(1) Nintendo E3 Conference [6/7]

Wii 2 looks awesome. A great feature that I like about it is that it can act as a tablet which you can draw on and also contains a camera for the ability to video chat.
That thing looks amazing! They didn't even show the system itself, they just showed the controller, but I guess what makes it so amazing is the controller. The controller has EVERYTHING on it. xD
Controllers that will cost 100$ or so will make multiplaying suck, money wise.
I am waiting for them to introduce the system. Though I am glad that the controller has much more features and can be used when the TV is not in use.
New Super Mario Bros. Mii. Play with your Miis :O

the announcement on the front page starts from the bottom right?
This thing just keeps getting better and better and better and....
I'm surprised with the whole Nintendo having Assassin's Creed and Tekken on their system. Those are normally system exclusive games.
Wow. Battlefield 3 for Wii U. Bring it.

the announcement says "the third picture" but there are only two up...
Nevermind you fixed it.
These will be awesome! Wasn't there already a gold remote with that 007 game? Anyway, I'm keeping posted for Wii 2...
That was a gold Classic Controller Pro. This is a Wii Remote Plus.
Juliacoolo said:
Controllers that will cost 100$ or so will make multiplaying suck, money wise.
$100? Pah.
Afro-G said:
This thing just keeps getting better and better and better and....
I'm surprised with the whole Nintendo having Assassin's Creed and Tekken on their system. Those are normally system exclusive games.

Don't you mean everything-but-Nintendo exclusive? But don't be surprised; all of these developers were just waiting for HD graphics.

I personally found EA dude's remark about "Bleh, this is the best Nintendo system that we've developed for. About time." insulting.

Anyone else love how the controller is simply called the New Controller? Gotta love it.
Heh. Did anyone see the Skyward Sword clip during the Wii U trailer? Looks epic. Graphics are amazing too.
^Nice piece of machinery you got there. Looks like a good design that isn't over sized like some consoles are. *cough*PS3*cough*...
This day just keeps getting better and better.

I heard rumors that the new one would be called SSB Arena or SSB Finale. Add 3D onto the end for the 3DS version.