(1) Meanings for Reshiram and Zekrom's Names - Clues for 'Black' and 'White?' [5/30]

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tweety210 said:
Light and Darkness, It seems very interesting but it doesn't really fit in. The thing is the duo's of games usually have a third counterpart. (ex. Giratina, Rayquaza) But what would the logical counterpart be for Light and Dark.

Themes from the past:

Sea vs Sky (Lugia vs. Ho-oh)
Nature vs. Tech (Mew vs. Mewtwo)
Ocean vs. Land (Kyogre vs. Groudon)
Space vs. Time (Palkia vs. Dialga)
Light vs. Darkness ??? (Reshiram vs. Zekrom)

What about twilight? (dusk/dawn, not the book series -_-)
That would be perfect for a gray version.
RE: (1) Meanings for Reshiram and Zekrom's Names - Clues for 'Black' and 'White?' [5/

monpyro97 said:
Oh their names have a interesting origin.Im looking foward for the English names and what origin will they have.If they have the same names as in Japanesse then it will be OK IMO

read his news stories

maybe reshiram is a fire type

Tensho said:
You are the one who is whining when people oppose your light/dark heaven/heck thing. Pokemon haven't delved into any religion, you don't see any people worshipping, the closest is Ho-oh and Lugia in the anime but they weren't exactly being worshipped. Dialga and Palkia was told as being worshipped as deities but you don't see them actually being worshipped. People love to think that Arceus is a god but he is just the ALPHA pokemon and there is theory about higher plane being or alien created the world. God is just a term of fandom, Gamefreak hasn't put any single thing that directly states that he is a god. People have been whining so much when the title of Black and White as controversial, do you think that heaven and heck is not. Even yugioh's angel's halos got erased in the US version, but maybe you are right, but when it turns out that you are not, then I go HAH.

think about this reshiram and zekrom are like dialga and palkia kyogre and groudon lugia and hoho. all who have a trio EXCEPT for lugia and hoho. so there is a chance that there wont be a trio HOWEVER kyogre and groudons trio is a there leader rayquazza. kyogre = water groudon=ground and RAYQUAZZA is weather
so there could be a trio or maybe not but nobody can know whether it is a trio or not
case closed

howelllawson said:
What about twilight? (dusk/dawn, not the book series -_-)
That would be perfect for a gray version.

day vs night

baboo said:
read his news stories

maybe reshiram is a fire type

Tensho said:
You are the one who is whining when people oppose your light/dark heaven/heck thing. Pokemon haven't delved into any religion, you don't see any people worshipping, the closest is Ho-oh and Lugia in the anime but they weren't exactly being worshipped. Dialga and Palkia was told as being worshipped as deities but you don't see them actually being worshipped. People love to think that Arceus is a god but he is just the ALPHA pokemon and there is theory about higher plane being or alien created the world. God is just a term of fandom, Gamefreak hasn't put any single thing that directly states that he is a god. People have been whining so much when the title of Black and White as controversial, do you think that heaven and heck is not. Even yugioh's angel's halos got erased in the US version, but maybe you are right, but when it turns out that you are not, then I go HAH.

think about this reshiram and zekrom are like dialga and palkia kyogre and groudon lugia and hoho. all who have a trio EXCEPT for lugia and hoho. so there is a chance that there wont be a trio HOWEVER kyogre and groudons trio is a there leader rayquazza. kyogre = water groudon=ground and RAYQUAZZA is weather
so there could be a trio or maybe not but nobody can know whether it is a trio or not
case closed

howelllawson said:
What about twilight? (dusk/dawn, not the book series -_-)
That would be perfect for a gray version.

day vs night

possibly reshirom day zekrom night ?= dusk\dawn

i still think reshiram is a fire type

dmaster said:
I could totally go with the Sky theme. All signs point to it so far. Light vs. Dark that could be the main plot. One Team wants to light up the sky and the other person wants to dark it forever. Hmm...sounds like Lost.

dmaster out.

day vs night

i seriously think reshiram is a fire type

light vs dark
day vs night
SUN VS MOON trio if there is a trio could be clouds
sun =fire reshiram = fire
moon =rock\darkness
zekrom = rock\darkness
no matter what it will be (dark/light, good/evil etc.) it'll be same as always: two great opposite forces resbosinble for the world's ballance are going to be disturbed and are going to fight with each other. maybe it's a trio, maybe not, but every generation has more and more legendaries, so whatever author came up with, it'll be both new by including new forces/ideas/trios(ALMOST ALWAYS TRIOS, and since 3gen more than one) and old by cloning same old schemes. And this is why I like it for so many years. + Zerkrom's 4 hands/wings are awesome :D
I think it would be cool if they added a Light-type to the games (personally I think it's overdue). Reshiram would obviously be a Light-type if this was the case. The only older Pokemon I can think of right now that may be Light-type as well could be Lumineon (Water/Light).

