(1) P!P Premiere Event Schedule to Change This Year: Two-Day Regionals? [8/21]

I've gotten about 5 or 6 e-mails about it since before and after Worlds too. And I heard that it was said by a few PTOs during events at Worlds. How is this hurting anyone if it's already common knowledge? I'm not trying to sound stupid - I'd just really like to understand your complaint.
carlitosbob said:
the good: more attention to BR results and higher BR's attendance. More prep time for regionals.. (as in the info leaking letting us know to prepare NOW instead of @ cities and states)

what is the "harm" of leaking this info? I see none, unless you wanted an easier time winning.

^ This. I really don't see how this info will do harm, as stated before it will benefit it. I guess for every peice of info that has and will ever be leaked there will be those who question it or call it a threat (even though this isn't really "leaked" info it's more common knowledge, like WPM stated, than anything).
a regional is now confirmed for Ft. Wayne, IN on November 12th-13th.
thought i'd add that in, it looks like the regionals will be split OR that there might be 2 of some(the one in Ft. Wayne is at different location that last year, again, but there could be 2 in that city)
a regional is now confirmed for Ft. Wayne, IN on November 12th-13th.
thought i'd add that in, it looks like the regionals will be split OR that there might be 2 of some(the one in Ft. Wayne is at different location that last year, again, but there could be 2 in that city)

Where is it confirmed?
Visitor9x said:
Whoever's leaking information needs to stop... leaking this kind of stuff does a lot more harm than good.

Who is this Nethirious person anyway?
are these single post people juse trolling? or are they banned members that wanted to get their 2 cents in? Visitor9x seems like it's a troll... just sayin'.

and as far as 2 regionals in the same region, I doubt that will happen. cuz I'm sure part of the reason is so that people can attend regionals in other locations. like, southern california and northern california. which is really a good idea when you think about it since norcal and socal have vastly different Metagames.
Certainly not the case. Since this information leak has been attributed to an anonymous Oregon judge, all of the Oregon judges are under suspicion of the leak. Therefore, everyone's in trouble over one person leaking information that wasn't worth leaking in the first place, being as how we'll know about it next week anyway.
It's not an information leak! I knew about it on Saturday in SOCAL because the head judge TOLD US. No one is in trouble and it WASN'T leaked.
gawd just shut up about it you don't know what you're talking about.

On a different note, I am excited for the two two-day regionals in California an hope to attend both.
I will put it this way. I've known about some of this information before it was posted on PB. I chose not to say anything because my instructions were to keep this hidden until I was told I could post it. It is a violation of TPCi's policy to post information that is not supposed to be disclosed until TPCi says it can be.
dragonexpert said:
I will put it this way. I've known about some of this information before it was posted on PokéBeach. I chose not to say anything because my instructions were to keep this hidden until I was told I could post it. It is a violation of TPCi's policy to post information that is not supposed to be disclosed until TPCi says it can be.

but where's the fun in that? ;)

and unless WPM is a TO, there really isn't going to be any backlash. It's less than a week before september 1st which is when we would have found out anyways. No harm, minor foul.

what say we get back onto the topic of how awesome it's going to be to have a nats invite secured so far in advance and be able to just mess around all season testing out "secret decks"

Visitor9x said:
Certainly not the case. Since this information leak has been attributed to an anonymous Oregon judge, all of the Oregon judges are under suspicion of the leak. Therefore, everyone's in trouble over one person leaking information that wasn't worth leaking in the first place, being as how we'll know about it next week anyway.

I think the article states that it was confirmed by an oregon judge. Not that it was leaked by one.
November? Isnt that like before cities? Anyways,2 day regionals isnt so bad.But then you need to make it home for school the next day,so its bad if you dont live in the same state and its far away.The 2nd day for video game challenges?Fun! I hope theres a regionals in New York.
I live on the East coast, and a two day Regional is an okay idea if one day is dedicated to TCG and the other VGC

As for Regional in November, this is a terrible idea. The meta-game has not been developed, this encourage winners to stay home and horde their points, and does not promote skill at all.

carlitosbob said:
maybe Regionals will be better now, IMO. less people will be attending due to the date/s and the metagame being Yanmega variants and reshiram variants with a splash of donphan and zekroms. Noble Victors will be a fresh set. being released right before the event. it'll just make things unexpected.

@superman, umm.. wasn't there no established metagame before our Nationals event? just sayin'

I for one, will be glad if I win, cuz it would be super cool to have an invite to nationals and be able to coast and just mess around all season. kind of like I did last year because the metagame was all stale and boring.

it also means I can go to Nor Cal's Regionals too if I want to as well.

@ DNA, how is this focusing on Juniors? however, I am in total agreement that 2 days is too much.

