(1) Meanings for Reshiram and Zekrom's Names - Clues for 'Black' and 'White?' [5/30]

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fallynleaf said:
I really like the storm ideas, and I think that they are quite probable.

For clues concerning the third legendary, I suggest using the knowledge of the other game titles Nintendo has copyrighted (according to a person on this thread): Grey, Crimson and Scarlet.

I still think that they point to dusk, twilight and dawn, but if the games are storm themed rather than night/day, then it could possibly be fog, or fire.

But I really want Nintendo to do a yin/yang style plot line where the legendaries coexist and the balance must not be upset or chaos will be unleashed, such as the region plunging into endless darkness should Reshiram be taken (Black version), or endless light should it be Zekrom (White version). Cue team Twilight (or whatever) entering, seizing a legendary, and fleeing to some hideaway in the far corners of the region. The third legendary could be the defender of the balance, perhaps, or the one who upsets it.

Without fire there cannot be electricity, and without electricity there cannot be fire. Without fire or electricity there could not be darkness, because light creates darkness.
Dragonatus said:
I think Zekrom's a rock or ground type (because tail looks like a drill but groudon is still master of earth so....)and Reshiram a flying type. But I like the idea of dark/light type. I think Zekrom is guardian of death then and Reshiram of life.

I'm sure they represent life/death!

I wonder when sun/moon legendairs comes!?

the sun and moon legendaries are ho-oh and lugia :p...

They probably represent times of day ( Zekrom =night reshiram= day)

I hope zekrom is dark/dragon but electric/ dragon would be OK
If they are the Yin Yang pokemon, that would why they represent the opposite color.
RE: (1) Meanings for Reshiram and Zekrom's Names - Clues for 'Black' and 'White?' [5/

if zekrom is electric then i think i know what's going on zekrom is the star of white and reshiram is the star of black. yin yang. meaning that reshi ram could possibly be dark type. yin yang. or since lightning means storm clouds (dark). then grass means
sun (light) reshi ram could be a grass type

omahanime said:
If they are the Yin Yang pokemon, that would why they represent the opposite color.
thats what yin yang means

baboo said:
if zekrom is electric then i think i know what's going on zekrom is the star of white and reshiram is the star of black. yin yang. meaning that reshi ram could possibly be dark type. yin yang. or since lightning means storm clouds (dark). then grass means
sun (light) reshi ram could be a grass type

thats what yin yang means

for those of you who don't know what yin yang means look it up on the internet

fallynleaf said:
I really like the storm ideas, and I think that they are quite probable.

For clues concerning the third legendary, I suggest using the knowledge of the other game titles Nintendo has copyrighted (according to a person on this thread): Grey, Crimson and Scarlet.

I still think that they point to dusk, twilight and dawn, but if the games are storm themed rather than night/day, then it could possibly be fog, or fire.

But I really want Nintendo to do a yin/yang style plot line where the legendaries coexist and the balance must not be upset or chaos will be unleashed, such as the region plunging into endless darkness should Reshiram be taken (Black version), or endless light should it be Zekrom (White version). Cue team Twilight (or whatever) entering, seizing a legendary, and fleeing to some hideaway in the far corners of the region. The third legendary could be the defender of the balance, perhaps, or the one who upsets it.

i agree with that 100% thank you

DragonTamer said:
i think maybe that
zekrom {L} - an effect of storms
Reshiram(fire) - a cause of storms (volcanoes cause storms)
???third counterpart(ice/water) - in the middle of storms
plus they would all be dragons although i think the third one wud more likely be ice than water cause of palkia
lightning brings clouds (dark) grass brings light (light)
truthfully i agree with whoever says that it could be yin yang and have a balance

night_zekrom said:
the sun and moon legendaries are ho-oh and lugia :p...

They probably represent times of day ( Zekrom =night reshiram= day)

I hope zekrom is dark/dragon but electric/ dragon would be OK

i'm confused whether its yin yang lightning bieng light or lightning being dark

and then reshiram bieng dark or grass or fire or maybe the pokemon sunday person ment reshiram bieng lightning type

s2daam said:
Crimson and Scarlet... they sound like names they would have used... but decided not to.... or possibly the next generation? But they haven't even got the 5th out yet so its very unlikely.

Also, Crimson and Scarlet are like.... red. Unless theyre planning to have three different third games :L

well like daimond and pearl black and white daimond and pearl had platinum black and white can have scarlet
El Pokémaster said:
But shouldn't we remember that Zekrom is mascot for White, and vice versa? Maybe it's made that way to confuse us and Reshiram is the "evil" one.