In terms of type advantages, I like what was said earlier in the thread:


Darkness (x 2)
Ghost (x 2)

Not very effective
Fire (x 0.5)*
Electric (x 0.5)*
Poison (x 0.5)**

*Fire and Electricity provide light
**See below explanation

Has no effect
Grass (x 0)*

*Grass absorbs light (photosynthesis)

Grass (x 2)*
Poison (x 2)**

*Same as above
** Poison was mentioned in an earlier post as being something dark/sinister...and also, Poison is super-effective against Grass which would fit in here too (much like how Bug is super against Dark, thus being super against Psychic)

All this being said, Pokemon like Roserade would be x4 against Light and Sableye and Spiritomb would have a weakness now lol

Just thought of another two Pokemon who could be Light-type:

PokeDan23 said:
I think it would be cool if they added a Light-type to the games (personally I think it's overdue). Reshiram would obviously be a Light-type if this was the case. The only older Pokemon I can think of right now that may be Light-type as well could be Lumineon (Water/Light).

In terms of type advantages, I like what was said earlier in the thread:


Darkness (x 2)
Ghost (x 2)

Not very effective
Fire (x 0.5)*
Electric (x 0.5)*
Poison (x 0.5)**

*Fire and Electricity provide light
**See below explanation

Has no effect
Grass (x 0)*

*Grass absorbs light (photosynthesis)

Grass (x 2)*
Poison (x 2)**

*Same as above
** Poison was mentioned in an earlier post as being something dark/sinister...and also, Poison is super-effective against Grass which would fit in here too (much like how Bug is super against Dark, thus being super against Psychic)

All this being said, Pokemon like Roserade would be x4 against Light and Sableye and Spiritomb would have a weakness now lol

Just thought of another two Pokemon who could be Light-type:


If poisen is dark shouldn't it be weak to light?

3 More Pokemon that could be "light"
Togepi, Togetic, and Togekiss

I also think Zekroms tail looks like a drill.
has anyone seen this rumour about the pokemon sunday host posting on her blog that she loves electric pokemon and thats why she is getting ZEKROM!?! Though quickly after she posted it she removed it

glaceon said:
If poisen is dark shouldn't it be weak to light?

3 More Pokemon that could be "light"
Togepi, Togetic, and Togekiss

I also think Zekroms tail looks like a drill.

Your version of the light type makes light seem like a weak type
I'm guessing that they represent night and day, and that there will be a lot more day/night irregularities. A lot more pokemon that evolve during only the night or day, (including Zoroark), and maybe some other things.

Also, am I the only one who thinks Zekrom's tail looks like a jet turbine?
RE: (1) Meanings for Reshiram and Zekrom's Names - Clues for 'Black' and 'White?' [5/

glaceon said:
If poisen is dark shouldn't it be weak to light?

Nope, I described Poison being super-effective in a metaphorical sense. Poison being equal to the poison of corruption, and corruption can soil something that is 'light/good.'
Well the host of Pokemon Sunday Nakagawa Shoka recently wrote on her blog that she is a fan of Electric {L} type pokemon, which is THE REASON SHE WANTS ZEKROM! She immediately deleted the post. Of course this is unconfirmed, but seeing as she is a notable source I think we should count on Zekrom being half Electric {L} type.
Therefore, with Zekrom Dragon/Electric, could he be attributed to a STORM? If that is the case, Reshiram may represent clouds or a soft breeze. The pokemon's tails seem to hint at a sky theme as well, considering they both resemble jet engines, especially Zekrom's.
Nothing is for certain at this point, but hopefully in the coming weeks we will know all the details.

Tensho said:
You are the one who is whining when people oppose your light/dark heaven/heck thing. Pokemon haven't delved into any religion, you don't see any people worshipping, the closest is Ho-oh and Lugia in the anime but they weren't exactly being worshipped. Dialga and Palkia was told as being worshipped as deities but you don't see them actually being worshipped. People love to think that Arceus is a god but he is just the ALPHA pokemon and there is theory about higher plane being or alien created the world. God is just a term of fandom, Gamefreak hasn't put any single thing that directly states that he is a god. People have been whining so much when the title of Black and White as controversial, do you think that heaven and heck is not. Even yugioh's angel's halos got erased in the US version, but maybe you are right, but when it turns out that you are not, then I go HAH.

