(1) NO BW IMAGES FOR YOU! [9/19]

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NOW what is WPM going to do??? Without any pokemon news, Pokerbeach(Pokebeach:))will be no more>__< *Sobs in corner.*Only time will tell. ( Or Dialga in this case.)
I say we protest by telling Nintendo that if they don't stop this restriction we shall download the game roms and not by them!!!
Trollololol Umbee? Seems.

If you're taking Ninty's current point of view -regarding this lolz, then I say it's flawed. As many have said before, a few images are not going to jeopardise the franchise. B)
@ EeveeLv99
I mean other websites it appears that many fanwebsites received the same letter
Well, it seems that only Pokebeach and Serebii have received the letter...
PCM is safe...

IMO, Nintendo is just targeting large fansites so that browsers can get the word out to smaller sites.

Oh, I'm sorry Nintendo, did I just hurt you?

Dang it, I think i just spoiled my peers, oops.

Ahhh! I just spoiled the game, dear god, someone call the Nintendo so they can brainwash me clean of all this info!

Nintendo might be able to remove the game images, but they should know by now that their fan base will take a beating if they keep this up. Not just Pokemon, the whole company as a whole. Pokemon is the second most sold video game series next to mario, but even mario fan sites don't get this kind of treatment...
Also, my images are fan works of mine, so let's say... Pokerbeach or another were to use combined fan works, technically, those works are not owned by Nintendo, and could be altered enough to be used. I'm not sure what nintendo's doing, but they should rethink their strategies, fast...

That's all for now.
I don't know about you, but if I was coming on here for the first time....not knowing anything about pokemon....

I would be a lot more likely to want to buy the games seeing pictures and news about all the pokemon rather than seeing "Pokerbeach" and this whole fiasco.

Strange how bulbapedia/garden hasn't been effected...
@EeveeLv99 I already do so

@eeveen no there is a web site calle isshuregeon>!? I think,sy that it recieved the same letter.
@alypkm: as fast as you responded, that struck a nerve. boom headshot.

Back on topic!: I'm not understanding the video... Is there another joke I'm missing?
WTF...THIS TOTALLY VIOLATES FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS >_< NINTENDO Has never done this before wtf...they can't shust us down the Interwebs are free space...we should be allowed to spoil as much of black and white as humanly possible, WPM i strongly advise that you not listen to this guy...
Wow. This thread is so cluttered with spam.
Also: WPM never said no more news. He's going to continue to cover B/W. Just no more pictures & images of the games.

Edit: Make that spam & irony.
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