(1) Nintendo Follow-Up [9/21]

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I think it has to be a matter of copyright IN AMERICA. Just because the game is already known about in the US, does not mean that everything is properly copyrighted yet. Obviously photos of the game (wherever they were taken from) are Nintendo's property, and they probably don't have it legally protected by the copyright yet, so they have to protect it by asking to take down the photos, videos, etc. Nintendo is just trying to protect its intellectual property and I'm sure WPM wouldn't want people using his intellectual property without his authorization. Think about it how long is it until an American release...6-7 months away. Give it time is what I say, don't go boycotting Nintendo, don't try to sue them, Nintendo is just trying to protect their property.
i don't quite understand on why it's such a BIG DEAL
there going to be seen no matter if you take pictures, leaked or bought the game your self that goes the same for the characters an locations
i don't understand legal matters at all
japan an america's nintendo are on the same team it's not like it was a problem b4
i dont' get it
it's stupid or maybe im dumb XD
@doodad126 you are right. It is Nintendo's ball and everyone has to play by their rules.
But like i said. There is NOOOOOO case here. The sprites, pokedex entries, pokemon names, attack names, etc. Are all taken from a JAPANESE game which according too this lawyer would fall under copyrighten and public access under law. IF someone leaked a screen from the american game THEN they would have a leg to stand on. But no, this is not the case.
It doesn't matter if there is no Case! They can still sue you. Forcing you to defend yourself.
Not really. You see, a long time ago we gave "content creators" the right to restrict our freedom in exchange for said content. We call this today Copyright. On this Copyright, there are written Exceptions to the rules, where regardless of how hard the content creator cries, he can't get his way. It's called Fair Use.

Edit: Damn, is the quoting system broken around here? I meant that to omahanime regarding the "It's their ball" thing.
Fair use! Thats what ive been trying to think of! I couldnt remember the name! lol

EDIT: Also omahaime, what are they gonna sue me for if there is no case!? Sue me because? "ummmmm ummmm well see what had happened was..." -- Nintendo of america lol
This is so hot xD I even made an account to post here, LOL!~
I smell a lawsuit coming Y_Y.... I feel sorry though :S..
I disagree with you. Nintendo would file a suit. That forces you to get a lawyer to file an injunction. Even if the judge sides with you on the injunction you still have legal expenses.
@omahanime depending on the type of court you're sued on and the judge's ruling, the loser might have to pay the winner's expenses.
I wonder how's WPM feeling right now o.o I'd be... a bit scared tbh ~_~...
Nintendo's lawyer seems pretty person though 0.0
Actually the court system will provide you with a lawyer if you choose not to use your own. See you are thinking exactly what they would want you too "Ohhh im scared!! Its gonna cost big money! Theyre are gonna sue meeee oh no!" But in reality If im right, im right so i win and walk out of the bank with LOTS of green lol
@Nushio at what point would that happen? 10 years? How many people have the assets to carry on an extended legal battle?
You should advertise major games that are not from Nintendo (e.g. DQ IX, Halo) to rile them up. It would harm their competitveness in the market and it would be a good way to get back at them.
well its not like you have too pay for court dates, so you'd just live your life until the date rolls around i guess.
well... to be considered 'fair use' it's gotta be for 'educational' and such purposes. It's just gonna come down to luck in my opinion Y_Y
Even if Nintendo does decide to sue WPM, I'm sure we, as fans will be great full enough to lend a hand an donate money towards the court cost. After all we are all in this battle together, because I'm sure we all use the resources WPM gives us, for our own benefits and the least we could do is help him out.
@smellysnake Wrong fair use is used in " commentary, criticism, (pokemon) NEWS REPORTING, research, teaching or scholarship"
I'm not sure it'd be enough CK ~_~... But all of this is amusing in so many ways. I didn't think Nintendo would be this stupid/desperate/money hungry Dx
I'm with omahanime on this one. We can whine all we want to get our pictures back, but filing a lawsuit against a powerhouse such as Nintendo would be financial suicide for a website (with a relatively small size compared to Nintendo).


Second paragraph: 'Is "fair use" of images for scholarly and educational purposes allowed?
Some people think the "Fair Use" standard in American copyright law may be applied to image use in publications for scholarly and educational purposes. However, whether for commercial or nonprofit use, it is common practice for a publisher in North America to require an author to obtain image reproduction permission from the copyright holders for publishing purposes.'
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