Okay, now that the final starter evos have been officially revealed, I can finally say what I think about them.
I love all of them. But if I were to rank them, my number 1 favorite is Delphox and tied for 2nd place are Chesnaught and Greninja. But that's not saying much. They're all awesome. I just hope they have better base stats than the Unova starters.
Chesnaught reminds me of Buzz Lightyear for some reason. Maybe the similar body shape and color scheme? Nonetheless, cool and threatening looking.
Delphox is so awesome. Am I the only one still praising Arceus that we finally got a Fire-type starter that is not Fire/Fighting after 3 generations? Anywho, loving the witch/sorcerer motif and love the Fire/Psychic typing as a whole. Still waiting on my Electric/Psychic type though...
Greninja is awesome too. I thought the triangle shaped appendages on its head were somewhat weird when I first saw it, but now it makes sense. They're connected like fins, sort of like on Vaporeon but simpler looking. I am overjoyed that Greninja wound up to be a Water/Dark type, I was thinking it would be a little bit dangerous to have two different Fighting-types on my team in X (Because I'm using the event Torchic for my playthrough

The megas are cool too. Mega Aggron looks so incredibly beastly with all that added armor. Seriously, he looks like a massive iron clad grenade or something. I would not mess with him. And kudos on the pure Steel-type transition.
Mega Gengar looks incredible too. And it has Shadow Tag??? Whoa. This thing could be a huge threat.
Mega Kangaskhan's baby looks so cute, like a little rogue warrior in-training.
Mega Tyranitar looks like it has been hanging around Larvesta or Malamar for too long.