(1) Pokemon 'Black' and 'White' Game Coverage Begins! [9/17]

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In the front page news article Pokemon Black and White Game Coverage Begins! [9/17], the author writes:
A boy named Kidachi just ran up to Aloe - he says she's his mom. He tells his mom Team Plasma stole some bones from the museum.
I believe that this is incorrect. Kidachi is Aloe's husband, not her son.

He refers to her as "Mama" (ママ) in the scene being referenced but he does so as a husband does to a wife. (In Japan today, this is a more common practice than in the West, though certainly some of you are familiar with Western stories in which a husband and wife pair refer to one another as Mother and Father or Mama and Papa.)

We know that Kidachi is Aloe's wife because of when we first meet him. He takes us on a tour of the fossil museum first. Then he takes us upstairs and, before sending us on our way into the gym portion of the building, he boasts that Aloe is the strongest and gentlest of all the gym leaders in Isshu. (Look for the words 強くて やさしい in his dialogue.) After he says this, he adds on that she is also his wife. (Look for the word 奥さん.)
I don't care much about the power ranger.. Oh well, what I'll end up doing is finding someone who has black, trading all the exclusives over, breed them, and then trade them off to people who want them. :)
I'd love to know what the ability "Weak-Kneed" does so I can know to call Archaeos (# 567, this guy
) broken or not.

His stat spread is incredible; 140 Attack (tied with just rhyperior, only bested by previous ubers), 112 Special Attack (mixed sweeper, anyone?), and 110 speed. This thing is like Aerodactyl on steroids. Albeit a little bit slower, but after one or two speed boosts I can see it wrecking through tons of stuff.

But his ability, loosely translated as "Weak-Kneed", seems like it would do him more harm than good, to balance him out. So I'd love to know what it does if anyone can confirm.
I'd like to know as well... Actually, a lot of the new abilities need to be translated. That'll be coming soon though, probably by tommorow evening.
@redneck: I heard it cuts it's stats in half when it's below 50% health. That was from smogon.(I'm pretty sure they said all stats)

If thats supposed to be a parody of Achilles heel, then jesus christ GF is on a troll.
or mabye it makes super effective atks four times effective and supersuper effectivebecomes 8 times efeective, so water becomes four times affective againts it!
Weak Kneed is probably going to send it down into the depths of NU, just like every time an awesome pokemon comes and they decide he's too tough and they need to "balance" him with an ability.
I think it's a bit too early to tell. Wait for base stats, movepool, etc then judge.
Not at all. You simply swap the ability onto somebody else. That way, your archeopteryx gains a good ability while your opponent's sweeper, sponge, whatever loses a good ability and gains a very bad one.

"Hey, Blissey. I'll be taking your Serene Grace and leaving you with this Weak Kneed. I hope you don't mind."
But we already have base stats and movepool! The only thing we aren't positive about is his ability, but we are fairly sure what it does.

Talon- Wait how would that work? He can't learn skill swap!
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