Nintendo wouldn't do anything that complicated because it would really confuse younger audiences. Children know that white is supposed to be good and black is supposed to be bad. Anyway, I don't think Reshiram and Zekrom stand for good and evil respectively, or evil and good respectively. I think they are prodbably more of and night/day, bad weather/good weather type deal.

aaroncsmall2 said:
Reshiram has a possibility of being part fire seeing as there is a torch for its tail. Maybe it controls volcanoes or actual fire.

The reasons why the legendaries for Black and White could be fire and electric:

Fire--you light a candle to see in the dark. It's light in darkness.

Electricity--you turn on a lamp when it's dark. It's also light in darkness.

Wow I just thought about a really interesting theme that might work. But first I wanted to say Reshiram very well could be fire because isn't the hottest fire white anyway? And then Reshiram has the little smoke trails coming off it's head and tail. . .

Ok now my epiphany is this:
Reshiram is Fire/Dragon. It's tail looks like a torch which symbolizes ancient technology, so Reshiram is the guardian of the PAST!

Zekrom is Electric/Dragon. It's tail looks like a jet turbine, or simply an engine, which symbolizes futuristic technology. Zekrom is the guardian of the FUTURE!

It's a battle of PAST VS. FUTURE. And the third dragon legendary is the guardian of the PRESENT!

Then there could be TEAM ARCHOS, which is fighting for the preservation of the ancient Isshu culture, and TEAM NEOS, which believes prosperity for the Isshu region lies in technological advancement. The two teams are generally benevolent in the beginning, but the leader of one grop grows angry and imprisons the legendary dragon pokemon so he can use it to bring the Isshu region into the past or the future, depending on which version you are playing. You must capture the dragon guardian of the present and use it to bring the world back into the present day and defeat Team Archos or Team Neos.

Whattaya say?
Oops! I guess you can disregard everything I just posted because I totally forgot about the meanings of Reshiram and Zekrom's names. Shiramu means "lightening" and kuromu means "darkening", and both are use especially when referring the color of the sky. This definitely hints at a weather theme, but I went ahead and got really carried away in my imagination!
I don't think they represent weather conditions or technologi... But sure both represent light. Light from fire and from electric. As already post will the third one probably be master of sunshine (one more type of light) It will therefor be a grass/dragon. But why follow the past games and make a third legendair? Why not make it a little different with....two more lagendairs! (of course sun and moon) And if you think lugia and ho-oh represent that are you really wrong...
Dragonatus said:
you are really wrong...

This is a forum. You're free to disagree, but no one is wrong. And since no one knows the full details, none of us are right either. This is all speculation, and if someone thinks that Ho-oh and Lugia represent the sun and the moon they are allowed to. I actually think it makes some sense that they are the sun and the moon. But I don't think any of the new legendaries will be Grass/Dragon at all.
I think if the two current legendarily are fire/dragon and electric/dragon, then the "trio" or "leader" will be ice/dragon; why? It has been a pattern throughout Pokemon history.

First 3 Eeveelutions: FIRE (Flareon), ELECTRIC (Jolteon), WATER (Vaporeon)
Bird Trio: FIRE (Moltres), ELECTRICITY (Zapdos), ICE (Aritcuno)
Beast Trio: FIRE (Entei), ELECTRICITY (Raikou), WATER (Suicune)
Random Trio: FIRE (Magmar), ELECTRICITY (Electabuzz), ICE (Jynx)

Pokemon is known for continuing tradition and following patterns so I think this theory holds true. I also believe that everyone's theory is true about weather and light. So, why ice instead of water? Well since someone mentioned something about lightning being caused by other electricity, fire (smoke), and ice.
RE: (1) Meanings for Reshiram and Zekrom's Names - Clues for 'Black' and 'White?' [5/

green_monkey said:
I think if the two current legendarily are fire/dragon and electric/dragon, then the "trio" or "leader" will be ice/dragon; why? It has been a pattern throughout Pokemon history.

First 3 Eeveelutions: FIRE (Flareon), ELECTRIC (Jolteon), WATER (Vaporeon)
Bird Trio: FIRE (Moltres), ELECTRICITY (Zapdos), ICE (Aritcuno)
Beast Trio: FIRE (Entei), ELECTRICITY (Raikou), WATER (Suicune)
Random Trio: FIRE (Magmar), ELECTRICITY (Electabuzz), ICE (Jynx)

Pokemon is known for continuing tradition and following patterns so I think this theory holds true. I also believe that everyone's theory is true about weather and light. So, why ice instead of water? Well since someone mentioned something about lightning being caused by other electricity, fire (smoke), and ice.

