(1) More 'Lost Link' Cards Spotted on Poster and 'Pokemon Sunday' [3/28]

Your life in school is one big adventure, just like Pokemon, lol. Nice job on the translations Bangiras, Heerosferret, and Yaminokame. Those cards aren’t easy to see. o_O So I can just imagine how hard it is to translate them.
Another gengar with low attack cost, seems to be another speedy Gengar :) I wonder what he have to do with lost zone and what his body do. ;)
What's up with the Gengar artwork? I mean, I feel like I'm looking at a Boo when I'm looking at the Gengar. One things for certain, the Prime artwork is getting better.

Meh, maybe this set isn't going to be all too bad after all.
Absol prime's attack seems like the best way to get pokes in the lost zone we've seen so far. I hope there's more to it than that...
I can imagine that when the unread able words on Absol Prime are shown, its attack will read this:

Bloody Claw: 70 damage. Pick one Pokemon from your opponent's hand and place it in the Lost Zone if your opponent doesn't have any Pokemon in his or her hand, then this attack fails.
*Sigh* Just as we get a really cool Absol we lose some of the pokemon that could make it really great, Weavile and Darkrai Lv X.

But on a lighter note I'm really looking forward to this set now, Absol and Mew look set to be great cards and if you time you're cards right the Stadium will decimate everyone. Tangrowth also looks like it could be great endgame with tangrowth Lv X to bring back all your energy and sweep.

Sorry if thats a bit long I didn't post on the last thread :p.
I just realized something. Forget lost world. Think about how poweful Absol prime is without it. You could easily lost zone their only level X, or part of their 1-1 claydol line (though that will probably be gone by the time we get the set) Absol will kill decks like SP that rely on one or two Lv. X cards.
I went back and read what people were saying about The other cards.
Whats the problem this set is looking set to OBLITERATE the metagame and cause tones of powerful decks, and just to all you Lost World haters Dialga G it, Done.
Magnazone and Gengar Prime, Mixed with the lost zone I am hoping that Magnazone has a power Called Lost Magnet or something to get us pokemon back from the lost zone, at a price of course. Gengar will beast it I believe it will be the first prime we can level up :D. Unless we get raichu first
Scnappy said:
I went back and read what people were saying about The other cards.
Whats the problem this set is looking set to OBLITERATE the metagame and cause tones of powerful decks, and just to all you Lost World haters Dialga G it, Done.

Ok, so after they get six pokes in your lost zone, you have to use deafen for the entire rest of the game. And if you miss it even one time because they're using real attacks, they play the stadium and win. That doesn't sound like an effective counter at all.
I really count on gengar :)

yes Gengar seems to bee like Boo saying "You are yummy chcolate I will eat You." :D


Magnezone also can be leveled up (but is not played so often like Gengar)

We are still waiting for new Vileplume with trainer lockin' body
Yes, i love this set, i think i know what i'm playing...
This might also make AGX somewhat playable :)
I also like the artwork too :)
The artwork of the cards look cool. Also whats up with the artwork of Gengar (Prime)? The Magnezone artwork is amazing! I wouldn't mind having any of these cards for my new deck I'm about to build. Hopefully they come out in America soon.
Gengar ex, Gengar LV.X, now Gengar Prime? I'm gonna predict we're going to have a Flygon and Salamence Prime in the near future, with the trend we're following right now. :p
Is it just me, or is anyone seeing a similarity between Arceus and Lost Link artwork wise? (AR has the eclipse in most of its cards, Lost Link has that Lost Zone vortex thing)
EspeonROX said:
Gengar ex, Gengar LV.X, now Gengar Prime? I'm gonna predict we're going to have a Flygon and Salamence Prime in the near future, with the trend we're following right now. :p

But we need a new dragonite :eek: Or A dragonite legend xD that would be awesome, abd to all who claim it won't work use the Gold Star rule that it is Basic (although thats the SP rule)
But yeah we are gonna get flygon and sally they can never resist
Wow. Alot of new cards. I sure hope I can get new cards sometime soon and the art on these cards look pretty cool too.:)