(1) New Pokemon Revealed: Zorua, Zoroark [2/10]

Water Pokémon Master said:
By the way, Pokemon are found in nature, so it's not anyone's fault they turned out the way they are. It's just nature's choice!

Natural selection at its finest. :)
Vulpix Yolk said:
I'm sorry if this is a Noobish question but what do you mean?

When I said new Ability and new way to Evolve, I meant that there's a brand new Ability that's going to be in 5th Gen for this Pokemon. (Probably something with Illusions) and that this Pokemon doesn't evolve through Leveling Up, learning a Move, a High Friendship Level, an Evolutionary Stone, etc. Brand new way of Evolving.

dmaster out.
This pokemon does not look like a digimon, oh and xous artwork is very cool, i just wish i could draw with half the ability he does.
From now on i would like to use an avatar because this way it looks a little bit more complete
Umm, i think im a bit upset with the revelation few days ago, but i seriously LOVED Xous's artwork better. I admire Xous's interpretation of the silouhette, the designs and all may have inspired by Lucario. But still Zoroark looks less badass than i expected, but still cool. Cant wait for more.
I have a comment on the color changes. It is possible that each color represents the Gender Differences between Male and Female.
Wow. The new Pokemon sure looks like a Weavile evolution though. I am surprised that it is not a Weavile evolution. I wonder what it's type will be. I am guessing Fighting/Dark type.:)
yeah i think it looks rather cool.
if you ask me the first form of zoroark looks abit like mightyena.... or atleast the face does....

Am I missing something?
xxashxx said:
Wow. The new Pokemon sure looks like a Weavile evolution though. I am surprised that it is not a Weavile evolution. I wonder what it's type will be. I am guessing Fighting/Dark type.:)

You need to actually read the announcement. It's confirmed to be straight dark, with a brand new ability and a brand new evolution method.
Juliacoolo said:
Eh. Xous' was better. I think zorua will be the rattatata/sentret/poocheyna/bidoof of the 5th gen.


Am I the only one who finds it difficult to pronounce Zoroark?
I used to but i got used to it:D
I don't mind the smaller one, Zorua; the bigger one, Zoroark, just looks horrible. It resembles nothing of a Pokemon it's face doesn't look like anything like Ken Sugimori's art. This is probably the worst design, worse then Spiritomb and that is saying something!

My prediction will be that you get them on a island, same with what you do with Lucario.
Dark Marc said:
I don't mind the smaller one, Zorua; the bigger one, Zoroark, just looks horrible. It resembles nothing of a Pokemon it's face doesn't look like anything like Ken Sugimori's art. This is probably the worst design, worse then Spiritomb and that is saying something!

My prediction will be that you get them on a island, same with what you do with Lucario.
I disagree. They are very nicely designed Pokemon. These Pokemon aren't the worst designs, they're just different from others. I actually think these new Pokemon are pretty cool looking. I can't wait to see what other new 5th Generation Pokemon we will see next!
Ice Arceus said:
I disagree. They are very nicely designed Pokemon. These Pokemon aren't the worst designs, they're just different from others. I actually think these new Pokemon are pretty cool looking. I can't wait to see what other new 5th Generation Pokemon we will see next!
Same. I think alot of people are just saying they don't like it because it didn't turn out to be a Lucario/Mightyena/Ninetales evolution. Come on people, lighten up! This is GENERATION 5!!!

So, is anyone expecting any new Pokemon? I hope they finally make more Electric/Flying types (Volture) Ghost/Grass type (Spiroot, Branchee, Woodwisp?) and a Fire/Water type (Flaminnow?)

Also, anyone else think they might finally make a pre evolution for Kangaskhan? Seriously, that pokemon needs to come out of the pouch sooner or later....
I would love an Absol evolution or pre-evolution. More Dark-Fire types Also.
Travis said:
Same. I think alot of people are just saying they don't like it because it didn't turn out to be a Lucario/Mightyena/Ninetales evolution. Come on people, lighten up! This is GENERATION 5!!!

So, is anyone expecting any new Pokemon? I hope they finally make more Electric/Flying types (Volture) Ghost/Grass type (Spiroot, Branchee, Woodwisp?) and a Fire/Water type (Flaminnow?)

Also, anyone else think they might finally make a pre evolution for Kangaskhan? Seriously, that pokemon needs to come out of the pouch sooner or later...
What we need is a pure Flying type. Excluding Arceus or any attacks, there has yet to be a pure Flying type in any game, so I'm hoping they will change that. A Fire/Water type is also going to be interesting. I'd love to see its influence in the water.
tweety210 said:
I don't think this pokemon is legendary. It might be a "sub-legendary" like manaphy.
Well we'll find out when the Movie comes out, or more information.
zoroark looks great!!! But i don't think he's a legendary.... He's just the lucario of 5th gen..... I want to see more silhouettes! Maybe three pre-evos?? Who knows!!