I definitely agree that Gamefreak has tried to integrate a sort of religion into the games. Arceus may not have been outright called the god of pokemon, but it is clearly insinuated. The story of Arceus, Dialga, and Palkia introduces a whole new mythical aspect to the games that players easily understand. However, I also believe that in the creation of Arceus, Dialga, and Palkia, Gamefreak's intentions were to marry religion and science. Gamefreak is making a statement to the world that God can coincide with the scientific universe and Einstein's theory of space/time relativity, that there is no need for separation of science and religion. -swimfastray
i think that, maybe, just maybe, Zekrom will be a new Light type, and Reshiram will be Dark-type, due to the games there on
Setosama said:
Like it or not, heaven and heck actually IS legendary! And Zekrom is about as mechanical as Dialga OR Palkia!

It's GONNA be heaven and heck! DEAL WITH IT! Makes WAY more sense than Tech VS Organic. And Angels and Demons is over 9000 times more legendary, let alone Epic! :D It's also, in my humble opinion, the only LOGICAL direction Pokemon can go now.

The main characters are older, Ash is like 17 now, (although he still looks like a ten-year-old) and the Characters for these games have also followed suit with this. Pokemon has matured enough for this and a legendary battle between heaven and heck would be AMAZING!

don't be so sure
plot of story...

In white, evil team captures reshiram and keeps the world eternally day, causing chaos. Your character then while getting all the badges, finds zekrom to reverse the day and add some night to the never ending day, which leads to peace.
(switch some of the plot things such as the time of day that is kept and you get the black plot)

maybe they aren't drago type at all, nintendo just said that because they look like dragons (similar to how drake uses aerodactyl).

I support the idea that zekroms tail is a night generator and reshirams tail is a day generator.
on Serebii it was stated that:

The host of Pokémon Sunday, Nakagawa Shoko, blogged today about the character she is voicing in the thirteenth movie. With this, she mentioned about her love for Electric types and stated that due to this, she wants to get Zekrom. This statement was quickly removed from her blog but people managed to catch it in time. If this holds true then it will mean that Zekrom is of a Dragon and Electric type, a new and unique type combination. Remember though, this is NOT confirmed, albeit coming from a very likely source plus she could have removed it due to her being mistaken about Zekrom's type. We'll bring more as and when it comes Click the picture to go to our New Pokémon Page"
Ok that's been posted three times, we got it. :p

I really don't think Zekrom will be a electric type, rather I hope it's not. I WANT DARK/DRAGON NOW!!!!!
MetalGuitaristX said:
on Serebii it was stated that:

The host of Pokémon Sunday, Nakagawa Shoko, blogged today about the character she is voicing in the thirteenth movie. With this, she mentioned about her love for Electric types and stated that due to this, she wants to get Zekrom. This statement was quickly removed from her blog but people managed to catch it in time. If this holds true then it will mean that Zekrom is of a Dragon and Electric type, a new and unique type combination. Remember though, this is NOT confirmed, albeit coming from a very likely source plus she could have removed it due to her being mistaken about Zekrom's type. We'll bring more as and when it comes Click the picture to go to our New Pokémon Page"

Wait, this would make sense. Remember one of the first images we got, the one of the areas a character was in had electrified rocks! Maybe it was this season's Mt Coronet? (In that the legends rest there)
dragon/electric makes sense since it looks metallic like a machine :p i was thinking dragon/steel before but electric makes sense, i wouldnt mind dark lol but if she said it , most likely it would be electric lol.
MetalGuitaristX said:
on Serebii it was stated that:

The host of Pokémon Sunday, Nakagawa Shoko, blogged today about the character she is voicing in the thirteenth movie. With this, she mentioned about her love for Electric types and stated that due to this, she wants to get Zekrom. This statement was quickly removed from her blog but people managed to catch it in time. If this holds true then it will mean that Zekrom is of a Dragon and Electric type, a new and unique type combination. Remember though, this is NOT confirmed, albeit coming from a very likely source plus she could have removed it due to her being mistaken about Zekrom's type. We'll bring more as and when it comes Click the picture to go to our New Pokémon Page"

Personally, I think it was removed BECAUSE people would piece two and two together and get the wrong idea. I really don't see Gamefreak breaking the pattern here as far as the other 2 electric legendaries have gone.

Plus there are plenty of other possibilities.

ALSO, Arceus is refeered to as GOD at every chance they get! It's Japanese classification is NOT "Alpha" it's translated as "Creator" or when coupled with the story of ALL the 4th Gen games "GOD".
Hmm... Zekrom as an electric type isnt so odd.... its actually kind of fitting??? That would make Reshiram a possibility to be an ice type....
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