(1) Next Japanese Set: 'Revived Legends' [11/29]

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Interesting, the legend cards are now two dogs combined... I can guess the energy needed for the legend cards will be {W}{L}, {W}{R} & {R}{L}.

First post! :)
Hm. Maybe this set will bring back dual types to the TCG, based on the names of the LEGEND cards. For example, the Raikou part of the card would be a {L} type, and the Entei part would be {R} type. Until we see pictures, though, we can only speculate.

Now that you mention it, it is very odd how there were no Darkness or Metal types in HeartGold Collection or SoulSilver Collection. I mean, G/S introduced them.
I would prefer to see a separate Legend card for each Beast rather than combining them but they are always changing the things...
So I guess the name comes from the whole story of teh dogs being revived by Ho-oh.
Woohoo! A non-generic Lanturn card! ...>_> Can't wait to see the scans, like always.

I'm not sure what to make of the combination Legends. It's a novel idea, but... eh, I don't see why they couldn't just make them each separate. Though I guess if they're dual typed then they could be interesting.
Cool name for a set. Can't wait to see these cards. I MUST have all three of the new legend cards when they come out. :>
Pokebeach never fails to amaze news wise. LANTURN PRIME!!111nomnomnomnom.

Entikou sounds wacked though. Just sayin. But if it means hitting Tangrowth, Gyarados, Sceptile, Dialga, Kingdra, Blastoise and Leafeon for weakness, I'm in. We NEED a Legend Celebi for Prime Gatr though :<
Can't wait for the new format to be out! It's gonna my first rotation as a player after the next Worlds, and with the Legend cards it's gonna be awesome!

I really wanna see how Tyranitar, Scizor and Steelix will be like. And not to mention de dogs.
Shining Raikou said:
Cool name for a set. Can't wait to see these cards. I MUST have all three of the new legend cards when they come out. :>

You mean the ones with Raikou right? ;p

The set sounds cool. I'm glad to see Dark/Metal and Prime Tyranitar and Kingdra are the ones I wanted, so I'm happy with that. Scizor and Lanturn might be alright too. The new Legend cards are pushing boundaries as well with two Pokemon and potentially two types.

dmaster out.
Sounds like it will be released late because of the decks that came out during the normal set release time and to stay on time I bet they will releas the set after this one 2 months after instead in order to get back on track so the set will be released on time as usual so plan an early set release after this one comes out for the following set.:)
Sounds like another set with sparkly cards, out of them not many are that great. Three Legends makes room for decent cards, but if they're anything like Ho-Oh and Lugia (although Lugia isn't... horrible, I guess), then I think I'll just be collecting this set as opposed to really using anything from it. But a Houndoom Prime and Tyranitar Prime sound like they'll be having great art.
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