This is a pretty safe bet. Im pretty sure everyone has once thought of this, some may have forgotten. Thanks for bringing it back up!
green_monkey said:
I think if the two current legendarily are fire/dragon and electric/dragon, then the "trio" or "leader" will be ice/dragon; why? It has been a pattern throughout Pokemon history.

First 3 Eeveelutions: FIRE (Flareon), ELECTRIC (Jolteon), WATER (Vaporeon)
Bird Trio: FIRE (Moltres), ELECTRICITY (Zapdos), ICE (Aritcuno)
Beast Trio: FIRE (Entei), ELECTRICITY (Raikou), WATER (Suicune)
Random Trio: FIRE (Magmar), ELECTRICITY (Electabuzz), ICE (Jynx)

Pokemon is known for continuing tradition and following patterns so I think this theory holds true. I also believe that everyone's theory is true about weather and light. So, why ice instead of water? Well since someone mentioned something about lightning being caused by other electricity, fire (smoke), and ice.

i said that but it cud be water but i doubt it cause of palkia
I've been doing some research on dragons and I found out that dragons in Oriental myth all have powers over water and weather, being able to cause massive waves or turn into water spouts and tornadoes. Also, there are four Dragon Kings in Chinese mythology that inhabit and protect the four seas that surround China in the four cardinal directions. With this, I have concieved that there may be FOUR legendary dragon pokemon!!! One that represents each cardinal direction (North, South, East, West). Theres no telling, but maybe the enhanced re-release for the fifth generation may include two games instead of just one! Wouldn't that be something?

That said, I think I have a good guess as to the types of at least Zekrom and Reshiram. Shokotan says Zekrom is Electric, so we'll go with that for now. Now Reshiram, I believe, appears to embody fluffy cirrus clouds, and it also has blue eyes. Therefore, Reshiram could be attributed to a clear sunny day, making it Normal type or Fire type, or Reshiram could be attributed to snowfall and blizzards and be Ice type! The other two dragons could be Water type, symbolizing rain, and one of the types Reshiram is not.

Then you have:
West Zekrom (Drg/Ele) = Thunderstorms
East Reshiram (Drg/Nrm) = Clear Skies
North ___rom/ram (Drg/Ice) = Snow, Blizzards
South ___rom/ram (Drg/Wtr) = Rain, Rainstorms

Whattaya say??
New to this site
Not sure if anyone pointed out.

Since the new games may have a Sky theme to the story.
I am thinking maybe the two ledgendary pokemone would only appear During ' Day ' or when Sky is 'Light' and the other appear during ' Night' or when Sky is 'Dark.

I don't like the Names 'Blach & White'
It feels like a Downgrade instead of Upgrade

Original versions - Red, Blue, Green, Yellow

Second - Gold, Silver, Crystal

Third - Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald

Four - Pearl, Diamond, Platinum

And pointing out that there is usually a Third Game

PLEASE for the name of the Fifth Gen third game

Please not let it be 'Gray' or possibly ' Orange' [ I will explain why Orange ]

-Reason- for 'Orange'

If what I said about the two new Legendary Pokemon only appearing during ' Day' and ' Night'

Could Another Unknown Legendary Pokemon be appearing during ' Afternoon'? (Orange)

OR 'ECLIPSE' ???? What color would Eclipse be?
Hmm.... Possibly Reshiram symbolizes really hot days, and Zekrom symbolizes thunderstorms. For the third Isshu Legend, I'd expect it to symbolize blizzards.
DragonTamer said:
btw wikipedia also said that lightning forms by:
volcanic eruption(fire)-reshiram
ice or air(flying)-unknown
but most scientists say ice as the key cause, so the third counter part cud be ice/dragon or even ice/flying

That would suggest the Ying-Yang thing mentioned before 'cause of that movie with dragons and Fire/Ice
Hey, i just heard of something in school. If Reshiram and Zekrom really did represent ying yang. Then it would make total sense. Because today in my world cultures class were starting to study japan, and ying is the half with nature and everything that balances it, while yang represents strength and is the other balance of the ying. So if we really did have ying yang it would make sense, hoping for it!
Hmmmm, I was thinking about it and had an idea that Reshiram could be something like the keeper of dreams and Zekrom can be something like the Lord of Nightmares! :D
jjuan6 said:
Hmmmm, I was thinking about it and had an idea that Reshiram could be something like the keeper of dreams and Zekrom can be something like the Lord of Nightmares! :D

Don't you think that's quite simmilar to Cresselia and Darkrai?
Blizzz said:
...today in my world cultures class were starting to study japan, and ying is the half with nature and everything that balances it, while yang represents strength and is the other balance of the ying...

Yin Yang is def CHINESE dude!!! :p
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