(1) Pokemon’s Twitter Asks About Eevee’s Evolutions… Possible Hint? [1/6]

Teal said:
Water Pokémon Master said:
I just noticed that if this were a new Eeveelution, it would be the eighth one... the announcement is being made on the 8th! It's a Tuesday too, which is an odd day of the week to make a Pokemon announcement. Not sure if I'm looking too much into things at this point though...
AlanaSaysHey said:
1 Eevee.
8th Eeveelution.
OMIGAWD!!! 1-8-13!!!
I was thinking the exact same thing when I saw the question on Twitter, looks like I was outsped. :<

The stars are probably a hint. I mean if there is going to be a new eeveelution (stars => light?) then why not hint at it in the logo? Why make such a weird stylistic choice (the stars) anyway?

The stars make no sense to be on Espeons symbol either.

Unless they'll give away A SHINY EEVEE WHEN MOVIE IS SHOWING. If thats the case, they might have just put the stars somewhere.
OR maybe they are just trying to completely distract us from guessing the real announcement by dishing out false hints. Now that we're all focused on Eeve, their "Big Announcement" will be even more suspenseful, consequently creating an even bigger surprise when we all find out that it really has absolutely nothing to do with eveelutions. Everyone should post a picture of their faces in the picture thread when this happens. Haha

But if it were, a dragon type eveelution would be awesome. Or as some have mentioned, the introduction of a new type.

TheAmazingDerpfish said:
Dragon and Normal type Eeveelutions pls.

We already have a normal type eveelution. It's called Eevee. :]
A flying eevee seems strange but they might make it work to surprise us. Otherwise I'm thinking Draceon or Steeleon.
They already have 2 of the 4 original elements, so I predict ground and flying, considering there is no "air" or "wind" type.
evilpacman said:
I personally cant see Dragon, Ghost or Bug type Eevee. All the other types represent some kind of element while these three seem to represent a thing. To me, those types are limiting because they are not elemental. Ghost kinda gets a pass because it could just represent dead things but Bug and Dragon for sure give me a hard time. I cant see an Eevee becoming Bug or Dragon at all.

Either way, I wouldn't care if it would happen. I'm hoping to only learn a few of the new generation before I get the games. I'm going to limit that to the 3 starters (basic only), the mascots and whatever might be revealed before those. I'm going to do it! I want to be surprised for the game!

I personally can only see ground or rock type eeveelutions working =/
I think a steel eeveelution would be like the other eeveelutions. but with steel armor, and maybe a glowing laser eye. I dunno. Or perhaps it becomes fully mechanized.
The previous eeveelutions have all been special types (before the physical/special split) with the exception of Dragon. That's why I think Dragon would be the only one that would make sense.
Elite Stride said:
TheAmazingDerpfish said:
Dragon and Normal type Eeveelutions pls.

We already have a normal type eveelution. It's called Eevee. :]

But there is a difference between

jynxed said:
The previous eeveelutions have all been special types (before the physical/special split) with the exception of Dragon. That's why I think Dragon would be the only one that would make sense.

The types that were special, were so because they were more elemental.

In other words, they didn't intentionally pick "only special" types for Eeveelutions, but the types that were appropriate for eeveelutions just happen to have been special, on similar basis.
Flygon2071 said:
Bug = Cockreonn (like cockroach)


Just... no.

signofzeta said:
I think a steel eeveelution would be like the other eeveelutions. but with steel armor, and maybe a glowing laser eye. I dunno. Or perhaps it becomes fully mechanized.

So in other words, when you're evolving the Eevee, you kill it and revive it in metal armor? Sounds legit.
jynxed said:
The previous eeveelutions have all been special types (before the physical/special split) with the exception of Dragon. That's why I think Dragon would be the only one that would make sense.

The other train of thought is that all previous eeveelutions have resisted their own types, with the exception of Poison and Steel. That's why they think Poison and Steel are the only ones that would make sense to them.
Referring to the comments about a new type: There is nothing that hints at a new type at the moment. Of course I don't know what GameFreak is planning but IMO it's unlikely and unnecessary. Especially a light type as counterpart of dark won't happen: Gamefreak could have done this when introducing Espeon and Umbreon in Gen 2, they could have done it when introducing Darkrai and Cresselia in Gen 4 - The fact is they never did. I consider Psychic as containing the idea of transcendental or sacred energy opposed to dark powers, while Fighting contains the idea of honest and fair battle opposed to shifty and malicious attitude of some Dark type's Pokemon.

evilpacman said:
I personally cant see Dragon, Ghost or Bug type Eevee. All the other types represent some kind of element while these three seem to represent a thing. To me, those types are limiting because they are not elemental. Ghost kinda gets a pass because it could just represent dead things but Bug and Dragon for sure give me a hard time. I cant see an Eevee becoming Bug or Dragon at all.

I agree with this, because Eevee is based on a fox (other sources say pet dog or tanuki, anyhow a mammal). A mammal evolving to a reptile (Dragon), an insect or arthropod (Bug - GameFreaks type for everything small with many legs) is illogical and a deceased Eevee as Ghost might be a little bit creepy.

However, as the Pokédex entries of many games name enviroment as main factor for Eevee's evolution I could see following types:
- Ground (as adaptation to a life in deserts)
- Poison (life in a swamp or necessity of producing venom against enemies)
- Rock (life in mountainous regions or in caves, especially to camouflage)
- Flying (advantage of flying, living in an area where ability to fly is necessary to reach high-lying places)
independent of environment, but still possible:
- Steel (could work similar to Steelix / Scizor by harden the skin)
Flygon2071 said:
Bug = Cockroen (like cockroach)
Ghost = Spriteon

Oh, god. Cockreon just no. For those two I'd prefer something like Arthreon and Bansheon.