(1) New 'Extremespeed Genesect: Mewtwo's Awakening' Trailer! [3/6]

Zielo said:
But we really don't know that. No one does. Just like it was never stated that Genesect came from Kabutops, it was never stated that it didn't, either. It could have looked entirely different for all we know, or in this example, something with a slightly similar body shape. They don't explain if it came from an already existing Pokemon or not, which is what makes this theory still possible. Sure, you could argue that, "Well, they never stated Ditto came from a Mew, does that mean it did?" But meh. I simply question the fact that they stated Genesect came from 300 million years ago but left out exactly what it came from.
Think of it this way, I doubt GF would use the same storyline twice with the whole DNA thing, which is probably why Genesect came from a fossil instead of something living as of now.

Yes, we do.
Yes they do.
They didn't.

It's pure semantic. The Genesect's dex entries specifically say:
Black entry said:
It has been modified by Team Plasma.
White entry said:
This ancient bug Pokémon was altered by Team Plasma. They upgraded the cannon on its back.
B2W2 entry said:
Team Plasma altered it and attached a cannon to its back.

Mewtwo's dex entries say:
Red/Blue entry said:
It was created by a scientist after years of horrific gene splicing and DNA engineering experiments.
DPPt/BW said:
A Pokémon created by recombining Mew's genes.

While Mewtwo's entries all say "created", Genesect's entries all say the words "modified"/"altered". That means Genesect already existed. If it was a different pokémon species than the one it once was, it would be considered a new being and as such, would have been "created", not simply "altered".
Also, you're coming up with the typical argument "It doesn't say it is but it also doesn't say it isn't". If it doesn't say it is then, that's because it's not. I don't know how much simple can this be?

Zielo said:
And as a regard to the whole alien/sci-fi shaped head... well yeah.. those are the alterations.
No, they're not. They are design choices to fit the concept...

Also, no offense to Gr8Ampharos, but Kabutops wouldn't look like that if it had been altered by Team Plasma. He basically put Kabutops body under Genesect's head...
Metalizard said:
Zielo said:
But we really don't know that. No one does. Just like it was never stated that Genesect came from Kabutops, it was never stated that it didn't, either. It could have looked entirely different for all we know, or in this example, something with a slightly similar body shape. They don't explain if it came from an already existing Pokemon or not, which is what makes this theory still possible. Sure, you could argue that, "Well, they never stated Ditto came from a Mew, does that mean it did?" But meh. I simply question the fact that they stated Genesect came from 300 million years ago but left out exactly what it came from.
Think of it this way, I doubt GF would use the same storyline twice with the whole DNA thing, which is probably why Genesect came from a fossil instead of something living as of now.

Yes, we do.
Yes they do.
They didn't.

It's pure semantic. The Genesect's dex entries specifically say:
Black entry said:
It has been modified by Team Plasma.
White entry said:
This ancient bug Pokémon was altered by Team Plasma. They upgraded the cannon on its back.
B2W2 entry said:
Team Plasma altered it and attached a cannon to its back.

Mewtwo's dex entries say:
Red/Blue entry said:
It was created by a scientist after years of horrific gene splicing and DNA engineering experiments.
DPPt/BW said:
A Pokémon created by recombining Mew's genes.

While Mewtwo's entries all say "created", Genesect's entries all say the words "modified"/"altered". That means Genesect already existed. If it was a different pokémon species than the one it once was, it would be considered a new being and as such, would have been "created", not simply "altered".
Also, you're coming up with the typical argument "It doesn't say it is but it also doesn't say it isn't". If it doesn't say it is then, that's because it's not. I don't know how much simple can this be?

Zielo said:
And as a regard to the whole alien/sci-fi shaped head... well yeah.. those are the alterations.
No, they're not. They are design choices to fit the concept...

Also, no offense to Gr8Ampharos, but Kabutops wouldn't look like that if it had been altered by Team Plasma. He basically put Kabutops body under Genesect's head...

yeah, I haven't done this in a while, again sorry. But I still don't think the theories are correct and I know this is stupid but do you think Team Plasma took the time to give Kabutops teeth? Look at Genesect and see his evil grin. Kabutops could be hiding those beautiful teeth of course... ;) Also why would they move such awesome blades from Kabutops...
and Ash did recognise the Mewtwo, you could tell by his facieal expression and the way he said his name, I wonder what business Mewtwo could have with Ash ? Does he want something from him ?
Gr8Ampharos said:
yeah, I haven't done this in a while, again sorry. But I still don't think the theories are correct and I know this is stupid but do you think Team Plasma took the time to give Kabutops teeth? Look at Genesect and see his evil grin. Kabutops could be hiding those beautiful teeth of course... ;) Also why would they move such awesome blades from Kabutops...

Exactly... Those blades are Kabutops' main weapon... It wouldn't make sense to remove them...
And I think Kabutops has teeth but like you said its mouth is hidden due to the shape of its head... Which is not the case with Genesect...
Its just a theory. @_@ I take all theories into consideration that have at least some form of background information. I still don't believe it is for certain going to happen, I simply believe in the possibility and I defend the idea that all theories should at least be considered. I wasn't exactly looking for an all out argument over it. It just irks me when no one even really considers all the different possibilities and outcomes.

