(1) Pokemon’s Twitter Asks About Eevee’s Evolutions… Possible Hint? [1/6]

Blob55 said:
I prefer a Fighting Eeveelution to a Flying one. Why would a fox grow wings anyway?
Never said it must have wings like a bird. There are several flying mammals like bats or flying squirrels, could be similar with a flying Eeveelution.
I think ground, flying, and normal are the most probable. I would love to see ghost however, that is my most anticipated eeveelution, and the second is bug. Although, I'm understanding the argument that says eevee only evolves into types that represent an environment... but then I look at espeon. I know that espeon is the daylight pokemon and umbreon is the night time pokemon, but what I dont get is... why psychic for daylight? That just doesn't make sense to me. I know they needed a way to counter umbreons dark type, which actually made sense. But the way espeon evolves just doesn't make sense to me, it sounds like they almost just threw espeon in for the sole purpose of having a counterpart to umbreon. I don't understand why a psychic pokemon needs the daylight and how that would fit as its environment.

Basically, what I'm saying is, if GameFreak really wanted to, they could probably just make up an environment for any type that they wished and it doesn't even entirely have to make complete sense. For example, I could see a dragon type eevee living in the mountains just as I could rock, ground, steel, or fighting, or a bug type eevee living in the trees as well as flying. Poison could be in sewers, polluted, or marshlike places, and ghost could be lonely environments such as abandoned houses or creepy places you normally find ghost pokemon (maybe an eeveelution that evolves at a level up with 0 happiness? I could see that!)

But then you see espeon. What kind of environment could you think of for a psychic type pokemon? I honestly cant really think of one.. all psychic pokemon don't really have their own place, they're usually just found in grass at random spots like drowzee or in the mix with ghost types. Daylight and psychic doesn't make sense, so I believe that this proves that there can be an environment made up for any type, leaving the possibility that ANY type that hasn't been used yet has a possibility of having it's own eeveelution.

The only thing that does bother me however, is seeing eevee change from a mammal to a reptile or bug. I believe that this can be easily countered as well however, as there are pokemon that represent types that don't even look like the type they represent. Take lucario and steel for example, or dunsparce and normal (looks more like bug/ground to me), or especially gligar and gliscor being a ground/flying type which to everyone looks like a poison/flying/or bug type (it even has poison heal for crying out loud!)
Basically, a steel eevee might not have a steel coating anywhere on its body, a dragon eevee might not have to look reptilian to be a dragon, and a bug eevee might not have to have an exoskeleton look to it to be a bug. The possibilities are endless! It is never too late for GameFreak to change things up a bit and make eevee evolve into something different, or hey, even add a new light typing. They converted magnemite to a steel type in second gen, they could convert a lot more Pokemon to light type in 6th gen to balance it. A new type is a whole different discussion though.

TL;DR: I believe that every type has a chance at having its own eeveelution.
I don't think they will make Dragon eeveelutions because it is the type that most people like so GF won't give it immediately. IMO they will have more eeveelutions leaving Dragon until the end. I say this will be the order:

Gen 6 Ghost/Bug
Gen 8 Poison/Grass
Gen 10 Fighting/Flying
Gen 12 Ground/Rock
Gen 13 Dragon/Steel

Thanks The Guy.
Flygon2071 said:
I don't think they will make Dragon eeveelutions because it is the type that most people like so GF won't give it immediately. IMO they will have more eeveelutions leaving Dragon until the end. I say this will be the order:

Gen 6 Ghost/Bug
Gen 8 Poison/Ice
Gen 10 Fighting/Flying
Gen 12 Ground/Rock
Gen 14 Grass/Steel
Gen 15 Dragon

We already have Ice and Grass (4th Gen)
TheGuy said:
Flygon2071 said:
I don't think they will make Dragon eeveelutions because it is the type that most people like so GF won't give it immediately. IMO they will have more eeveelutions leaving Dragon until the end. I say this will be the order:

Gen 6 Ghost/Bug
Gen 8 Poison/Ice
Gen 10 Fighting/Flying
Gen 12 Ground/Rock
Gen 14 Grass/Steel
Gen 15 Dragon

We already have Ice and Grass (4th Gen)

Also, he forgot Normal.
I bet a new weather is coming! a mix of old 'Fog' with toxic (Toxic Fog) that doesn't affect Poison/Bug/Steal types and -1 accuracy to other types (including Steel types), plus damage (like sand and snow storms) every turn on the other types as well! And that's how eevee evolve! Affected by the environment!

Bolt the Cat said:
rocky505 said:
So it can become a fish like species but not an insect like one or dragon one?

