(1) New Pokemon Revealed in B/W Demo Buses [8/6]

After seeing the sprite for Emonga....hm, I don't think it's related to Pachirisu afterall.

And I think the new plant thing can lay at the bottom of the ocean before Gigaiasu o_O
So far, great! I love every new one that was revealed. The flying squirrel rocks, but i highly doubt that it evolves from pachirisu. The rock guy is cool looking, but i wish it had better types. The prevo of hihidaruma imo rocks. DId anyone notice that you run into it at level 15? Is this just for the demo or do you really find it that early? Now for this plant pokemon...i just have to wait for either the art or a better sprite :/
Episode 084 a scare in the air
It's Darumakka ???
WrightJustice said:
IMO Emonga CANNOT be an evolution of Pachirisu due to quite a few reasons but the main one is that not only is the ability different but it's dropping one of the abilities to which IIRC this has never happened before since all 2 ability pokemon either keep both or only one changes and never have they dropped an ability down to just one.

Oh, that is a VERY good point. This pretty much confirms it's not a Pachirisu evo to me because Pokemon don't just drop both their abilities to replace it with one, that would make no sense. That and why would they be showing the evo to a previous gen not obtainable until after getting the national dex in PRE RELEASE scans?
WrightJustice said:
IMO Emonga CANNOT be an evolution of Pachirisu due to quite a few reasons but the main one is that not only is the ability different but it's dropping one of the abilities to which IIRC this has never happened before since all 2 ability pokemon either keep both or only one changes and never have they dropped an ability down to just one.
Sneasel -> Weavile
I dont think it is, they dont look much alike except the checks and that they are both electric rodents. I mean, I guess it could be, but I doubt it. And I hope not too, because I love this guy, but hate pachirisu
how could this pokemon
evolves into that pokemon

is this supposed to be a Baby monkey !!?? it's cute but strange remember me with Digimon what they call babymon or baby stage I don't know I am not a fan of digimon,any way the flower pokemon looks a little stupid.
Gah, I posted this in the wrong thread. I feel stupid. ;_;

Mixed sweepers that can learn Growth are definitely going to get a big boost here.
That Darumaaka...it's just...weird. It looks a lot like a Digimon.
But that plant thing...it's FREAKING YOKOMON.


The ball-like body, the mouth, the things at the bottom, the fact that plants come out of its head...
Tarazuma said:
Oh, that is a VERY good point. This pretty much confirms it's not a Pachirisu evo to me because Pokemon don't just drop both their abilities to replace it with one, that would make no sense. That and why would they be showing the evo to a previous gen not obtainable until after getting the national dex in PRE RELEASE scans?

-___- They...look...so...similar. Right down to the dots on the cheek.
daww, I like the new little pickachu-type thing. pachirisu never quite caught my eye, but this one is adorable X3
alypkm said:
how could this pokemon
evolves into that pokemon

is this supposed to be a Baby monkey !!?? it's cute but strange remember me with Digimon what they call babymon or baby stage I don't know I am not a fan of digimon,any way the flower pokemon looks a little stupid.

I think its because they're both pokemon based of dharma dolls
I love the little flying squirrel. :3 The Rock Pokemon is cool as well.
I don't like the third one though. :x
Pokefan4000 said:
Gah, I posted this in the wrong thread. I feel stupid. ;_;

Mixed sweepers that can learn Growth are definitely going to get a big boost here.
That Darumaaka...it's just...weird. It looks a lot like a Digimon.
But that plant thing...it's FREAKING YOKOMON.


The ball-like body, the mouth, the things at the bottom, the fact that plants come out of its head...

those guys looks really the same,I always say that Digimon is nothing but a fake pokemon but ..now....!?? pokemon are taking Ideas from digimon !?? @0
alypkm said:
those guys looks really the same,I always say that Digimon is nothing but a fake pokemon but ..now....!?? pokemon are taking Ideas from digimon !?? @0
Im sorry but those 2 look nothing alike...
Bupsy said:
I think its because they're both pokemon based of dharma dolls
you are probably right .....they are the same but still a stupid thing but sooooo cute :3

Sora1056 said:
Im sorry but those 2 look nothing alike...

the body, the mouth,the legs,the head THE IDEA !!!!!!
they must never have the same colors and exactly the same shape in order to be similar...
I love the squirrel pokemon,he is so cute! :p
and the rock pokemon is awesome.
The fire-ape's pre-evo is cool,I like it.
and the green plant thingy....no...just no.