(1) Pokemon Pedometer: PokeWalker! [6/6]

It is pointless anyway because you would just be getting EXP on your Pokemon unless they actually add EV's as they level up. I don't think they will release it over here though. Most likely not.:)
Gimmicky but cool. The question is, is it reliable? They released the giratina figure, so why not this?
Lance and Salamence said:
Gimmicky but cool. The question is, is it reliable? They released the giratina figure, so why not this?

You should see the cool toys and promos Japan has had and we will never see.
Hah! I would definitely be the one to attach it to paint can and shaker. But the big question has been brought up. Which Evs do you get? Maybe you get a certain amount for your steps per minute at the end of the day? Perhaps you'll get to assign them? Maybe Heart Gold and Soul Silver have completely dropped Evs to prevent the very competitive fans from going insane to prepare in a tournament? Not likely but...DUH DUH DUH!

New Idea: They just released a walking game for the DSi, which uses a pedometer like object. Maybe their is hope for the pokedometer. I would probably be too lazy though to walk seperately and just tape them together when walking.
It'll be just like the Daycare Center, i.e. No EVs involved. It just gains Exp. and Levels.

dmaster out.
I honestly really, really like this. So what if it's a quick and easy way to level up? I think it'll be a lot of fun having this around when you aren't able to/don't want to play the main games. When I first saw this, I immediately thought of Pikachu GS anyway. Even awesomer is that you can send over any of your Pokemon. Now a way for me to play Pokemon at work! w00t :p

Is there a reason why my post gets edited when I have news that isn't on the front page? I said it before it came on the front page, so I'll say it again:

More good news! No rotation! Yay! :D

Can you imagine a little kid sitting at their desk at school, shaking the Pokewalk up and down? I just thought that that would possibly be the funniest thing i ever saw

Kinda inappropriate, but i couldn't resist
20 steps is 1 watt? I bet some of those itemstools are 30,000 watts or more. Good luck shaking for 18 hours, dumb kid. >___>

dmaster out.