Nintendo doesn't care about their true fans anymore... You know, us fans who went out and played Super Mario Brothers? The ones that walked around school with their Gameboy Colors, showing off their Level 100 Pikachus from Yellow Version? We aren't a big enough demographic anymore, and therefore aren't worth selling to. Just look at what we've gotten since Wii release. A few good games, like Super Mario Galaxy, Legend of Zelda: TP, and Metroid Prime Corruption. But everything else is just blah. Even Metroid: Other M was lackluster. And other than Pokemon, we haven't really had any good Nintendo games on the DS that I can think of (correct me if I'm wrong).
Why can they get us in trouble for posting pictures about a game that IS ALREADY RELEASED anyways? First of all, what is it going to hurt? Do they think that more people will buy the game in America, about 4-6 months from now, if we don't know what the game is like? Pictures hype up the game, it makes us want it more! I guess advertisement is a bad business strategy. Second of all, why can Japanese people see the pictures and not us? Unless they have millions of lawyers walking around with pieces of black paper, covering up the images of Pokemon in Japan, then they have no right to tell us we can't see the pics.
This whole thing is ridiculous, and Nintendo always seems to find new and exciting ways to lose or anger the fans that made them who they are today. Your welcome for the success we've led you to by the way Nintendo. I'm sure you're too busy rolling in cash from the stupid little casual games you keep pumping out for the Wii and the DS to listen to what we have to say, but I hope I can speak for most of Pokebeach when I say that we're getting tired of this game you're playing with us. Hopefully when Sony and Microsoft release their better working rip-offs and you're left in the dust, you'll realize how much you've been screwing us over.
tl;dr- Nintendo doesn't care about fans, this whole thing is unfair to all Pokemon lovers alike, and Nintendo needs to think about its fans.