Vaporeon isn't a fish.
It has fish characteristics. It gains a fin at the end of it's tail, it grows scales and weird fin like features around it's face. I know that it is NOT a fish, I know it has traits of a fish though, and if they can give an Eeveelution traits of a fish they can give one traits of a dragon or Insect.
ilucado said:
I bet a new weather is coming! a mix of old 'Fog' with toxic (Toxic Fog) that doesn't affect Poison/Bug/Steal types +1 evasion to them and -1 evasion to other types, including damage (like sand and snow storms) every turn! And that's how eevee evolve! Affected by the environment!

Woah, I never thought of that. This would be a very interesting way to evolve any pokemon. I read somewhere that every time GameFreak creates evolutions to old pokemon, they always have a new method of evolution whether it be a new item or new way entirely. A level up in a weather condition would be awesome.. I could see the whole toxic fog thing. I can also see very windy conditions for a flying eevee, or LEVEL UP IN SANDSTORM FOR A GROUND EEVEE! :D (I also think there should have been a sandstorm castorm, maybe eventually we would get to see that?)

The possibilities are endless, and if anyone things GameFreak is running out of ideas for new ways to evolve old pokemon, think again. ^_^
Zielo said:
... but then I look at espeon. I know that espeon is the daylight pokemon and umbreon is the night time pokemon, but what I dont get is... why psychic for daylight? That just doesn't make sense to me. I know they needed a way to counter umbreons dark type, which actually made sense. But the way espeon evolves just doesn't make sense to me, it sounds like they almost just threw espeon in for the sole purpose of having a counterpart to umbreon. I don't understand why a psychic pokemon needs the daylight and how that would fit as its environment.
Would agree here - Espeon seems more constructed as Umbreon's clear counterpart. I think GameFreak wanted to refer to the difference between diurnal and nocturnal activity and their consequences here.

Zielo said:
The only thing that does bother me however, is seeing eevee change from a mammal to a reptile or bug. I believe that this can be easily countered as well however, as there are pokemon that represent types that don't even look like the type they represent. Take lucario and steel for example, or dunsparce and normal (looks more like bug/ground to me), or especially gligar and gliscor being a ground/flying type which to everyone looks like a poison/flying/or bug type (it even has poison heal for crying out loud!)
I think that the different types claim differently strong characteristics for the particular Pokemon. While the Flying type just states that a Pokemon has the ability to fly or Poison states that a Pokemon is able to create venom, types like dragon or bug notably limit the species of animals/plants/other creatures this Pokemon can be based of. IMO dragon or bug typed Pokemon can't be of mammal origin and so far there aren't any.
ilucado said:
I bet a new weather is coming! a mix of old 'Fog' with toxic (Toxic Fog) that doesn't affect Poison/Bug/Steal types +1 evasion to them and -1 evasion to other types, including damage (like sand and snow storms) every turn! And that's how eevee evolve! Affected by the environment!

Better -1 Accuracy to non-Poison or Bug Pokemon and pokemon lose health if they are not Bug, Steel or Poison.
Flygon2071 said:
ilucado said:
I bet a new weather is coming! a mix of old 'Fog' with toxic (Toxic Fog) that doesn't affect Poison/Bug/Steal types +1 evasion to them and -1 evasion to other types, including damage (like sand and snow storms) every turn! And that's how eevee evolve! Affected by the environment!

Better -1 Accuracy to non-Poison or Bug Pokemon and pokemon lose health if they are not Bug, Steel or Poison.

that is what I meant! =P
Hey everyone, I was just looking at the revealed Shiny Collection scans. It appears that the two Eevelutions will be in that set. The two types there are gaps for in the checklist are Bug and Ghost. Not ruling out other types completely, but if this is the case those will be the the types. I personally would've liked a Dragon Eeveelution, but that's what I found...
Fennex said:
I think that the different types claim differently strong characteristics for the particular Pokemon. While the Flying type just states that a Pokemon has the ability to fly or Poison states that a Pokemon is able to create venom, types like dragon or bug notably limit the species of animals/plants/other creatures this Pokemon can be based of. IMO dragon or bug typed Pokemon can't be of mammal origin and so far there aren't any.

Thats true, but like I said, its never too late for GameFreak to change things up a bit (they sure proved that when BW2 came out and not grey)
I'm still not as 100% certain that there will be a bug and dragon eevee, but I still think that it is definitely possible if GF really wanted to and I would be very interested to see how they would come out.

Also, as far as a pokemon based on one animal (eevee, a fox) evolving into a pokemon of an entirely different species, I know this is also definitely possible as well. For example: remoraid (fish) into octillery (octopus), eggsecute (eegs) into exeggutor (some pineapple tree thing), clamperl (clam) into eel pokemon, and lets not forget feebas and magikarp.. xD
I'd also like to add that I don't really find anything very reptilian about reshiram being that its so furry/feathery, and even the hydreigon line has some fur on them. I still think they could pull off a dragon eeveelution with fur.