you're making us decide, than it must be pretty important. Post them later, because my PR is almost always on the second weekend anyway. ;p We've had translations almost forever too. I always thought that this wasn't legal to post the scans. Turns out I was wrong. x_x

dmaster out.
WPM, I might be selfish, but i want the scans early, I am dying to see them.
Go for the judge. :3

Seriously though, I love those scans you post but. Eh how do I say this? It gets rid of the "surprise factor" know what I mean? I mean if you don't post them early, then all the attack names will be new to all who go to the pres, the difference in text will be discovered there, and anything else which you may post. (Say you find out if the Rotoms will be super rare, and you post it. Now everyone knows what they are. Get what I'm saying? X3)
Other than posting the scans early, could post the set list with just the names. We can find out what they do from the translations and we'll know what cards are in Rising Rivals for sure. Isn't this way more legal?
Dude man don't worry about us, do what you want to do. We're capable of waiting, and it wouldn't be fair for you if you don't take the opportunity to become a judge.
We like the early scans, but it DOES get rid of the surprise factor. Become a judge, nearly all of us want it! Besides, we have the Japanese scans to live off of! :3
As a judge alredy, I have to say: Why would OP stop you from judging based on actions that have nothing to do with judging? It's going to take years for you to be able to judge events like Nats and Worlds, but there's nothing stopping you from jumping in at Cities and showing your PTO that you can handle judging States/Regionals.

The posting of scans that were legally obtained is very morally ambiguous. If you can judge, you should be allowed to. Your local PTO should not have prejudice for an action that doesn't affect your judgment in the game.

I say post the scans AND judge as much as you can.