(1) P!P Premiere Event Schedule to Change This Year: Two-Day Regionals? [8/21]

Well I have had a 2 day Regional before so I know what that's like but I still don't understand if there's going to be two in one year. Is that going to happen? I didn't see anything that made it clear or not.
It mostly all makes sense to me besides the not adding more events part...past Regionals had attendance that could have been two day events before. It just doesn't seem productive to me at all. I'm hoping other changes will be better.

dmaster out.
Your hunch is right dmaster.

Ok, that makes it a lot better. Maximizes the use of the Video Game Tournaments. :p I think this will end up working very efficiently.

dmaster out.
Really glad to see this coming from a (not so good) SoCal player. Saturday at my prerelease the Head Judge KC was talking about this change and I hope I can go to both Regional events.
now, to find out what day I need a sitter for ;) *awaits further info* I'll post in the organized play area once I find out info on so cal regionals (as in location, time, what day is for what aspect of the game)
Wait, so they're basically combining VGC and TCG Regionals?

The wording makes it a bit ambiguous. Are you saying that one day will be dedicated to TCG, while the other day will be dedicated to VGC?
Yeah, or will it run like Worlds with both events going on at the same time?

dmaster out.
Zero said:
^Nope. We're talking only TGC. No new news on VGC this year... yet...

front page has been updated. We are talking videogame to which is great for the vg players. More tournaaments = more chances to win. Or lose. :p
I was initially surprised by this news, after all why would they really bother to expand Regionals, but in light of this new information it makes a lot of sense, and it's great to see Pokemon continuing their exploits to expand the VGC. This greatly pleases me since I've been doing this since the NVGC back in 06, especially since players will have the opportunity to participate in both VGC and TCG for Regionals.
This sounds great for the VGC players, i hated the 8 months of off season that the VGC players have, so having a longer season would def be a great option :) I can't wait to hear more news about this as a VGC player.
Response time.
Chairman Kaga said:
I wonder if you ever attended a Regionals with over 250 players
Regionals has been 500+ people every year I've gone. As I mentioned before, I do live in SoCal, and our States are bigger than the Regs.
zephilim said:
First, November? Really?! Why so soon? The Metagame will have barely changed at all.
This is the main reason why I'm dissatisfied right here. We will have only one new set around and there won't be any real change whatsoever.
Zero said:
You didn't play top cut. Top cut is PAINFUL when it is same day as socal main rounds.
If it turns out that the second day is just for top-cut players, then...well, that makes sense.

I've nothing much more to say at this point.

Edit: The news story still says:
Regional Championships: Nov. 12th - 13th (Confirmed only for SoCal at this time)
I think the wording on both those articles should be updated slightly.
DNA said:
Response time.
Regionals has been 500+ people every year I've gone. As I mentioned before, I do live in SoCal, and our States are bigger than the Regs.
This is the main reason why I'm dissatisfied right here. We will have only one new set around and there won't be any real change whatsoever.
If it turns out that the second day is just for top-cut players, then...well, that makes sense.

I've nothing much more to say at this point.

Edit: The news story still says:
I think the wording on both those articles should be updated slightly.

There are a few things to keep in mind here. First by that point we'll have another set in format, which may or may not make a large difference (likely the former.) Second keep in mind that the meta seems staler than usual due to earlier rotation this year, if this continues then things will have a decent chance to develop. Third with the Regionals split up this year more people will likely attend than usual. I don't think I have to explain that players were given the choice to attend only one Regionals, now they have the option to attend two. Finally (where you acknowledged it yourself) it is a pain to play Regionals fully in one day (I made it to top 4 this year so the memory is still fresh) and thus the additional day can do more good than harm.
Whoever's leaking information needs to stop... leaking this kind of stuff does a lot more harm than good.
Visitor9x said:
Whoever's leaking information needs to stop... leaking this kind of stuff does a lot more harm than good.

the good: more attention to BR results and higher BR's attendance. More prep time for regionals.. (as in the info leaking letting us know to prepare NOW instead of @ cities and states)

what is the "harm" of leaking this info? I see none, unless you wanted an easier time winning.