Exactly. Which is why we need more time to let the meta develop. It is still too new and real decks aren't available yet.
Guys, be realistic. EVERYBODY who is anybody knew this by now. I found out at Worlds, but a majority of non-PTOs found out at nats. Nothing negative will happen -- we cannot do anything with this information that we could not have done without this information. Nothing is going to happen -_- Jon has done more questionable things... this isn't one of them.

superman said:
As for Regional in November, this is a terrible idea. The meta-game has not been developed, this encourage winners to stay home and horde their points, and does not promote skill at all.

Exactly. Which is why we need more time to let the meta develop. It is still too new and real decks aren't available yet.

I'm not sure I get you superman. The opposite is very true. The format for November Regionals will be very well developed. We'll have been playing that format for three months. The main decks are already pretty well established as of now. Now we have to modify them to be amazing... The meta is already developed as of now... it'll be ready for November.

I cannot understand your concept about hording points. Being that Regionals is usually a K32 event, it is a must do. The earlier it is in the year, the more players have to do it. NOBODY skips states because it is the first tier 2 event. People rarely skip regionals, and people only sometime skips nats. In November, most players will be tied at around the 1620 mark (at best assuming BRs is still K4). Regionals will be the first big event to get points. On the contrary to what you're saying, November regionals encourages players to get out to get their first big chance at big points.

NEXT, anyone saying that 2 day Regionals is bad... you guys are either dumb, or you don't play top cut in masters at big events. 2 Day Regionals is a must! Being a Californian-tournament-goer, I am accustomed to playing regionals until at about 3 in the morning. As a player, I have gotten so tired as to misplay myself right out of top cut. Being able to sleep before top cut is a fantastic idea. Anyone who disagrees... well you aren't the target audience for the day change, so eh ;P
Unfortunately WPM's not willing to take any responsibility for the trouble this is causing... and neither is his "source" for this information.

Call it trolling if you want but if you really think somebody'd make an account here to troll about this then whatever.

I find it a little disturbing that the majority of you guys are more interested in how this news leak benefits you than how it hurts others. Just because it's not effecting you or your community doesn't mean it's not effecting anyone else.

Yes, I understand a lot of you people knew about this before it was announced here on Pokebeach. I've known about if for quite some time. But, as another poster on here said, that information was trusted to a certain few and sadly some people decided to breach that trust.

If you are concerned about this situation I urge you to speak up about it. Tell the people who can do something about it. And if you're one of the guys who leaked this stuff? You should come forward. You've hurt everyone that trusted you in this community. The quicker this gets resolved, the less trouble it's going to cause overall.
I'm the one who directly confirmed to WPM that this is the truth. Only you are concerned about the thing -_- As I said before, everyone who is anyone already knew. The "information leak" doesn't hurt anyone, and it only helps us, so who cares? As a result of this information, I have already booked my trip to nats for a reduced rate. This "leak" directly affected me in a positive way. I, as a player, have no downside to this information. The information came from my PTO at a speech at prereleases last weekend. I got on AIM and sent Jon a message. He heard the news from enough people to know that this is factual.

If you want to see where this news is from, check out the southern Californian PTO's website at www.ptegames.com

I'd like to know what possible harm could have come from this. You seem to care about it so much, Visitor, that you must be able to demonstrate harm from this in some way, shape, or form.
who exactly is causing the hubub? I doubt it's TPCi. It's most likely the PTO who is emberassed that oregon was named. The PTO for socal has it up on their site. When was it put there, I don't know. But the site hasn't been updated since before world's so maybe as soon as july. TPCi still allowed them to run side events @ world's, so I really, really doubt that this trouble you're experiencing is coming from TPCi or P!P.

if it does get bad, report your PTO for harassing their judges for some info that wasn't actually leaked by one of you guys, simply confirmed. Worst case scenario the PTO gets a stern talking to to treat the judges better.

and that's why I think you're trolling.

edit: kinda ninja'd on the pte info except I didn't out PTE directly
Visitor9x said:
Unfortunately WPM's not willing to take any responsibility for the trouble this is causing... and neither is his "source" for this information.

Call it trolling if you want but if you really think somebody'd make an account here to troll about this then whatever.

I find it a little disturbing that the majority of you guys are more interested in how this news leak benefits you than how it hurts others. Just because it's not effecting you or your community doesn't mean it's not effecting anyone else.

Yes, I understand a lot of you people knew about this before it was announced here on Pokebeach. I've known about if for quite some time. But, as another poster on here said, that information was trusted to a certain few and sadly some people decided to breach that trust.

If you are concerned about this situation I urge you to speak up about it. Tell the people who can do something about it. And if you're one of the guys who leaked this stuff? You should come forward. You've hurt everyone that trusted you in this community. The quicker this gets resolved, the less trouble it's going to cause overall.
Mods, ban him please. You can do something about the troll.
Please don't tell us how to do our job.~de