(1) New Cat Pokemon in BW Special [9/6]

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All the silhouettes are real, but they are silhouettes of the fanarts, fanarts based on official images. So the cat will look like its fanart. =P More from PxP:
"Uhm, some people say the heart is the nose. That could very well be the case with Koromori Evo. Ok, heart thing in the middle of the face =P"
529: Moguryuu, 530: Doryuuzu, 531 Tabunne,
532: A Fighting Type guy with a wooden plank. See image: http://yfrog.com/mzkn7p
Hiro did a fake image with it, but the sprite is real. He took this image as base and changed sprites and tidbits: http://bit.ly/d0aDtE"
I don't have strong hope about this cat pokemon.
It may be just a typical pokemon.
If it has any surprising points, they pokemon sunday should have picked up its information then.
I also agree that its a bit fishy that every Pokemon he has revealed to us is either already confirmed or an evolution of a confirmed Pokemon.
This Pokexperto seems to claim he knows a lot of things.... ¬_¬, If he is right (which I doubt) then I guess we will know how to ask when the next gen comes out XD
Anyway I am hoping to find out more info on this cat in this months coro coro, if not that then the special episode
The cat looks pretty cool to me. I will probably hate it though because it will be the ONLY wild pokemon I encounter.

If that picture of the fight type pokemon is real, I will definetly have him on my team and his evo(s).
Am I the only one who doesn't really like the new cat Pokémon? It just looks like a dark purple Glameow.

By the way, does anyone know the name of the guy who's wearing a green tuxedo in Pokémon Sunday? It's been bugging me for a while, I love his hairstyle. :D
@ Naomichi: So its confirmed then that that's Pokabu's final evolution? If it is, then im sad. Very sad.
@Drakeman, nothing is confirmed yet. It's still possible that pokexperto is making this all up.
Hopefully it's a type other than normal. Haha they all have been normal so far.
If it has poison type, the shape may be uglier than this I think.
And it wouldn't proper to show poison pokemon for fresh morning program for kids lol
More stuff from pokexperto:



Pure grass type


Evolves into: "A big frog, full with protuberances in head, arms and legs. No more tail. Its very big and has kinda mafia pose. Water/Earth"


That tadpole sure is ugly...
I think that everything the person is saying (pokex-something) is fake after seeing the tadpole. It has a human face on it! That is what leads me to believe it is fake. If it is real, I will be very, very surprised.

The silhouette I just posted is now revealed.

@Jacobe, yes, I also think and hope that all of this is fake. But there is no real news coming out about the games. So this is fun to follow in the meantime.
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