(1) New 'Emerging Challenges Box' with BW52 Lillipup Promo [9/19]

Just for clarification, BW series means that the packs have the prefix Black & White or just the base set?
I might get if prefix only.
Blui129 said:
Just for clarification, BW series means that the packs have the prefix Black & White or just the base set?
I might get if prefix only.

A new "Emerging Challenges" box is now available at retail stores and contains one random Black and White series theme deck, two random Black and White series booster packs, and the Stoutland evolutionary line as reverse holos.
No-one's going to buying this for any reason other than the promo, are they

Looks like I'll have to buy the whole thing myself to get it then.
This lillipup is game changing! Why wasn't it in EPO for it to be the best set ever! I'm definitely going to buy 4 to get that lillipup 4 times. OMG=D

Now seriously, this is not good. Just go to the store and get some of the EX fall tins to get the packs.

and when can we expect pictures, so we know what to look out for?
D.N.A said:
The 'Emerging' in the title scares me.

Yeh, me too. I don't really see the point in releasing this. Why would you want a lillipup?
Id get this for Promo and the packs and resell the theme deck :)

Will this be sold in Walmart? How much is this box? is the promo holo?
lol... they will finally release it here, I thought they had forgot about it...
But having to buy the whole product just for the promo is stupid. They could have waited a bit more and release it in Boundaries Crossed with the Stoutland line from Cold Flare.
I was so happy when I saw the promo when I looked at the box for the first time yesterday.

Now I just have to wait for places to start selling the promo separately, because the rest of the box is garbage and totally not worth $20.
Well, um, instead of including a theme deck with it, they could have done my idea, and included a deck similar to Event Decks of Magic and Structure Decks of yugioh, and included a couple of boosters, and have the packaging be smaller (I really think the packaging here will be as big as the Dialga, Palkia, or Darkrai Premium box), but nope. More Emerging Powers and Green Tornado disappointment. They could have done my idea twice a year, in groups of 2 or 3 different decks. The decks would have the same template as competitive decks, but only win, 25% of the time. Theme Decks win 2.5% of the time against decent decks.

Just admit it. Box sets are made in order to sell products that didn't sell at the time when it was supposed to be selling, but didn't, but hey, a larger box is better for kids. It is obvious that they love bigger (in volume) presents.

There are some things I like about PTCG over MTG.

PTCG still has old product even after 3 or 4 years after it stopped printing. Having box sets like these proves that they have a back catalog of old stuff.

MTG, when the product is 4 years old, good luck finding a sealed intro pack, and coupled with the fact that WOTC has a policy which a non-american can't buy sealed product from an american online retailer, despite the product being 10 years old, but I know of a site that is willing to work through a loophole, because I personally think this policy is BS and makes no sense. (It is supposed to help brick and mortar stores, but yet, the stores, who normally don't carry 10 year old sealed products, aren't getting profit from people who want those 10 year old sealed products, so why should this policy stop customers from buying it online from another country?) Makes no sense.

I digress, but this product will be guaranteed 2 emerging powers boosters and either Power Play or Toxic Tricks theme deck. I mean, just look at the name of this box.

Speaking of Emerging Powers sucking, and Call of Legends as well, can you actually make a factual assumption that all sets that aren't based off Japanese main sets, that is, sets based off precon decks, mini sets, and promos, suck?
Frost said:
I was so happy when I saw the promo when I looked at the box for the first time yesterday.

Now I just have to wait for places to start selling the promo separately, because the rest of the box is garbage and totally not worth $20.

Do you have a pic of it?
Speaking of Emerging Powers sucking, and Call of Legends as well, can you actually make a factual assumption that all sets that aren't based off Japanese main sets, that is, sets based off precon decks, mini sets, and promos, suck?
...I don't think Call of Legends sucked. It only sucked for the players who'd been collecting the previous four HS sets up to that point already. Call of Legends is actually a pretty good set, especially for newcomers, since it had a nice catch-all of a variety of cards from various sets - Ninetales, Pachirisu, Smeargle, Jirachi, Umbreon, Slowking, Tyrogue, Cleffa, PONT, Sage's Training, Dual Ball, Lost Remover, Lost World (<3), Spec Dark/Metal...All of those are spread over the first 3 HS sets (Triumphant had the least representation due to it being the most recent set until that point), and because of that, you had a bigger chance of getting a good card in general from CoL than you did from one of the previous HS sets. Granted, CoL did not have all of the good cards, but it had quite a wide selection (in fact, I think the only cards of note really missing from CoL were Collector, Shaymin, PokeCom, the Primes, and Triumphant's trainer lineup). There's been many a time as judge when I've been asked to be paid in Call of Legends packs instead of Black & White, because the chance I'll hit something good is a lot higher otherwise (also because from my Triumphant pulls I got several Junk Arms and Seekers and barely needed anything else from it).

Emerging Powers was a bad set because you had a very low chance of getting something really good from it. Granted, it was a small set, so it wasn't something like Supreme Victors in which you had a handful of good cards but a much larger set (thus giving you really bad odds), but there were very few good cards in Emerging Powers - for Pokemon you had the debatable Gothitelle and Beartic, the two genies (both very good), but that was it...no other Pokemon was even worth mentioning. As for Trainers, you have only three things: Cheren, Bianca, and the ever-present Catcher. Emerging Powers sucked more for its pull rates and lack of variety than anything else. There were a lot of duplicates lying around in EP, as I'm sure you're aware.

tl;dr this sucker: EP sucked because of very few noteworthy cards (seriously, EP was nothing but leftovers, and CoL didn't because of its varied card pool.
Might be EP packs and BW decks...

Indeed the box art has:

Krookodile, Scolipede, Darmanitan, Cinccino, Gothitelle, Stoutland, Boldore, Sawk and Sigilyph on the front... Doesn't look good.
I'm gonna wait for a box with 2x Dragons Exalted and Furious Nights. When I find that, I'll buy it on the spot.