Water Pokémon Master said:Just keep refreshing until the news system decides it wants to show the story to you.
Pokefan4000 said:Charizard Lv.X? Oooh, something tells me that's not gonna come cheap.
I really hope this set has a bunch of new tools for pokemon sp to use. I think pokemon sp need to find theirselves a good place in the format without being destroyed by machamp and mewtwo lv.x.
PokeMaster619 said:I don't see it on the front page, but the name sounds pretty cool though.
EDIT: Garchomp V/S Charizard? Wow, I think they have low HP still. Pretty cool for those 2 to be themes. Yeah! The Emerald Characters are coming back.
Blue Thunder said:This set won't be in English until the 2009-2010 format....=(