But anyway, Im done with the whole argument, it dragged out longer than it should have. Lets all just agree to disagree.

On an entirely new topic in regards to the movie, I really can't wait to hear what Mewtwo has to say after what, 13 or so years? But then again, to Ash this was probably a few months ago. -_- Either way, I also think that Ash recognizes Mewtwo because of his surprised expression and the way he said it, he knew who he was right away and didnt whip his Pokedex out like an idiot (although I'd bet he does this anyway later on..).
Im really curious to see what Mewtwos voice will be like now.. if it is anything like Arceus's was, fml.
Finally now that we've debunked that stupid theory we can all move on.
I for one am hoping Pokemon USA doesn't f-ck up Mewtwo's english voice when the movie airs around November - December on CN.
I do wonder what is inside Genesect's armor... What he looks like without his armor..

Also, Genesect's cannon can snap inside the pocket in the back of his head, for concealment.
For the record, it hasn't been debunked. >.> However much I'm sure they'd agree on that ,we just got tired of the argument, or at least I sure did. Just shhhhh on the topic entirely please.

Gr8Ampharos said:
Didn't the original actor for Mewtwo die back in 2001?

Whether the voice actor of Mewtwo is alive or not (if he is dead, RIP Mewtwo ;_; ), it really wouldnt matter since that was back with 4Kids I believe. Mewtwo would have a new VA anyway.. I just hope they try to make it close to the original, and not go with something on an entirely new take.

I do want to see someone do a Mewtwo parody in a Rocky Balboa voice, though... I don't know why, I can just see this.
Zielo said:
For the record, it hasn't been debunked. >.> However much I'm sure they'd agree on that ,we just got tired of the argument, or at least I sure did. Just shhhhh on the topic entirely please.

Gr8Ampharos said:
Didn't the original actor for Mewtwo die back in 2001?

Whether the voice actor of Mewtwo is alive or not (if he is dead, RIP Mewtwo ;_; ), it really wouldnt matter since that was back with 4Kids I believe. Mewtwo would have a new VA anyway.. I just hope they try to make it close to the original, and not go with something on an entirely new take.

I do want to see someone do a Mewtwo parody in a Rocky Balboa voice, though... I don't know why, I can just see this.
Well I wouldn't be surprised if they got Dan Green (the voice of Yugi) to play Mewtwo
Dan Green was Mewtwo in Mewtwo Returns and voiced Damos in Arceus, so they'll probably bring him back to do Mewtwo again since he's still an active VA.
Oh, really? I wasn't aware. I don't keep up with the cast that much. Good to hear theres a good chance they'll be using the same VA, then. I didn't even notice the apparent change between the First Movie Mewtwo and the Mewtwo Returns Mewtwo, so I definitely approve.
What I'm upset about is we probably won't hear Mewtwo's English musical leitmotifs (the trumpets). Japan had its own soundtrack for the movie which 4Kids replaced with its own. I like both soundtracks, but Mewtwo's Japanese theme relies on an organ which really sounds archaic to me. Japan will probably revive the original organ theme for Mewtwo when they make the film. They probably don't even have the rights to the 4Kids theme, but I doubt they would ever use it anyway.
Phoenix EX said:
Genesect is not Kabutops, that's the stupidest thing i've honestly heard yet. Genesect is a completely different Pokémon.
Phoenix EX said:
My money's on Sylveon being a Light type.


_on topic:_ I didn't notice the shift from Bartlett to Green either. After listening to both, I must say I prefer Bartlett's Mewtwo. Green's Mewtwo is less... commanding (my vocabulary fails me at the moment), but I still find it very fitting.

I'm starting to look forward to this. I skipped the last few movies (and from what I've heard, I wasn't missing much), but I think I'll be watching this if for no other reason than to see the original badass Pokemon in action.
I agree with the last poster. Tho, I've seen every movie that Pokemon has released. From the 1st movie, to the newest Keldeo movie.
I have to say, the Keldeo movie very much so disappointed me. Very uninteresting, tho I loved the fact that Vic Mignonga played Keldeo.
I didnt think the Keldeo movie was too bad. It was better than the Victini one at least. But the first few were always the best, back when it was all about the life of the Pokemon themselves, and what it means to be a trainer, those kind of plots. And believe me, I'm no genwunner. I just prefer the older movies. XP

That is why I am really looking forward to this upcoming one though. With Mewtwo in it, there is bound to be some kind of amazing slice of life moral like there was in the first movie and a few others..
I just CANNOT wait to watch that movie! It is ever so nostalgic for so many reasons!

The trailer says that we still have something to discover about Mewtwo, I wonder what. ^-^

Is he the hero or the villain? And many of my friends have been playing a guessing game about how that movie may go.

I hope it won't let us down. XD

And I'm sorry if my posts aren't as intelligent as that of the others around here. Shows I have a lot to learn. It's amazing to see how well people have been analysing Pokemon movies and everything else so much.
Daenordus said:
I can't wait either. It looks so interesting! When does it come on?

It airs July 13 in Japan. Unfortunately we still aren't getting simultaneous anime releases so USA dates are still TBA.

Still hoping this film won't be as disappointing as The Sword of Justice.